Jeffrey Dillard Oswind



5 years, 3 months ago


Will be roleplayed as an adult.

Just your average trailer trash trucker...

Dill is the oldest child of ten, his mom, Rosey-May, being a single mother. He and his brother were born far before the next two were so Dill isn't the closest with his younger siblings. 

Dill stays up at a remote gas station with his brother, Crusty, and he works most often at the counter dealing with customers. He also works as a truck driver and delivers all sorts of supplies to other gas stations or even makes long, tedious, trips 'cross country to get supplies for the gas station when it's running low on supply.

From the outside, he seems to be a pretty laid back guy who just wants to get his work done so he can earn his money at the end of the day. He's always smiling, though it's more of a tired face than anything, and he tries his best not to raise his voice with others. While he tries his hardest to be courteous to other boas, he smokes indoors when it isn't allowed and often drinks while he drives and cuts people off, both while talking and while driving.

He's known to stop at night and pick up hitch-hikers, his kind demeanor and understanding attitude often convince the lost boas to trust him and hop aboard. What they don't know is that when one hitch-hikes with Dill, they never see the light of the next morning. When Dill manages to pick up a boa, he drives them down the highway toward the destination they want to go, but as soon as he has the chance, he calmly changes course and heads back to his gas station. He sneakily turns on the emergency lights, claiming it would be safer to stop at a nearby gas station than continue, and more often than not, the boa agrees. Once back at his gas station, he exits the truck, inviting the boa to come with him. Once the two of them are inside, he attacks the boa, having Crusty at times help him drag the victim into the back room where Dill then kills them with a large hunting knife and dismembers the body, giving some of the flesh to Crusty to make any meat products they may be running low on.

If he's too far away from his gas station, he'll drive out to the side of the road with the emergency lights on claiming that there's a problem and that the two of them should wait outside the truck should anything happen. Once the boa gets out of the truck, Dill stabs them and, while the other boa is in shock, will drag them further into the trees to stab them to death. Once the boa is dead, Dill goes back to his truck where he gets out a few gallons of water to wash off himself and the body. He then takes the body back to his gas station where he and Crusty decide what to do with it.

Dill always keeps a "souvenir" from his victims as almost a trophy from his killings. He has a wall covered in skulls in the half-abandoned shack he stays at deep within the woods behind the gas station.   

While he may be an undiscovered serial killer, he still has a soft spot for his family and hopes they never learn of the monstrous deeds he's done.

- His favorite beverage is by far orange juice and hard vodka. He likes beers, too, especially harder beers, but he prefers his half-fruit blends.

- He smokes thin cigars or cigarettes most of the time, but he does smoke weed occasionally. 

- His siblings are Chicago (his twin), Sarah Lynn, Aadi, Wilson, Anissa Dion, x, x, x, x