


5 years, 2 months ago
Trade Listing
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Basic Info




She/Her , They/Them










Original Description: 
Observant Apprentice of non-binary gender with a light brown tabby pelt and white paws, who is good at mediating and has a friend in a different Clan.

12050938_ES5n8HsUpPfS8nh.pngHoneyant is short, chubby, and extremely fluffy. They have a short muzzle with a large nose, a long tail, and prominent eyelashes. Two small tufts of fur stick up on their forehead, resembling antennae. Their paws are large and they have a mane of fur coming off their neck and cheeks, as well as an extremely fluffy tail.

     Honeykit was always a bright kit, observing those around them and learning quickly. They were bubbly and always wanted to have fun and get into things. Extremely friendly, they would invite anyone to play whenever they could, especially if they looked like they were lonely. They were bold and would stick up for anyone who they thought was being treated unfairly.
     She was the only surviving kit from her litter, as she had an older brother and sister who both didn't make it. Being the only survivor, she quickly grew close to Lilackit, who was also an only kit and was only about a week younger than her.
     Only just over a moon after she became an apprentice, Honeypaw lost both of her parents in a tragic accident with a fox on a border patrol. Witnessing the horrifying event and being the only survivor of the patrol, she was overcome with grief and fell into a deep depression for several moons. She rarely left the apprentices den or interacted with anyone except for her best friend Lilacpaw, and she also suffered from PTSD that gave her reoccurring nightmares and flashbacks of the incident. She was became increasingly jumpy and paranoid during this time.
     When they started pulling themself out of their depression, they felt insecure due to how far behind they were in training and due to losing most of their friendships during the time they were isolating themself. They were easily embarrassed and flustered, and had many times where they found it hard to train or socialize.
     They recieved a lot of encouragement and help from Lilacpaw, and eventually started growing closer to her family as well. They felt welcome and cared for by her family, and began to heal from their previous emotional scars. They pushed themself hard, and over the moons became more determined and confident in themself once again.
     Honeyant has become more like she was before the incident happened, though with a few key changes. She's more calm now, though still friendly and outgoing. She's also much more caring and understanding of others who are going through hard times, and she truly knows that her time with those she cares about is precious. She considers Lilacbloom's family to be her second family ((not as a replacement for her old parents, but as a new beginning for herself)), and they feel the same way about her. She spends as much time with her friends and chosen family as she can.
     Honeyant has largely learned how to cope with the symptoms of her PTSD and depression, though she still sometimes has bad times and/or nightmares about the incident from her early apprenticeship. She can be extremely jumpy and doesn't take well to being sneaked up on. She always travels in the back of patrols now because she wants to be able to keep an eye on everyone involved and be able to look behind her. Whenever the topic of foxes is brought up in conversations with her or around her, she will excuse herself as quickly as possible, as she can't handle talking about the subject.
     They haven't set paw in the area where the fox killed their parents ever since the incident, as it causes them an extreme amount of anxiety and negative emotions whenever they've tried. They hope that one day they will be able to overcome this and be able to go through that section of territory again.
     She's extremely proud of how far she's come since her early apprenticeship, and considers it her greatest accomplishment. 

Lilacbloom - Best Friend, Chosen Sister. She/Her WARRIOR
Best friends since Kithood, the two were first drawn together due to the fact that they were both the sole kits from their litters. Lilacbloom was always there for Honeyant when they needed it, especially during their darkest hours during their apprenticeship. They are forever grateful for her continued help and kindness, and always try to return the favour whenever they're able to. The two spend most of their freetime together, chatting, going on walks, or just relaxing.
Softfeather - Chosen Family. He/Him WARRIOR
Softfeather was extremely caring towards her since the beginning, and easily felt welcome with him. He was easy to be around both due to his personality and the fact that he was a familiar face from her kithood. Her renewed relationship with him allowed her to start coming out of her shell again, and she quickly started getting to know the other members of his and Lilacbloom's family.
Rosepelt - Chosen Family. She/Her WARRIOR
Brackenburr - Chosen Family. They/Them WARRIOR
Poppysplash - Chosen Family. She/Her MEDICINE CAT
Silverstreak - Chosen Family. He/Him WARRIOR
Though Silverstreak didn't become a part of the ginger family until Honeyant had already been a Warrior for a while, it was easy for them to grow close the good-natured tom. They enjoy his confident and sturdy personality and feel safe and calm around him.