Espera Azazel



5 years, 4 months ago


Name: Espera Azazel
Iberian Lynx
Evil -> Neutral
October 14th
94 lbs
5ft 5in
Relationship status: 
Taken by Thrift

Personality: Espera can come off very narcissistic and even a psychopath at first.  It's all a facade she puts on as when she meets Thrift she finally breaks down into tears as all the guilt of her wrong doings hit her and the idea of her killing her parents though it wasn't by her will.  Once learning how to care and love for another she becomes more calm and thoughtful while still having her sass, especially against Neos.

Espera was born and raised with the typically happy family. Things changed when Pannox caught the eye of young Espera during one of her doctor visits at his company and controlled her mind through an implant during the appointment that caused her to act erratic and kill her parents.  Before Pannox could kidnap her to make her into a maskerin Don had rescued her.  Espera has been living with Don ever since feeling she owes him but later sees him as a father figure in her life.

Powers/Abilities: Espera has no powers but a natural with weapons.

Deceased parents (TBA), Thrift (boyfriend/ husband) 

Relationship with:
Neos- Espera enjoys bothering and teasing Neos trying to see if she can get a reaction out of him.  Once Neos joins his brothers and leave her, Mallory, Kane and Don behind she finds him as a traitor to their adoptive family.  By the end of things and her new life with Thrift she has a neutral relationship with him and doesn't tease him as much.

Kane- She views Kane as an annoying little brother but is willing to defend him if needed be.

Mallory- She can be annoyed by Mallory's kind nature finding her a pushover.  She tends to speak up for Mallory when she sees Mallory being taken advantage of.  Espera cares about her adoptive family but doesn't voice it much.

Don- Espera respects Don a lot and sees him as a father figure.  She will always check up on him and take care of him with no questions asked.  She doesn't treat anyone else in this manner.

Thrift- Espera at first came after Thrift with the intention to kill him but being overpowered by him and convinced by him about the cold and mean facade she puts on to cover her true feelings she finally breaks down and becomes a more emotional being.  She later grows feelings for Thrift as he treats her very kind despite what she tried to do to him.  Even when she tried to get revenge on Pannox at a party Thrift was there to protect her.