Thrift Akada



5 years, 4 months ago


Name: Thrift Akada
Species: Marten
Alignment: neutral
Gender: male
Birthday: December 3rd
Age: 24
Relationship status: Taken/ Espera 

occupation: Works under Obsidian 

Personality: Cynical, abrasive and hostile, Thrift prefers to keep to himself, After being exposed to various expiramentation regarding his genes rejecting the 'ritualization at first hand, pannox was intrigued by the fact his genes weren't mutating after the process and spent a year using him as a vessel to research the reasons to why, which resulted in increased aggression, self destructive behaviour and statistical tendencies. it was revealed his form had merged in with his body rather then become separate, which was rare. After being reclusive for so long, he eventually opens up to those who try with, however his split personality causes him have current episodes of causing harm. 

Added details

likes: to be alone, cooking, meditation, remaining in control, pasta, landscaping, architecture, his job under obsidian, cold baths

dislikes: when he becomes overly aggressive, Pannox, Sleeping in a single bed, chilli,

Backstory: N/A 


the 'ritualise' process had forced his body and form to come together and often finds his conscious battling for place. shown to have certain deformations, His fingers and hands especially thus keeping them covered 

- Eramir- His other personality is stronger harbouring all the techniques of a usual maskerin. Physical strength and speed become increased, sight and hearing become clearer. Thrifts appearance only shifts slightly, his fur skin becomes hard and dry, teeth are sharper and  his Eyes Become Cat like and sclera becomes turns yellow  Eramir only appears when thrift sheds blood or breaks a bone and has been more cooperative with Thrift since he managed to retain control.

Relationship with:

Obsidian: Due to Thrifts hostile nature, Being around anyone was hard enough for him, until obsidian who had a mutual understand when it came Being conflicted and self destructive in their own ways offered a hand to him. he has a solemn respect for obsidian and often becomes puzzled by his rather flamboyant and charismatic behaviour but tries to learn from it as he adapts himself back among the community again.

Espera: Thrift was very cautious around Espera the first time but as he started to know her backstory he began to undertstand her further then he has been with anyone. Originally hostile and cold her eventually started to feel he needed her influence, His schizophrenia and control over Eramir personality began to get easier once Espera began to talk with him. in response he is unsure whether to support her grudge against Pannox or to stop her. 

Pannox: Thrift views him as an enemy from the beginning since his abduction. Pannox is the centre of all the torture  he received in the last couple of years and wouldn't want to have it any other way then for him to be dead.