


5 years, 3 months ago





German Shepherd


Traits- Cold, organized, direct, impatient, short-tempered, intelligent, hard-working, professional. 

Germany takes everything very seriously. He enjoys doing what he’s supposed to do and expects everyone to do the same. He doesn't like seeing others slacking off or breaking the rules and will not hesitate to lecture them about their behavior. He has little to no patience when it comes to other dogs. Being one minute late to an event is a war crime punishable by death in his eyes. He gets annoyed easily and tends to lash out. It isn't rare to hear him belt out a scream from the other side of the building because hes annoyed with someone, in fact its a common occurrence. When he's mad about something (which he usually always is) he can only hold it in and let it build up for so long before he has to scream or rip a door off it's hinges. Needless to say he has anger-issues. Despite that he is an intelligent dog who works hard and puts his all into everything he does. He loves working and always has something to do. Germany takes his job very seriously and its usually the only thing on his mind. Because of that most dogs assume that's all their is to his personality but that is simply not true. Germany wants nothing more than to be respected and since most dogs see him in a business environment he tries his best to be professional but when he is out casually with friends or his wife he's more willing to laugh and approach things less strictly. He can be very emotional and will cry if he's too overwhelmed or sad. Overall, Germany is a hard-working, serious dog with anger issues but also has a soft side that's reserved for the ones he cares about.


Germany is a German Shepherd standing at 5’10 (177.8 cm.) He has a strong upper body and a thin waist. For color he is mostly an orange-brown with black on his muzzle, eyebrows,  forehead, under his eyes, back of his ears, and his back down to his tail. He also has a light beige color on the lower half of his face that extends down his torso and tail. His ears are very tall and are usually pointing straight up. This helps him appear taller than he actually is which Germany likes. His fur is fairly short except on his tail. His tail is medium length and fluffy. 

As for outfits. He normally dresses formally or in business casual attire. Its rare for anyone to see him wearing anything else. The outfit hes mostly seen in is a red dress shirt along with a yellow tie and a black suit jacket over that, matched with black dress pants and dress shoes. Germany is married so he almost always wears his wedding ring on his right hand. Germans wear wedding rings on the right hand instead of the left so that is why he does so as well. He occasionally wears glasses, mostly when he’s reading or sitting at his desk. He’s far-sighted so he needs glasses to see things close up. 


France is Germany's wife. Although they have a rough history together, after World War II they started getting along pretty well and eventually started to date in the 1960's. The two were at the head of the European Union and often spent late nights working for it which is where they got to know each other more. One of the main themes for the EU is peace and two former enemies being at the head for such a thing is a great look. However, they didn't get married because of the EU, but because they genuinely love each other. Germany isn't the most romantic husband out there he is still able to show affection towards France and keep her happy. He's willing to let his soft side show around her.

Russia and Germany are friends. Germany enjoys Russia's company and finds him entertaining. Russia is one of the only dogs that understands Germany's strange sense of humor and can make him laugh. Germany finds Russia to be pretty funny even when he isn't trying to be. They don't go out that often, they usually only see each other in the meeting building, but once in a while they go out for drinks. Germany sometimes gets annoyed at Russia because of how chaotic he is but he still likes him at the end of the day.

Poland and Germany actually do like each other. Despite their hateful pasts, in the present day they do get along decently. They can carry on a normal conversation but Poland enjoys slipping in comments about the past. He isn't doing it out of spite or hate but just to joke around and tease Germany. Germany doesn't always understand its a joke or that Poland doesn't mean what hes saying but they still manage to be friends despite that.

Italy and Germany get along well. They've been friends for a long time and they find each others countries and cultures interesting. Although Italy isn't the brightest and might not be too organized Germany cant help but love him and enjoy the time they spend together.

Sweden and Germany get along pretty well. They have a lot in common, Sweden is often called "the Germany of the north" and Germany "Sweden for adults" They have their differences, the most prominent one being Germany is formal while Sweden not so much. But overall they are very similar. Germany respects Sweden greatly and finds him pleasant to be around.

Japan is someone Germany has mixed feelings about. Germany tries to keep a business relationship with him and isn't that interested in becoming friends. Japan can make Germany uncomfortable for a number of reasons. He doesn't understand Japanese culture and the way Japan ignores issues of importance. He feels as if Japan doesn't listen to him or take him seriously. Germany also doesn't like how he handles his history and finds that worrying. Other than that Japan enjoys seafood and sometimes prepares them while their still alive which Germany finds unethical, he gets really upset about it. 

USA makes Germany uncomfortable. Germany is a reserved person and America is the total opposite of that. America is loud, obnoxious, and childish, which makes Germany uneasy and annoyed. America is also way too much of an egomaniac which worries him a lot. They manage to get along sometimes but Germany can't begin to imagine being friends with him. He'd have to rip his own ears off.

Australia has caused a lot of annoyance for Germany throughout history and still continues too whether it's on purpose or not. Most of there present day problems stem from how Australia treats the meeting building, he is constantly causing chaos, smuggling in animals, tracking in mud, and just making a mess so Germany often finds himself lecturing him.


● Doesn't understand flirting at all. He can't give or take hints when it comes to romance. 

● Still goes to therapy meetings. He technically doesn't have to anymore since he was only supposed to attend for a decade after World War II but he continues to go because he it helps a lot with his current problems and hes still trying to correct his anger issues.

● A huge tattletale. If anyone is even close to breaking the rules he'll report them and try to get them in trouble.

● Stares at others a lot. Not to be creepy (even though it totally comes off that way) but just to observe and make sure everyone's doing what they're supposed to be doing. Germany staring at someone for too long doesn't always mean they're doing something wrong or close to. He's just keeping a look out.

● Drinks a ton of beer. It's hard to tell when hes drunk he acts the same exact way except maybe talks with a mild slur. Anything he can do sober he can do just as well when he's drunk.

●Enjoys singing along to music when he's alone. He doesn't even realize he does it half the time. He listens to music when he's in his office and sings along occasionally. He gets embarrassed if he's caught.

●Has an interest in bisque dolls. Bisque dolls were mostly produced in Germany and France. So together they share a collection of antique dolls. Germany has a room in his home dedicated to them so he can display and keep them safe.


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