


5 years, 6 months ago


Gabriel "Skitter"
Age 20
Species Snowy owl
Gender Male
Orientation -
Pronouns he/him
Occupation Programmer and technician
Creator Undeadfae
  • Playlist

  • Song title
Design Notes

  • His legs, face and chest are very fluffy.
  • He has sharp talons hidden inside the boots.
  • The tip of some feathers are brown while other are black.
  • Beak is all black and his eyes have a golden sclera and blue eyes.

A happy and pretty cheerful guy, Skitter is a very calm and laid back bird, rarely losing his cool or getting angry. His immense patience tends to make him the middle man of arguments and nasty discussions, something he doesn’t quite enjoy, but prefers to a situation escalating. He isn’t much of a talker (especially when he’s working), but he makes up for it by being a great listener, letting his friends vent to him if and whenever they need to.

While he isn’t a coward by any means, he always tries to be cautious, thinking twice before jumping into danger, always trying to find the best option to avoid the worst outcome. For all his focus and care on his own work, sometimes he can be a bit of an airhead, forgetting to keep track of time and other important things; along with that, he’s pretty stubborn when it comes to his work, making it almost impossible to pry him away from it once he’s completely focused. He tends to be a bit too blunt and honest with others, which isn’t always welcomed.


  • Ex G.U.N. programmer and technician.

  • Intelligence
  • Diplomacy
  • Good with machines and computers
  • Good flying skills
  • Night vision
  • Can use guns

  • napping at the worst hours
  • snacks
  • quiet
  • spicy foods
  • tinkering and coding
  • flying
  • snowboarding
  • skiing

  • confrontation
  • very hot weather
  • accidentally tearing shoes with his talons
  • beign mistaken as a child

As a child, Skitter was one of those kids that preferred to pull apart and back together his toys rather than actually playing with them. Growing up in the coldest parts of Holoska, playing outside wasn’t always possible for the kids between sudden blizzards and the dangerous surroundings, which only helped fuel his curiosity whenever he was stuck inside with his favorite toys.

When work forced his family to move, Skitter was far from happy; being a tech nerd in a new school with no friends wasn’t easy, quickly making him the perfect target for bullies. Lucky him, that didn’t last, his savior from the torment being a very angry dog and his exasperated brother. After a harsh fight and a black eye, the twins took him under their wing, and the protection quickly turned into a tight friendship.

Once he found out about their ‘side job’, Skitter decided to help them at the best of his abilities, using his knowledge in technology to keep track of their worryingly increasing number of enemies, keeping them out of legal trouble and whatever else he could do to help, unwilling to see his only friends get seriously injured or worse. Unfortunately, not even his best was enough to avoid the inevitable. When Arashi died, all Skitter could do was try to help Ryoga cope with the loss and move on- until Ryoga stopped being so catatonic and started actively avoiding everyone, especially him. As much as that hurt, Skitter didn’t blame him, knowing how hard it must be for Ryoga.

Despite that, it looked like there was little that could be done now to salvage their friendship, and Skitter forced himself to move on, unaware of the danger Ryoga was once again putting himself into. He went on with his life, and his skills landed him a job with G.U.N. as one of their best technicians for quite some time.

One day, during a routine checkup of G.U.N.’s systems, Skitter found what looked like an old, forgotten folder in a dusty computer. Curiosity overtaking him, he decided to open it, easily bypassing the security measures until he found himself with a bunch of incomplete code. After some work to fix what he could, he realized it was an A.I.

Partly because of his own scientific curiosity, partly because he was lonely, Skitter decided to keep working on it until he could make it work. The effort was worth it once Ax3.0 was fully online for the first time. The first thing Skitter did when they started talking was give it- him an actual name. And so, Ax3.0 became Axel. He was pretty happy with this development too.

Wanting to keep helping his new friend, Skitter started working on the blueprints to build him a body, something easily accessible to him that could allow him more freedom than a dusty computer with poor connection.

It was during one of those nights spent working on the finer details of those blueprints –despite all of Axel’s nagging to get Skitter to sleep- that Skitter got a call. A call from the one friend he hadn’t heard of for a little over a year. Despite his worry, Skitter was almost overjoyed to know that Ryoga was still alive and was actually trying to talk to him again, even if he was in a pinch. Decided to make up things with his old friend, he quickly packed some stuff –mostly a first aid kit and some food he already knew Ryoga must have forgotten about-, took Axel’s laptop –unwilling to leave his friend alone and potentially defenseless- and left to pick up Ryoga.

And then all science was thrown out of the window. At least that confirmed that Ryoga wasn’t going crazy and hallucinating.

A ride home and a few confused explanations and introductions later, they were all sitting –or floating, in Arashi’s case- in Skitter’s living room/improvised workshop, physically, mentally and emotionally drained. It didn’t take much for the two of the group that needed it to decide ‘screw everything’ and go to sleep to deal with the whole situation in the morning.

With his steadily increasing work outside of G.U.N. as a mechanic and technician and his friends’ in need of help, Skitter didn’t hesitate to quit his job, quite happy fully turning his garage (and living room, to everyone’s dismay) into his workshop. After a lot of persuading, he managed to convince both Ryoga and Arashi to stay with him too, to keep an eye on them and make sure they’d be as safe as possible (not a lot with their now resumed side job)- only after Ryoga promised to do absolutely everything he could to help, both to repay his kindness and to make up for pushing him away for so long.

Now he has gone back to helping Ryoga with the tech back up, occasionally tagging along with Axel to help him out when the situation is tough. When he isn’t dealing with the tech-related issues, he provides help from above as the fly member of the team.