Alon Mizuki Nomura



5 years, 2 months ago


Alon Mizuki Nomura


Called Mizuki
D.O.B April 1st, 1977
Age 18-19
Gender Male
Race Filipino, Japanese
Height 6'1
Orientation Gay


  • Ambitious
  • 'Cool'
  • Eccentric


  • Leche flan
  • Clothes
  • Anime (secretly)



Mizuki is your 'regular' third-year highschool student. He's not very popular at school because of his appearance , so he has very few friends. Because of this he likes to keep his geeky interests to himself. He worries that'll it ruin his reputation even more. Even his participation in the soccer club is his way of gaining populairity points. Mizuki is infamous for his poor attendence. It's rumored he misses so much because he's doing gang like activities or going on dates. To this day no one really knows why he misses so much. As much as he's talked about his "mysterious and dangerous" reputatuion made him a little popular with some girls at school (unbeknownst to him).

He lives in a small apartment with his older half sister. Mizuki is in charge of the cooking and cleaning at home since his sister is very busy with her hostess job. But he prides himself in the handiwork he does around the house. Meanwhile their parents live in rural Toyama.


Mizuki is a rather tall for his age. He plays for the schools soccer club, so he's also in a good athletic condition. He has noticeably tanner skin, and dark medium length hair. He usually styles it up in a spikey/or messy fashion (after his favorite rockstars). He likes his stylish hair and refuses to cut it because "it's cool". His right eye is a normal brown color, while his left eye is discolored and cloudy. With a faded scar on his eyelid. It's rumored around school he got his left eye permantly damaged from a nasty gang fight... Mizuki is a bit relaxed and alterantive when it comes to fashion and he loves to accessorize. Both of his ears are pierced and likes wearing necklaces. An absolute sneakerhead. Because of his striking appearnce he gets in trouble (at school) alot, and is avoided by most of his classmates. He's been labled a delinquent as a result. Mizuki seems aloof, and intimidating. In reality he's actually laid-back and a bit of a jokester.


The name of his ablility is: Lunar Sea. His ability depends on the phases of the moon. During a full moon or a new moon his water abilites are at their strongest. With his trident, cresent blue, he can conjure up walls of water and control them. While all of this is happening the moon faintly shows it self. No matter the time of day. These walls of water can either be used defensively or offensively. He can also control natural bodies of water with his trident. There is a limit to his powers. The more walls he summons the weaker/smaller they get. After awhile he will need a charging period to regain strength from the moon.

The second phase of Lunar Sea is Heavenly Typhoon. This is a last resort move. Heavenly Typhoon is summoned when all the water walls conjured come together and join as one huge typhoon. This is initiated when Mizuki speficially twirls his trident in the air (in a baton like motion). This move entraps his foes and potentially blows them away or drowns them.

Some elementals, when they reach a certain skill point, can start manipulating a secondary element. In the case of most water elementals that would be any form of ice. Mizuki is a single element user. He's never been able to control ice at all. But due to a curse layed upon him by an arch sorcerer he can use ice now. Ten-fold. The curse manifests itself in his left eye. In his elemental form his cursed eye is a icey blue color, keeping the cloudy appearance. It's covered up by a magical eyepatch that controls the cursed energy. When his eye is covered up he's able to tolerate ice and control it sometimes. When he's unlucky his ice control comes out in huge sparatic bursts. If he's exposed to freezing weather or his eye patch comes off he will get irritated and start to freeze himself and everything around him.


  • Despite his element being water, he cannot swim. At all.
  • Mizuki hates bugs. He's terrified of them.
  • His favorite bands are BUCK-TICK, L'Arc-en-Ciel and Boøwy.
  • He likes to play dating sims on the pc 98.
  • He's supposed to wear glasses for his poor eyesight, but he never wears them because "it's not cool".



Iya Aquino [ Older Sister ]

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Estella Ortega [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Yuuki Umeyama [ Best Friend ]

His best friend and geeky buddy. They've been friends ever since Mizuki first moved to the city. At first their friendship just started out as an obligatory tutor session. But as they met up more, Mizuki realizes he has alot in common with Yuuki! Later on he also realized another thing...romantic feelings.