Dragan Dagmar



5 years, 2 months ago



Name Dragan Dagmar
Age 12
Birthday 30 Dim, 1108
Species Cyclops
Gender Female
Orient. N/A
Residence Peverley, Pavia
Occupation Witch
Hogwarts House Gryffindor
Status Alive
Design Notes

  • Signature colour: Purples and greens
  • Has undergone dramatic design shifts in the past, her current iteration features cooler tones, while previous incarnations were more red and earthy
  • She's a wee child, and very short.
  • She's always barefoot, not only because most shoes don't fit her, but because she likes to feel connected to the earth.

Dagmar is eeriely mature for her age and displays knowledge of things only adults should be familiar with. Logical, dour, and empathic to a fault, she detests people, but loves animals. Dagmar habitually withdraws from society and lives in her own little world, so she comes across as creepy and intimidating to those who don't know her well. She's veracious and possesses an indominable will. As an orphan, she's been parenting herself for most of her life. Arrogant and cold, she's extremely discourteous and candid.


  • Cyclops names are surname-first name. Her surname is Dragan, her first is Dagmar.
  • She may be lesbian, but she's too young to realize it.
  • Has been known to steal from petting zoos to liberate the animals.
  • An extremely powerful witch, she's basically a tyke bomb
  • Has numerous pets that she dotes upon, and will drop everything in order to save animals, while letting people burn to death

With only a few thousand Cyclopes left alive in Midhir, Dagmar is part of a dying race. While her father died before she was born, Dagmar was happily raised by her mother, Chei, on an isolated farm. When Dagmar was five years old, Chei made the decision to move their small family to the Cyclops homeland to join others of their kind. During the treacherous journey, Chei died of unknown causes.

Dagmar would've died if not for the intervention of a Dabervell named Soren. Dabervell are sentient lions, larger than a grown man, and are typically mistrustful of other species, often refusing to aid them. But for some reason or another, Soren took Dagmar in, and trained her to use her magical abilities.

When Dagmar was nine, Soren encouraged her to strike out on her own, and that's what she did, going out into the world to travel. Sometime during her travels she met Samsara, a mysterious being who believes Dagmar to be a demigod. At the age of twelve, Dagmar appeared in the city of Peverley with Samsara and another companion, Yara Yearwood, at her side, having reformed an ancient faction called the Poison Tongue. What their motives are seem unclear, but it doesn't appear to be good. Her actions in Peverley bring her into conflict with Leif Ettricke and his friends.


  • Animals
  • Attempts to 'classify' magic
  • Studying and learning

  • Animal abuse
  • Everything else

Samsara | Bodyguard

Samsara is a mysterious being who serves as Dagmar's bodyguard and loyal companion, though Samsara's motivations seem to rest beyond Dagmar as a person. They're not exactly friends, but they are more than just allies. In a way, the two appear to have some sort of contractual obligation that holds them together, as Samsara believes Dagmar to be a demigod.

Yara Yearwood | Friend

Yara serves as a companion and friend to Dagmar. Although Dagmar is thoroughly confused by Yara's cheerfulness and sociable nature, she tolerates her presence and even enjoys it on occasion.

Leif Ettricke | Enemies

Dagmar accidentally gets on Leif's bad side shortly after his arrival in Peverley. Although she seems him as little more than an nuisance at first, circumstances force her to perceive him as a threat. She has a sort of jealousy towards him due to his potential and would like to eliminate that.