Kainashi Namine's Comments


After taking the medicine, Kai immediately drifts off into a deep sleep. To him, a few seconds pass and he opens his eyes to a room identical to the room of the laboratory. There's even an empty syringe next to him on the table... oh, and a cell phone with a gold-colored case. It's not the same as his real phone, it's a very sleek, improbably thin device with a touch screen. The case is a cellphone wallet, it flips open and there are a few empty slots on the side.

The other main difference is that the blank TV screen from the lab is replaced with a window. Kai can see a cityscape, a stunning view really, with an inky sky and stars of every color. The buildings' lights twinkle and bright signs blare, most of them somehow illegible. The view actually almost hurts to stare at after a while.

Kai could now tell that he's within an apartment complex. He hears chatter from outside, and the ding of an elevator a short ways away. There's a knock at the door.

[Kai really does get lost in the city lights for a good couple seconds, he almost doesn't hear the knock at the door as he holds this new phone like a security blanket. His eyes do hurt, though, so he manages to tear his gaze away from the dark city below. He does hope he gets to see it up-close later.]

[He thinks for a moment, tapping a gloved finger against his bottom lip. Who could be at the door? He thinks to look out the little hole at the top of the door - but finds there is none. That's... That's odd.]

[... So Kai then unlatches his door, unlocks the two bolt locks, pries what appears to be - a piece of tape?! - hoping to hold the door to the wall off of the door, and unlocks the lock inside the doorknob. And he opens the door, but only just enough for his face to peer out.]


Kai sees a woman's face peering back at him, close up, before she jumps and backs away with a dainty gasp. "Oh! Hello! Haha, I was wondering if you were even here yet... most people leave their doors open. You sure installed a lot of locks... well, it's good to keep safe! Never know what can happen."

She stops rambling for a moment as she digs through her pockets. She's a small woman, with soft green hair done up in a bun. She's wearing a dress shirt and a formal skirt, under a very long coat with apparently very deep pockets.

"Here we are!" she pulls out a green card, a subway pass, it looks like. "Everyone needs these in the city. It's the only way you'll get around. This should be good for two zones... you'll have to get upgrades on your own."

She pokes the train pass through the crack in the door, probably poking Kai with it. "Here you go! Ah.. what else.. there are a few people on this floor you should meet, they've been wanting to see the new guy. Kainashi, right? My name is Meriel."

God, this lady talks a mile a minute. "You should just explore today! Get to know people, maybe you can go somewhere with them in the city."

Why is she telling you what to do? Geez, lady.

"Ah! Don't forget your key. Can't get in without it." Kai feels a key within one of the slots of the cell phone wallet. Was that there before?

"So.. I think that's all! If you need me, I'm on the floor above you... ah, any questions?" She seems eager to get in and get out.

Kai can continue talking to Meriel, explore the apartments, or leave the building... the choice is his to do anything, it's his dream.

[Kai just squints more and more at this very talkative lady. He takes the green subway card, not seeming too distrustful of it outwardly, and puts it in one of the card slots of his phone wallet - and jumps just a little as he feels an unfamiliar intrusion in a new slot.]

[He gets the feeling he knows exactly why Meriel is telling him what to do - this is a simulation, after all.]

Hey-- Yeah, nice to meet you, Meriel. Uh, am I supposed to just... Knock on people's doors and say hi to them? Is that socially acckhceptable here?

... Can I really not do this alone? Wouldn't it be a lot easier that way?

[A lot safer, maybe.]

ah! a fellow composer—it's good to see another music professional around online.

愛玩鳥P said: Good afternoon. It is nice to see more composers, we're a rare sort. What kind of music do you make?

blacktea said: primarily piano solos, very occasionally piano + voice—though i'm short on vocalists and don't have much of a range myself—small ensembles of electronic instruments. i've found it's nearest to the local renaissance/baroque style, if i recall correctly.

and your own music?