Anissa Dion Oswind



5 years, 3 months ago


She's a rather timid girl who would rather keep herself busy with school than spend time with her family.

Anissa is the sixth child of ten, her mom, Rosey-May, being a single mother. Like her brother, she's one of the family's middle children, so she often slips away unnoticed to spend time away from her mom and siblings.

Anissa is often placed in charge of the younger kids as when their mom leaves for whatever reason Aadi and Sarah Lynn often leave the trailer to go hang out and they don't trust Snotson to be in charge. Although Anissa may be put in charge, she's a bit of a pushover as she's afraid to make others upset with her. Her siblings end up goofing about doing whatever they want because she's not really skilled at keeping her ground. 

Anissa, when given the chance, often sneaks out to hang out at the library as she prefers the world of fantasy over her own life. She dreams of one day becoming a princess to a faraway kingdom, her prince having saved her from the poverty she lives in... but she knows that's a dream she may never live to see. She's a part of her school's book club and literature club and spends her sweet time there as she doesn't want to have to go back home. On occasion, she even sleeps over at her friends' houses as there's more room in their homes. She doesn't really talk a whole lot, not even to her family, but she often listens to what others have to say... she doesn't even talk all that much with her closest friends, making her appear distant or aloof, but she never means for her quiet demeanor to seem that way.

- She's often teased in school for her huge interest in fantasy and how she daydreams all throughout her classes. 

- She knows too much about cats and familiars as she's very interested in the concept of witches living amongst the "normal".

- Her siblings are Dill, Chicago, Sarah Lynn, Aadi, Wilson (her twin), x, x, x, x