
5 years, 3 months ago




Hurts Like Heaven


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Human Name Skye Brennan-Nakano

Fae Name Hibana

Pronouns she/her

Fae Motif Raiju (Tale of Fury)

Fae Origin//Court Murias//Unseelie

Physical Age 18

Birthday October 28, 1999

Birthplace Seattle, WA (US)

True Name The Storm's Brightest Spark in a Clouded Sky




Height "Almost" 5'5"

Build Lean, Athletic

Eyes Blue (faint yellow glow in low lighting)

Skin Tone Tan

Hair Color Black, dyed with platinum blonde or light blue highlights

Hair Style Straight


  • Style guide (for alternate outfits): Punk clothing in mostly black with neon highlights and accents, particularly neon pink and blue (or bright red when she's feeling especially violent). Lightweight chokers and bracelets. Almost always wears black calf-high Doc Martens with bright green shoelaces - the laces were a gift, and can tie and untie themselves. Wears a lot of torn-up/"distressed" clothing, and usually nothing too warm since she moves around constantly. Headwear of choice is a beanie, but sometimes goes without, or just wears a hoodie and keeps the hood up.
  • Hair is almost always kept down, but she ties it up in a very short low ponytail for martial arts practice.
  • Notable accessories: a dog tag chain with a gold ring and a silver lightning pendant hanging on it, and a magical set of brass knuckles called "the ghost punchers." The brass knuckles never had a physical prop equivalent, so appearance is open to interpretation.
  • Outlines her entire eye in liquid eyeliner. Sometimes wears eye shadow matching her clothes, otherwise doesn't wear much makeup.
  • Usually looks somewhere between bored and angry/frustrated in expression and posture. Her grin is wide, and can be kind of terrofying in some contexts, though she smiles more nicely when something exciting (and non-violent) is going on.
  • Fae form (Hibana) is a fox, and as such always looks pretty much the same (see gallery). Hibana is about 30 cm/1 foot tall.









Skye, like most Tales of Fury, is always a little on edge, with an excess of aggressive energy that she doesn't usually get the opportunity to fully expend. She tries to keep this focused in postivie directions - or, at least, directed at the people she thinks of as "the bad guys," but even so, she has a tendency towards loudness, impulsivity, and anger. When in an occasional good mood, though, or talking to people she's comfortable with, she's much more enthusiastic and (mostly) harmlessly boisterous.


Kung Fu

Skye has been enrolled in martial arts since she was a teenager, and reached red belt in kung fu when she was 18. Since then, she has become an assistant instructor, reached black belt, and is in training to become an independent "full instructor" with her own dojo. This is a long-term process, but kung fu means a lot to her, and it's the one thing she is pretty sure she'd be happy making a steady career out of.

Street Art

Skye's first and foremost hobby is graffiti/street art. Even though she couldn't keep any mops or spray cans around her grandparents' house while she was living with them, she would find places to stash them around the city and practice tagging while she was out in the evenings, under the moniker "Plasma". She hasn't stopped this practice, but she's refined her art, and these days tends to commit to a selection of more elaborate street art with an ideological purpose in mind, rather than mainly fancy tags as she used to do.


Skye picked up parkour in a self-taught capacity during her time as a runaway, but kept practicing a few stunts regularly after moving in with her grandparents, even though kung fu started taking up more of her time outside of school. It's still her favorite way to burn excess energy outside of sparring.



Skye tends to feel like most of the world is against her and her friends, a feeling which is compounded by the many enemies of the Fatebound, as well as the treatment of her homeless friends by much of the rest of society. She tends to be pessimistic towards strangers, and even more so, goes out of her way to antagonize people that she feels she has a specific reason to dislike.


Skye is actively practicing the art of curbing her immediate impulses, especially towards aggression and risky behavior. Considering benefits and consequences before committing to a course of action doesn't come naturally to her, especially post-Fatebinding, although her mindfulness training as part of her martial arts advancement has given her some tools to work with in that regard.

Related (NPCs)



Hibana's older sister Sekiun travelled to Earth and became a Fatebound some time after Hibana herself did. After Skye had to rescue her from a serial killer (?) who had kidnapped her, Sekiun (now "Henri" due to her human half) and Skye have stayed in close touch. They have each other's backs more than anyone else's, as a rule.



Ashe was one of three homeless teenagers that Skye hung around with after running away from home. They had a vague, implicit relationship during that time, although it became somewhat difficult to keep in touch after Skye moved in with her grandparents. Still, Skye managed to get all three of her old friends jobs at a local thrift store run by another Fatebound, and when Skye became an instructor and moved into her own apartment, Ashe (mostly informally) moved in with her. Ashe is also a Fatebound, and took her Fae name as her "normal" name upon Fatebinding at age 15, since she didn't like her given name. The Fae that she Fatebound with - a Cinder (Tale of Artistry) - had a much more mature perspective on life, which (in contrast to Skye) made Ashe wiser and more serene than she had been before. Aside from Ashe's regular work, she enjoys handcrafting art and trinkets (especially wind chimes) out of discarded items she finds on the street and leaving them around the city. She has also started a small-scale fashion line using recycled fabric, which affords her some revenue on top of her regular salary but is mostly just a passion project.

Mr. and Mrs. Brennan


Skye had a rocky relationship with her fairly-strict grandparents all through her teenage years, from the time that they brought her into their household when she was 15. In constrast to her adopted parents' very relaxed parenting method, Skye's adoptive father's parents cracked down on a lot of things that Skye enjoyed doing, and started grounding her for acting out as well as getting bad grades. Although she unfortunately resented them a lot by the time she moved out, their relationship has improved a lot since then, now that they feel less need to "correct" her behavior.


Best Friend

While Skye was spending a lot of time at the Chatham Waypoint, (WIP)

Bonus Facts