Cepros Xirong



5 years, 2 months ago


"I never did give anybody hell. I just told the truth and they thought it was hell" - Harry S. Truman

Basic info

PRONOUNSHe/him, they/them (bigender)
BLOOD CASTERed Maroon (#631613) 
TROLL TAGminaciousMenticide
ABILITYLiterally has a skull so dense that chucklevoodoos don't affect him as much. Generally has a thicker skin and can sustain plenty of injuries.
OCCUPATIONMostly a vigilante outlaw and rejects the idea of a constant occupation or a steady source of income, but doesn't mind showing off his work and has a certain following of fans that help him out. Sometimes earns with street performances, tattoos or physical labor.
STRIFE SPECIBUSChain weapon kind
Flying guillotine, meteor hammer.
Pretty self-explanatory. The latest added items get stacked on top, the oldest ones are at the bottom. More people are always welcome to join the process.
HIVENormally lives a nomadic life in a mobile tent.
A mix of a rhino and a chinese dragon. Can fly.
INTERESTSHeavy metal, wrestling, poi. A pretty decent tattoo artist, likes piercing. Only watches movies that would provide him with some new knowledge or point of view, or it's a waste of his time; same goes for most forms of media. Has a pretty controversial sense of humor.
- first letter of a sentence: no
- names: yes
- "I": yes
- commas: no
- periods at the end of a line: no
- apostrophes: yes
- adds "_" between words, linking them together
- sometimes adds "~" at the end just to piss you off
- uses :y

MM: that's_exactly_what_I'm_talking_about_Rypite
MM: you_have_no_concept_of_critical_thinking~ :y
CLASSPECTWitch of Rage



Cepros is either an enigma or a confusing nuisance to most. At a first glance, he's a great guy to know: affable, humorous, beaming with energy, tough and outspoken. But being around him isn't that easy.

He's convinced that Repiton's problems stem from people blindly following what they're used to do and think, and thus, could really use a reminder to reevaluate their lives. Don't get him wrong, he's not there to tell you what and how to do, that'd just replace one problem with another. He's there to shake your very core up, to make you question everything you stood for, and the rest is up to you. He wrestles against mirthamaniacs' genocidal cult, but wouldn't care to reinvent their religion for them. He's vehemently anti-capitalist, but it's your job to think of some better system. You'd say some things he challenges aren't even problematic, so what? Complacency will be your downfall.

He's very perceptive and immediately catches onto your flaws and insecurities and doesn't hesitate to jab back at you with them. Nothing brings him more joy than successfully making someone stoic, cold or confident lose their composure. Angry or scared people can't think rationally, and he's there to take advantage of it. Sometimes he's a bully, sometimes he's a prankster, sometimes he's a hero, but no matter the cause, he can and will fistfight you.

Mirthamaniacs have some certain weird respect towards him, simply because he managed to survive for so long, but Corporate really don't favor him as he often interferes with their work. So Cepros has to watch his back and rely on his own fear to keep his guard up. He can go from a calm jokester to a bloodthirsty beast to a scaredy cat in a snap, but all of that is rather calculated than inconvenient. 

He's not on anyone's side, he doesn't belong to anything, he just has to keep sowing chaos and anarchy by headbutting with other people and telling them to grow skin as thick as his. Just remember, words are no sticks and stones, and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

  Good/neutral traits

  • adaptable, enthusiastic, passionate;
  • bold, courageous, confident, decisive;
  • charming, spunky, extroverted, witty;
  • willing to do the dirty work;
  • honest;
  • observant, perceptive;
  • ambitious, persistent, focused;
  • persuasive;
  • uninhibited, adventurous

  Bad traits

  • restless, overbearing;
  • cocky, rowdy, confrontational, macho;
  • mischevious;
  • cruel/violent/morbid;
  • abrasive, judgmental, tactless, thick-skinned;
  • nosy, meddlesome;
  • stubborn;
  • pushy;
  • rebellious, antisocial


  Cinare Montor: Most moirails attract the opposites, but in their case it's double trouble, since both are stubborn and ready for a fight. Cinare is one of the few people who doesn't really express some soft of annoyance toward him and his shenanigans, and he always runs to her to take a break and lick the wounds. They share cigarettes, talk about motorbikes and don't shy away from making out as a form of therapy.
  Vilcus Cendum: Cepros' mentor/parent figure, they taught him everything about wrestling they know since he was a teen.
  Rypite Koldan: God, that guy pisses him off in the best way possible.
  Sirage Feltri: ???


 The Used  - Born To Quit
 The Living End  - Prisoner of Society
 Ken Ashcorp  - Hunter
 Good Charlotte - Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous
 The Temper Trap - Science of Fear

Credit: Xamag