
5 years, 5 months ago


Name: Mars
Age: 22
Birthday: March 24th
Bloodtype: O
Height: 5'11
Weight: Overall pretty average, with most muscle mass kept in his forearms.
Eye color: red-orange
Hair color: whiteblonde with red tips in bangs and sideburns (Natural: darker red-brown )
Tattoo placement: the circle bit on right cheek, with the shaft of the arrow diagonal across his face
Power: Sand control and creation

Likes: Tennis, honey in drinks, deep late night chats with friends
Dislikes: People telling him he's stupid
Bedroom: Small room, mostly just a single bed, a busted dresser, & etc.  Mars has a cracked floor mirror, small table, & a squishy chair with a fold-out leaning against the wall.

 Possibly the most boring man who has ever started a chain reaction of murder and destruction. Mars is the type who is rather friendly and helpful in general which isn't a bad trait to have, but he's also kind of blind to the effect it may have on people. He's accidentally flirted with so many people without realizing it, just out of the basic need to want to help people. It would be fine if he was single, but he's technically not, having been in a relationship with Venus since their training days. Or, well. Kind of. Venus had asked if they could date as a 'joke', based off their names, but made it clear she wanted nothing to do with the romance side. He was just sort of her extra pockets and someone to hang off of when she was bored and felt like it. He's not super sure how to get out of this now, especially with his emotions veering elsewhere, but uh. This is fine. He thinks.
Mars knows he's not too high up there on the list of good gifted abilities compared to the others, so he makes up for it by owning and using an actual handgun. Or, well. "Using." He carries it but it's mostly full of blanks, or just not loaded at all. It was actually during target practice one day that he started talking to Saturn more and more, accidentally leading her on a little just from being friendly and wanting to help her out in her own target practice.
When in the hero's world, Mars has a problem hiding his identity thanks to his short hair. He finds a way through a beanie cap though, and will occasionally wander off to play tennis in a park's court. One day it was incredibly windy and got his hat and the bobby pins sticking it down off-- but it's fine. His courtmates were all college stoners who just asked "if he was going to murder them. No? Ok cool, lets finish this set and you can bail." They quickly became a secret group of friends he'd sneak off to visit sometimes under the guise of wandering the city. 

Moon Relation:
Is it possible to be afraid of your own Moons? Because he is. Mars isn't sure what kind of unlucky stick he pulled to get stuck with the world's creepiest set of twins but here he is and there they are. He tried to establish some kind of friendship with the two once, joking at one about the other, and nearly got a fire sword to his throat for his efforts. Mars is more than okay with having them stay as protection back home than anywhere near him on the Hero's World.

Mars tends to have good ideas that go horribly wrong for him. Case and point; he had managed to corner the girl he'd always seen with the Quarterhero who Neptune had a crush on, and her weird male friend who didn't look like he could lift a particularly heavy box of books let alone fight him. He wasn't going to hurt them, he just wanted to use them to lure the Quarterhero out  to 'talk', possibly with fists or sand. However, the 'weird friend' was the Quarterhero, and instead of the hero showing up to fight him-- his much angrier, much more dangerous friend Morgana did. Adding insult to injury, both Neptune and Saturn showed up at well; Neptune because he heard who Mars was going after and wanted to stop him, Saturn because she couldn't leave the two Planets who disliked each other alone to sort it out themselves. A sort of 'anyone who is nearby, come here' alarm was set out but the chain reaction had already started.
Neptune yelling at Mars, who was too distracted by threatening Neptune to leave to notice Morgana rearing her weapon back to disarm him. Saturn, who realized what was going down, running to use herself as a barrier between Mars and Morgana. Pluto who had shown up right as a downward swing smashed into Saturn's chest instead of Mars's arm, killing her immediately.
It felt like a split second between seeing Saturn drop and Mars feeling the ice start crawling up his leg. It's hard to hear anything over the blood pounding in his ears, especially the combined jumbled yelling of at least four voices. He had only just had the strength to tear his eyes away from Saturn's body before he saw Morgana's staff on a backswing into his neck, Neptune's ice having stuck him in place.
Death was immediate and, despite Morgana having dealt the final blow, had all blame put on Neptune. The remaining members had to leave his body behind, only to be collected by the government and given a cremation funeral out of obligation. 

AU: [Not everything is perfect]
It's amazing what can be diffused by watching someone you care about sacrifice themselves for you. Or, well, try to. The moment Saturn's ring collided with Morgana's staff, Mars's attention was completely back in the fight. Neptune, still thinking Saturn had died to save Mars, sent out his ice attack but Mars was faster, dodging out of the way and whistling for Pluto to restrain their teammate before he did something that actually killed Saturn.
Mars stuck with Saturn while Pluto returned to the home base with Neptune (his death sentencing being carried out even if Saturn and Mars both lived, because they were deemed 'disposed of' for falling into the government hands). He turned himself in under the promise he was allowed to stay with her. He didn't have as harsh of a sentence as any of the others, with the specialized jury considering him just dragged along through it all and fairly harmless. He was hired on as an intel officer and, finally, got over his dumb self and realized Saturn liked him so they could get together. 

AU: [Just this once, everyone lives]
It's amazing what can happen when people actually talk to each other. Finally with the courage to talk to Mars, he and Saturn decided while they couldn't really hold a relationship-relationship, they'd at least try and start off slow. Neither found it really possible to keep risking themselves for a cause neither fully believed in anymore, though, and soon sided with Uranus in her hop-over. Mars turned himself in along with Saturn. They deemed him one of the most harmless and mentally stable and offered him a desk job immediately.
In a stable setting now, he and Saturn decided to start dating for real, eventually down the line leading to marriage. Mars never graduated beyond his desk job just because he couldn't put himself in too much danger now that they were expecting a child. 

x - Mars and Neptune greatly dislike each other because Neptune is such a romantic, and Mars is kind of dumb on it. Mars isn't entirely sure why Neptune hates him so much for something so 'small', so he generally hates him because Neptune is being such a drama queen about the whole thing.

x - Mars and Jupiter get along great. Jupiter's overall protective nature is a lot of it, but they share similar ideas about love and romance... whenever Mars actually thinks on the subject.