


5 years, 2 months ago



Name Celeste
Gender Female
Weight 115 lbs.
Flair Star Bend
Height 5'8''
Status Civilian
Age 25
Lisence Type Class D

Flair Details

Primary Ability:

• With enough focus and enough starlight present, Celeste can gather and compress the light around her into "hard light", which is exactly what it sounds like; light given physical form! It takes a tremendous amount of focus and mental stamina to keep the light compressed into hard light for a continuous period of time while actively manipulating it. While under her control, she can bend the captured starlight around a given space and can use it to interact with physical objects like an extension of herself.

Effects, Limitations and Drawbacks:

• While Celeste's flair derives its power from "starlight", she is completely unable to influence the light from the sun during the day. The sun's proximity to Earth when overhead makes the daylight too harsh and intense for her to focus on and manipulate. But the sun's light reflected off of the moon at night is weakened enough for her to control.

• In order to bend starlight, Celeste must be able to visually discern it from other sources of light, such as manmade ones. Even at night, this makes Celeste's flair still very ineffective within the city on account of the ubiquitous light pollution.

• Since the starlight must be present and visible for her to manipulate it, any poor weather or building around her that blocks out the light from her reach and sight leaves her powerless as well.

Flair Statistics

Offense 1/5 E
Defense 2/5 D
Speed 2/5 D
Range 3/5 C
Duration 2/5 D
Legality Legal



  • Anime, Manga, & Collectibles
  • Sci-Fi & Space
  • Digital Art (Creating & Admiring)
  • Singing


  • Loud & Crowded Environments
  • Thunderstorms
  • Confrontation
  • Her Lack of Self-Confidence

Favorite Food

  • Takoyaki


  • Homosexual

Greatest Fear

  • Never Seizing Control of Her Own Life

Greatest Desire

  • To Create and Inspire Creativity


• Celeste is very polite, considerate, and always respectful to others, sometimes even to a fault. On the outside, she may seem very withdrawn and even somewhat distant, but on the inside, she's an extremely bright, passionate girl with a vibrant imagination and an overwhelming drive to create.

• Celeste's first friend, of which she still has very few of, was Cherry from all the way back in elementary school. The two have stuck together ever since and have practically become sisters to each other.

• Only on rare occasions does Celeste's more excited and energetic side make an appearance, or "True Celeste" as Cherry likes to jokingly call it. Such moments capable of bringing out True Celeste include when the girls visit their favorite karaoke bar on weekends to sing their hearts out or when Celeste finds a highly sought-after piece of manga or figurine in the shops she frequents.

• It's a dream of hers to become a full-time comic/manga artist, as she certainly has more than enough artistic skill and an imaginative mind to pull it off. Unfortunately, her fear of her parent's disapproval and hard lack of self-confidence (which is also a result of her parents) are the biggest hurdles standing in her way. Instead, she dedicates most of her life to working a semi-high earning office accountant job, just as her parents had pushed her through university to do. Needless to say, she's miserable with the occupation, even if she is quite good at it.

• Due to her parent's rather cold and controlling natures, Celeste would often visit Cherry to hang out and spend the night with throughout middle and high school. Cherry's parents would spoil Celeste with tasty foods and sweets that she never normally got to eat with her family. She was and still is treated just like their own daughter during her visits, and it always means the world to Celeste.





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