Charles Saverio



5 years, 2 months ago


- Basic Information -
Full Name: Charles Saverio

Alias: Charles, Chauve Souris,


Title: Dishonoured Wings; Spearmaster of the Narsanial, Crimson Wing

Gender: Male

Species: Anthropomorphic/Spectral Bat/Dhamphir

Age: 27

D.o.B.: 23rd October

Sexuality: Bi-curious, Bi-romantic, leaning towards females

City of Birth: Lahgsotti, a small town near Spagonia

Currently lives: Narsanial's Mansion, Pei-Ning

Languages Spoken: Spagonia English, Spagonia French, Apotos Greek, 

Relationship Status: Single.

-Physical Appearance-
Height: 4' 3" (1.30m)

Weight: 94lbs (43kg)

Hair colour: Pale Blonde

Eye colour: Orange

Fur colour: Ashen Grey, white

Hairstyle: Parts above his right eye, with both sides tucked behind his muzzle. Behind his head is a small ponytail.

Tail: Small and barely noticeable due to his choice of clothing.

Tattoos: One on the top of his right hand that frequently glows whenever he summons his familiars out.

Piercings: A pair of silver studs on his left ear.

Scars/distinguishing marks: 

Frequently worn Jewellery: The aforementioned studs on his ear.

Smoker/Drinker: None/Yes; often mixes his wine with blood.

Drug User? Which?: Nope

Addiction(s): Blood

Allergies: Peanuts. He dislikes them.

Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: None. Even his eyesight is fine.


  • Relaxed: He's not worried much over anything else, knowing full well of his capabilities to make sure that his tasks and chores are done and over with.
  • Even-tempered: It's not easy to faze him when he's seen plenty of things on his journey. Pretty much why he's so nonchalant about a lot of things, having a swell time with his buddies whenever they're having fun.
  • Messy: In terms of laziness, he outclasses Roslan completely. Gives completely zero flips about any comments meant at his procrastination habits, but he still shows concern for his fellow groupmates whom he lives with.
  • Confident: He's not afraid to show what's he got in store for those who are in the way of his missions.
  • Independent: He's capable of relying on himself to get the job done as well as making sure that his teammates aren't left behind. No one gets left behind, after all.
  • Realist: As much as he's killed unicorns, fought dragons, wrestled with demons, challenged angels, he believes that everything has a good reason for happening, whether it'd be good or bad. He also believes that everything happens as a result of one's actions, not bad luck.
  • Well-mannered: Being the son of a vampire, he has been raised to behave appropriately to prevent any wild accidents from happening.
  • Chivalrous: He wouldn't even dare to hit a lady, unless said lady attacks him first. Only then would he have no qualms at getting even with her.
  • Overall, he's just your average guy wanting to have good time with his buddies, regardless if some of his friends don't want to.

Likes: teasing his friends, pretty girls, the occasional cute guy, liquorice, a good hunt, sports (mostly watching), partying, symphonic music, metal music, having a good spar, grand architecture, feeling wealthy, a good time with his buddies and family, badminton,

Dislikes: any mention of his first girlfriend, dry weather, the cold (it's bad for his wings), over-the-top spicy food, party-poopers, talk about extraterrestrial stuff, nosy individuals (but he can tolerate them), glaring sunlight, spicy food, garlic, sitting still for too long, anything that's made with nuts,

Favourite/Disliked Food: Liquorice/Bitter gourd

Favourite/Disliked Drink: Tomato Juice/Beer


Hobbies: Creature creation, card games, cooking, playing the violin, observing/collecting insects, badminton,


  • "Good guys? Did you really think that we're here to save the world?"
  • "I'll see to it that you can only watch as everyone that you know and love perish before your very eyes."

Team Info: Primarily acts as Flight; capable of fulfilling Power and Magic roles.

  • The Flight member with Roslan and Sagacious.


  • Creature Creation: Charles is capable of creating familiars by using monsters parts that he has slain. This ritual creates a creature that is different than what he has slain. The creature is automatically bonded to him afterwards.
  • Playing the violin: Every once in a while, one can hear the shrill cries of his violin from his office. He has the dexterity to play it fast.


  • Multiple Weapons Mastery (Lancer/Vanguard Fighting Style): He is skilled with multiple weapons, ranging from spears to rapiers to his own fists. He has a preference for polearm weapons, as they have a good range that his other weapons lack.
  • Insect Enthusiast: He knows a lot about bugs and arachnids and whatnot.
  • Stealth: One would have to be really attentive to catch this elusive bat on the prowl. He loves to give his target a little jumpscare before making his move.
  • Pick-locking: Originally picked this skill as a form of self-entertainment. It now serves to help them through locked doors or compartments.
  • Abnormal strength: Runs in his family.
  • Transformation: Inherited from his father, Charles is capable of turning into a Mist and a Wolf.
  • Waterphone: He loves this instrument so much, that he takes it with him everywhere he goes.
  • Elemental Manipulation (Darkness; Hunter and Warrior themed)
  • He is also capable of tearing a rift through reality to access his personal storage room. It has enough space to fit a truck and more, according to him.

Special Attack(s):

  • Quick Step: Basic skill. He leaps in a certain direction, recovering quickly so he is ready to perform his next action.
  • Perfect Guard: Basic skill. He blocks at the same time that the attack is about to connect, enabling him to deflect the hit and startle his opponent.
  • Flash Strike: Basic skill. He attacks just before an enemy's strike lands, enabling him to surprise his foe and hit them where it hurts most.
  • Vision Trap: Basic spell. He creates a thin sheet of shadows to be cast onto his target(s). If caught, their vision radius will be reduced.
  • Quick Snare: Basic spell. He manipulates the shadows into lashing out at his targets' ankles to hold them in place.
  • Melting Darkness: Intermediate spell. The caster "melts" into his own shadow. From then on, he can proceed to travel freely, past doors, through gaps into the ventilation, etc. However, he can still be damaged in this form. The size varies based on light sources.
  • Shadows of the Dam`d: Advanced spell. Using all the shadows within his vicinity to raise a wall to block against many attacks. Its duration is based on how long he wants to keep the wall up. Requires focus to maintain the strength of the wall.
  • Shadow Fighter: Released Form. Once activated, a large shadow resembling him appears behind with a large curved blade. Every attack that Charles makes will prompt the shadow to attack with a delayed reaction. The Finisher comes in the form of his shadow enlarging behind him, plunging forth its blade at all that stands in his path.

Ability to operate vehicles? Which?: Yes, Extreme Gear (Flight)

-Family and Friends-
Parents: Bartholomew Saverio (Father), Bridgette Saverio (Mother)

Is the character still in contact with parents?: Yes

Siblings: Isabelle Saverio (younger sister), Stanislaus Saverio (older brother)

Partner/Spouse: None

Children: Not yet.


  • Enchanted Arm-guard (Left arm): An item commissioned by his father from a local trusted forge, it can relay Charles's mana into the form of a medium shield for him to deflect attacks with.
  • Dimensional Pocket(s): Using his affinity for magic, Charles is able to temporarily tear open a hole on the seams of reality and reach into his 'storage' dimension for his desired items. Normally done with the help of his Enchanted Arm-guard.
  • Laser Blade: One of Charles's prized weapons. At first glance, it is simply a sword hilt without a blade. But once he activates it, a beam of pink energy shoots out from the centre of the crossguard. The beam of energy is not made of light, and is rather flexible when swung. It is capable of cutting through objects, but Charles usually has it set to "burn" so one would feel as if they're struck by a heated pool noodle.
  • Lance; Winged Spear; Chauve-souris; Carnifex: The signature winged spear (or corseque) that Charles is often seen with. Because of its design, it can also be used as a halberd.
  • Electric Guitar; Rocky Antics; Rhythm of Darkness; Riff of Amduscias: An electrical guitar that Charles uses on an occasional basis. Sometimes he'd whip it out for relaxation purposes, but when there's monsters about, you can bet that he will send some riffs through their essence.

Extra Info:

  • At the moment, Charles has only two familiars that he can summon. They are:
    • Knight Armour 'Bane': Originally the visor of a knight's helmet, that piece alone was sufficient to create a whole body for this familiar. Despite it being hollow on the inside, this familiar acts as Charles’s shield as well as his faithful knight. Despite being a summon, it has its own sense of conscience, attacking any foes that its master is attacking with its zweihander. When defeated, it dissolves into a puddle of shadows.
    • Liquid Shadow 'Bête-noire':  Created with the blood of a stalking trap-master, this creature moves as smoothly as liquid and is capable of splitting apart to avoid damage. It can even swallow light and flame, lurking in anyone's shadows to  catch them off guard. This creature is capable of opening a maw wide enough to swallow a whole individual, trapping them inside until further notice.
  • Unlike his father, Charles can do well without blood for months. But from time to time, he purchases a blood pack or two from the nearby hospital for a drink.
  • Originally, his name was supposed to be "Charles Henry Alfred Ulrich Vanya Esme  Stanislaus Orlando Uri Rocco Isaac Saverio", and if you take the initials of each of those names, you get the name "Chauve-souris"! However, due to the unnecessary length of this name, I've decided to stick with Charles Saverio as his actual name, since they both begin with 'C' and 'S' (much similar to his alias), and the fact that they're the first and last name in that ridiculously long name. What was my 15 year old self thinking of?
  • He and Scarlette ran away from their families at the age of 19 and 14 respectively. It didn't go well.
  • He went off to travel the world after he'd recovered from that incident. It wasn't until he was 24 that he established the Narsanial's Ruffians in Pei-Ning (near Chun-Nan).