


8 years, 1 month ago


Name : Mary Cotton
Age : 19
Gender : Female
Personality : She's very sweet and caring towards others. Usually soft-spoken and gentle so that she won't personally hurt anyone's feelings. She's usually independent but when her bad mood hits (which is very rare because she's always bubbly and happy most of the time), she will need someone to hug and talk to, preferably her boyfriend or her friends. She isn't the brightest star in the sky, but she loves learning from past mistakes and tries her best at anything. Even though she get sad and cries easily, she tries to not let anyone worry about her too much. Being sensitive and empathetic are her biggest strength.
Height : 5'5 / 167cm
Weight : 120lbs / 54kg

Likes : 
- Warm sweet tea
- Chamomile tea
- Mint & Strawberry ice cream
- Lychee Yogurt
- Penguins<3
- Cuddles and hugs
- Playing with Lucas' scarf
- Fluffy things in general
- P I N K 

Dislikes :
- Bees
- Height
- Being ignored
- Dogs
- Swimming
- Crowd
- Spooks/?
- Tangled hair

> Named her penguin plushie 'Yogurt'
> Her plushie can express different emotions and work like a regular human but cannot talk
> She's probably obsessed with pink plushies at this point
> Penguins and rabbits are her favorite animals
> Rarely goes anywhere without at least combing her hair for 10+ minutes
> Can cook but can't clean anything so her kitchen will be a mess after she's done cooking anything

Significant other : [Lucas]