Jack January Wyatt



5 years, 4 months ago


Name [Jack January Wyatt]
Age [42]
Height [6'4]
Build [Muscular]
Species [Half-Demon]
Gender [info]
Orient. [Bisexual]
Taken? [Male]
Creator [Kichip]
Occupation [Demon Contractor]

Tall, Muscular, Nervous smile, ruffled brown hair, deep red eyes, gentle-giant look

  • Stitched up skin
  • Prefers not wearing his glasses
  • Sharp-ish teeth
  • Can look threatening if he tried

Jack is a very kind person towards others and tends to be calm in the face of danger. He rarely raises his voice and he doesn't like resorting to violence but will if needed. He's a gentle giant, but knows when to be serious and a bit more harsh.


His mother stayed with him for 5 years before disappearing. His father mourned the loss of his beautiful wife, but nontheless raised Jack as good as he possibly could. He worked extra shifts and did his best to get promotions so he had enough money to provide while also spoiling his kid. Jack was okay with his father wanting another wife, but Jacks father never moved on because he was afraid that it would hurt his sons feelings. He always put his son first.

Jack grew up and moved out, but constantly visits and calls his dad to make sure he is doing well. He told his father that he could move on, he would never hold it against him. Jacks father eventually did and met a very nice woman who he later married, and Jack was glad he was happy, plus his stepmom loved him dearly and they got along perfectly. Jack worked at a small cafe, but he also worked as a demon contractor. This means that demons would hire him to either collect souls for them to eat, or they would hire him to kill someone. And he did. He was amazing at his work and climbed the ranks in the underworld. He eventually got tired of the work and wanted to settle down so he disappeared from the underworld, and it caused a ruckus since he was high up in the hierarchy. Demons search for him as they are offered a reward if they get him to join back in his work, yet he refuses to go back.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  • Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl.
  • Curabitur egestas, sapien in auctor vestibulum, elit quam interdum ex, vel rutrum magna eros vitae urna.
  • Cras turpis ex, cursus sed lacus vel, congue gravida dui.
  • Pellentesque sapien dolor, congue id sagittis id, ullamcorper in enim. Nunc pulvinar posuere sapien sit amet porta.

  • Coffee
  • Sweets
  • Breakfast
  • Working out
  • Quiet, Serene places

  • Clubs/Loud music
  • Hurting others/resorting to violence
  • Reality TV
  • Demons

Dad Very Close

He loves his dad and is thankful for how hard he works for him to make him happy.

Layla Girlfriend

He loves his girlfriend as she's always so sweet to him and others.

Name relationship

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam in porta sapien. Ut interdum hendrerit tincidunt. Praesent non ipsum venenatis, scelerisque mi sed, varius nisl. Sed eget risus sit amet mi suscipit aliquet. Curabitur interdum semper orci, id imperdiet diam accumsan eget.