Scarlette Murcova



4 years, 11 months ago


- Basic Information -
Full Name: Scarlette 'Caroline' Murcova

Alias: Scarlette

Nickname: Scar, 

Title: Eye of the Abyss

Gender: Female

Species: Anthropomorphic/Cat/Ragdoll

Age: 24

D.o.B.: 23rd April

Sexuality: Straight

City of Birth: Lahgsotti

Currently lives: With Aoibheann on Anders Street

Languages Spoken: Spagonian English, Spagonian French, Spagonian German

Relationship Status: Single and not interested.

-Physical Appearance-
Height: 3' 8" (1.12m)

Weight:  70lbs (32kg)

Hair colour: Dusty Grey

Eye colour: Shocking Pink

Fur colour: Dusty Grey, with a shade darker on her back, ears, hands, feet, and tip of her tail.

Hairstyle: Slightly wavy. Front is parted slightly off-centre.

Tail: Fluffy, and its length reaches beyond her feet when straight.

Tattoos: None.

Piercings: Planning to get some one day.

Scars/distinguishing marks: 

  • She has two scars: one that's faint across her left eye, and the other is on the stump of her left leg.

Frequently worn Jewellery: 

Smoker/Drinker: No / She can tolerate a few shots.

Drug User? Which?: Anti-depressants, pain killers (she denies being addicted, but it makes sleep so much more peaceful)

Addiction(s): Peanut butter cupcakes.

Allergies: Nothing.

Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: Her left eye has been damaged and replaced; left above knee amputation due to traumatic injury.


  • Determined: One could say she's stubborn once she has her mind focused on an objective. She can still be convinced to not go all in on her plans, so all hope is not lost.
  • Refined: She was raised to remind others that she's got class, and she will whip her words and flick her wrist at any who thinks otherwise.
  • Vengeful: It's difficult to forgive someone who's hurt you in a life-changing manner, quite literally speaking here. And she will enact this revenge with style, just to spite those who'd done harm to her.
  • Easily embarrassed: She does not take shame very well. She tends to conceal this by leaving the area as swiftly as she could, then avoid communicating with any who had laughed at her. It would take her a while to open up again if she's willing to forgive.
  • Outspoken: If something bothers her and needs to be dealt with immediately, she will raise her voice concerning the matter. Whether she does so in a diplomatic voice or in an irritated tone, will completely depend on how badly bothered she is.
  • Selfish: She prioritises her own safety ahead of the others. She will try her best to save her companions if possible, but if the odds look slim, she would rather turn tail and live to see another day.
  • Perceptive: She makes a lot of notes whenever she is in the mood to observe, all kept in her head until someone asks her what she's thinking. Her judgements are based on the impression that she gets as well as the body language that the individual expresses.
  • Alert: Not only is she quick to judge others, she's fast to respond to anything in her surroundings that would concern her.
  • Sympathetic:

Likes: Swords, violins, pecan nuts, music boxes, beautiful dresses, gardening, sweet fruits (mangoes in particular), fruit juice, exotic views, cleaning, pastries, wind chimes, fine art, reading, clocks, gearworks, tall boots, pirates, the beach, seafood (lobsters in particular), tri-cone hats, peanut butter sandwiches, 

Dislikes: Appearing weak, talking about her black eye, showing her prosthesis, her father, heights, bridges, rain, puddles, mud, getting her clothes dirty in general, entering deep bodies of water, the idea of swimming, spicy food, licorice, 

Favourite/Disliked Food: Mango Meringue / 

Favourite/Disliked Drink: Orange Smoothie / 


  • Heights: Just the idea of looking down and not being able to see the floor unnerves her.

Hobbies: Blade practice, ballet, violins, tinkering clockwork devices, window shopping, cooking, 


  • "Don't be daft. There's plenty more from where that came from!"
  • "You can't be serious. Are you?"
  • "Pick that up and show me what you've got, you bastard! Come on, I'm being nice here by giving you a chance and not skewering you on the spot like the filth that you are!"

Team Info: Primarily acts as Speed; capable of fulfilling Skill and Support role.


  • Herbal Expert: Her father grew a number of medicinal herbs in their garden to be made into incense. She picked up enough over the years to be able to name a number of herbs on first glance.
  • Violin: She's been playing this instrument ever since she was six years old, and she still does to this day as a form of stress relief.


  • Fast Climber: A majority of her childhood games involved climbing. She's quick to find firm holds within her reach, and has learned from experience how to break her fall should she miss. Even without her prosthesis, she can get about fairly well.
  • Swordsmanship: Thanks her ex-boyfriend's sparring lessons, she's pretty decent when it comes to parrying and weaving her blade through her opponent's defence to get them to surrender.
  • Firearm Mastery: But she can't rely on her sword or cane all the time now. She knows how to handle firearms and perform a maintenance check on their parts without messing up.
  • Agile: The ballerina courses her father has enrolled her into have made her quick, nimble and flexible.
  • Tinkerer: She loves to watch anything that has a synchronised system. She takes great care when repairing these devices.
  • Chef: One of the few ways to keep herself calm. She loves roast dishes in particular, especially those that can be enhanced with herbs.
  • Her blackglass eye offers a few abilities that her normal eye could never do. The abilities are as listed:
    • Heat Vision: In this vision, the world appears black and white. White means hot, black means cool. Range is short.
    • Magic Vision: Allows her to see the magical aura emanating from those who are born with magic, and enchanted items. These auras will appear as a colourful haze. Range is short.
    • Spirit Vision: Allows her to see lingering spirits or lost souls. While its range is decent, she rarely ever uses this unless there is a valid reason to.
    • Arcane Sight: Not to be confused with Magic Vision. This ability enables her to "mark" any location that she can see. This "mark" is invisible, and it enables her to see the world from where she has marked. She has to concentrate to achieve this sight, and leaves her in a vulnerable state, however.

Special Attack(s):

  • Quick Step: Basic skill. She leaps in a certain direction, recovering quickly so she is ready to perform her next action.
  • Flash Strike: Basic skill. She attacks just before an enemy's strike lands, enabling her to surprise her foe and hit them where it hurts most.
  • Point-blank Blast: Intermediate skill, requiring her firearm at full ammunition to be used. This feature expends all the magical bullets stored in her firearm to release a massive explosion that usually sends her flying back. She's aware of this incredible knockback, and is ready to catch herself.

Ability to operate vehicles? Which?: Still in the process of getting her licence. The most that she can operate is a bicycle for now.

-Family and Friends-
Parents: (Mother; Deceased) (Father; Deceased)

Is the character still in contact with parents?: No.

Siblings: None.




  • Sabre; Cutlass; Shimmering Crescent; Scorned Moonlight: A seemingly mundane sabre gifted by Stanislaus.
  • Widower's Vespers; Howling Damsel: An enchanted short barrelled shotgun that used to belong to her father. It was mundane, until the Lord made sure she doesn't have to worry about ammunition anymore. It takes a while for it to fire again, but it still retains its considerable knockback.
  • *Name TBD* Enchanted Pistol: An enchanted handgun that has been imbued with the capability to never run out of ammunition, just like her shotgun. The bullets slowly reappear one at a time until they reach a maximum of 8 bullets.
  • Walking cane: A polished teak cane prescribed to her to aid in her walking. She goes everywhere with this, even on missions. She doesn't necessarily need it at this point, but it's nice to have something to strike foes with when her sabre and firearms are too obvious.
  • Blackglass Eye: Magical artefact. She has no idea how she had even acquired such a thing from the unknown entity, but she can see the world as if nothing has ever happened. She could remove it, but it is a huge hassle to put it back in.
  • Prosthetic leg: This advanced prosthesis is more durable than what she normally uses, allowing her to perform daily activities as if she's never lost the leg in the first place. Requires more maintenance than a normal prosthesis too. The battery allows it to function up to 2 days, and is powered by a solar charger.

Extra Info:

  • She and Charles decided to run away from their respective families when she was only 14. While they crossed a bridge to flee from their families, she fell off of it. Instead of landing in the raging torrents, she landed in the abyss instead. When she was returned to the world, she came out with a blackglass eye.
  • When she was 19, she lost her left leg due to an injury inflicted by The Behemoth.
  • She has other types of prosthetic legs at home. They're usually used for domestic purposes, since those don't have a battery like the one she uses for missions and hunts. Regardless, she prefers to keep them concealed.
  • Every now and then, phantom pain kicks in. She becomes really agitated whenever this happens, and you can notice that she leans heavily upon her cane. She doesn't like to inform others of her condition, unless she trusts them greatly.
  • If she does have to swim, she insists on swimming with floaties and makes it clear to not laugh at her feeble attempts.
  • Speaking of debt, she currently works for the Lord to repay for all the expenses he has covered. Rehabilitation was covered by his son, Stanislaus.
  • Has a lot of clocks in her home.