
5 years, 2 months ago


Name: Io
Age: 23
Birthday: December 31st
Bloodtype: AB
Height: 6'4
Weight: Doesn't skip leg day, but his arms are much bulkier than his legs. Fairly hefty over all, but it's all muscle
Eye color: Red
Hair color: Dark brown/black with dyed white bits
Tattoo placement: Over his left eye, starting mid-cheek and reaching up to the hairline
Power: Lava steps; can superheat and melt the ground he walks on to turn it molten.

Likes: Fishing, being alone, quiet evenings
Dislikes: Loud and obnoxious people
Bedroom: While he didn't have any personal items after leaving the dorms at the Organization beyond his scarf, Io was quick to raid the cabin's tool shed to find the tools to start making his own things. He's not super great at it, but whittling gives him something to do when it's storming outside. His bedroom window is lined in kind of lumpy, ugly wood figurines of wildlife. 

Confident to a fault. Most of Io's problems with people can be blamed on his overconfidence and ego; he believes himself to be one of the most competent of the Organization's fighters and tends to think he would've made a better Planet than the lower grunt-rank of Moon. He does fall in line behind Jupiter easily though due to the man's size and raw strength so it can be argued Io has a bit of humility in him, somewhere deep down.
He's not fond of his sister due to her habit of messing with him. Still, he knows they're blood, and just out of his own ego ranks her high on the list of fighters as well.
When push comes to shove, Io would be an immovable mountain. Once his mind is set that's it, generally, and it shows in how he decided his opinion of the Organization was law and he just... bailed. He'd rather live quietly on Earth away from all the clowns he's forced to associate with than fight in some war he doesn't even give a flip about.

During Canon: 
All it takes is one misstep from the Leaders before he's out. The veil between the two Realities was worn thin and it didn't take a genius to figure out how to slip between and to 'freedom'. Knowing his idiot sister would follow him for one reason or another, he ducks out and deep into the surrounding woodlands to hide out until, hopefully, Europa stops tailing him. While shaking his sister was a fruitless endeavor, Io did manage to stumble upon a cabin deep among the trees; abandoned and fairly well kept up despite this. It was easy enough to melt the locks and break inside, claiming it as his own.
Even when things start going south he stays out of it, hiding out in his cozy pilfered cabin, surviving off the land. The only impact Io has on anything after bailing out of the Organization is his cabin in the woods occasionally serves as a safe haven for wayward Moons. 

- The cabin is actually owned by Liam, and even after the man returns after a trip and finds his house, err, occupied, Io's too stubborn to bother moving. They're housemates now, because fuck you.
- Fishing is his absolutely favorite activity and how he spends most of his days after running out.
- Gotta add more later this is a WIP