Prince Tobias



5 years, 3 months ago


"For Sol, For My People."





Powers & Abilities

Swordplay. The young man is quite excellent at wielding a rapier. Years of training have given him both outstanding form and footwork, and one would be a fool to underestimate him.

Ice Manipulation. He's a fledgling magician at best, but has learned to utilize his powers to aid him in combat.


The kindhearted Prince of Sol.

Charismatic and intelligent, Tobias was born to be a diplomat. The young man is the furthest thing from a war-hero in the making, but unfortunately, was born during the great war between Sol and Alencia.

Born during the peak of the great war, his father - King Reginald - taught him the ways of both steel and magic. Tobias had a knack for swordplay, but could never seem to understand magic or the art of war. As much as the King and the royal advisers tried, they could never seem to rid the boy of his softness.

Admittedly, the prince is nothing like The Great King Reginald. And while Tobias doesn't see anything wrong with his different, more peaceful approach to things, it's earned him the scorn of the army generals. 

There's a bit of a divide in terms of how Tobias is viewed by Sol's citizens.

On the one hand, he's the son of the Great King. The people and the royal family have watched him grown up and have pinned their hopes onto him - on the idea that he would one day surpass the great king and bring peace to Sol.

On the other hand, he's nothing like his father - he'd rather compromise than raise his blade, and he'd rather be loved than feared. It's clear he'll never rule with an iron fist, and it's clear that he doesn't want to try.

Tobias does want to make his father and his people proud however, at the end of the day, he's just a clueless young man who's pretty much carrying the collective weight of his Kingdom on his weary shoulders.


"I'm not my father. I have to do things my way."

Born to King Reginald and Queen Tatianna. Tobias' mother died during chilbirth, and the prince was mostly raised by the royal advisers and his war-hero father. Tobias grew up during the great war between Sol and Alencia, yet has managed to keep his relative softness and pacifistic nature. The prince grew up learning the art of war, but never really learned how to become a warrior. From the very beginning, he was always more of a diplomat than a fighter. 

Sometime after Tobias' 20th birthday, King Reginald died in skirmish with one of Alencia's Generals. Tobias was thrust into his father's place and was given the position of both King of Sol and General of Sol's army. While still reeling from his father's death and the sudden tidal wave of responsibility, the World Eater escaped and began to wreck havoc.

Overwhelmed by his father's death, the ongoing war, and The World Eater's escape, Tobias decided to contact the defenders only to end up summoning a group of teenagers from the small town of Oakwoods. 

The citizens of Sol have been very upset by the turn of events, and Tobias has been trying to prove himself ever since.



The World Eater

[ enemy, big bad ] The entity that threatens Sol's very existence. Tobias detests the world eater with every fiber of his being. The young prince doesn't know much about the strange entity, only that it wishes to consume all of Sol and the people he's promised to protect. The World Eater's escape has weighed heavily on Tobias' shoulders, and eventually, it is what prompts the prince to summon The Defenders and put together an army. In a way, The World Eater is the death of Tobias' idealism and pacifism. Throughout the course of the Sol Arc, The World Eater ends up pushing Tobias to become more and more like The Great King Reginald.


Flynn Barker

[ defender ] The relationship between Tobias and Flynn is, to say the least, strained. Flynn and his friends were summoned entirely by accident, and Flynn has held this against Tobias since day one. They start out on a rather sour note - distrust and anger mostly, but they eventually learn to work together when they realize The World Eater is out to destroy both Sol and Earth.