Yuuki Umeyama



5 years, 2 months ago


Yuuki Umeyama


Called Yuuki
D.O.B May 11th, 1977
Age 18-19
Gender Male
Race Japanese
Height 5'8
Orientation Gay (...?)


  • Modest
  • Hard Worker
  • Geek


  • Croquettes
  • Magical Girls
  • Sleeping in



Yuuki is a third-year in highschool. A former student council member turned into the lazy genius type. In a effort to not become completely lazy-he's joined the gardening club in his first year. He takes care of plants of course...after catching up on his favorite manga (while chowing down snacks). His repuation at school is rather nuetral, but not good either. Most see him as a weirdo, student council wannabe that likes girly manga too much. And he plays with dirt all day. His odd friendship with Mizuki doesn't help it either. But that doesn't matter to him. Only when the student council are down his neck asking for more members to join the dying gardening club. It's very scary! Even though he's book smart he's sometimes forgetful towards homework.

He lives in a studio apartment with his mom, Suzume Umeyama. The first floor of the apartment is his family's floristry, Umeyama Flowers. His mother runs the shop as of now. Not much is known about his father, he went missing while Yuuki was a child. It's assumed he passed since he was never found.


Yuuki is average height with an unassuming appearance. Brown hair with a side part and light brown eyes. He wears blocky black glasses over his face. He doesn't stand out so much from the crowd becuase of how basic he looks. He doesn't mind though, he'd rather stay in the crowd than stand out. His outfits are always practical and comfortable. A sweater, or graphic t-shirt with blue jeans and sneakers. Maybe his cd player as a portable accessory. Yuuki is perceived as shy, but really he just keeps to himself. His demeanor is never intimidating. He's cheerful and open to a conversation if it happens. But since his classmates think of him as an otaku he is avoided sometimes.


Yuuki is a recent elemental, so his powers are still in development. His earth abilities are more intuned to the plant side. His main power is called: Magic Plum. Magic Plum is a sword he conjures up. Magic Plum's appearence resembles a branch at the top with plum blossoms blooming. Followed by a pink copper blade. Besides sword fighting, Magic Plum can conjure up magical attacks--and give him a lucky buffer. Plum blossoms are said to be perseverant after all.


  • Has slight pollen alergies.
  • Shoujo manga is his favorite genre.
  • Frequently nosebleeds.
  • He likes to build mini terrariums in his free time.
  • Can solve a rubix cube.



Suzume Umeyama [ Mother ]

He's truely a mama's boy. Her love of plants defintely has rubbed off on him--since hes in the gardening club. Yuuki never knew what happened to his father. When he disappeared he was too young to realize the situation.


Alon Mizuki Nomura [ Best Friend ]

Yuuki started out as his tutor. After many sessions the unlikely pair found they had a lot in common! They've been besties since junior high.