


5 years, 3 months ago


Age 22
Species Kai ken dog
Gender Male
Orientation -
Pronouns he/him
Occupation Vigilante
Creator Undeadfae
  • Playlist

  • Song title
Design Notes

  • Always wears gloves.
  • Has light blue highlights on his fur.
  • When Arashi possesses him his eyes turn blue with a red pupil.

An usually quiet guy, Ryoga prefers to keep to himself whenever he can, not really entirely comfortable around most people and keeping conversations short when forced to talk. Far too stubborn for his own good, he prefers to carry all the weight on his own shoulders even if it crushes him rather than asking someone for help, taking all the responsibility when something goes wrong even if it wasn’t his fault. A natural leader, he tends to have a great amount of patience and level headiness, always trying his best to appear calm no matter how troubled he is on the inside. It gets pretty hard to tell what’s going on through his head, and even harder to convince him to open up.

On the field, he almost seems like an entirely different person: cold, calculative and merciless, he’ll rarely give someone a second chance when they didn’t earn it… or even the chance to run. His most aggressive side surfaces when facing the worst kind of criminals, a terrifying fighter wielding his bat almost like a sword to deliver the justice that was sorely lacking in those infested streets.

Surprisingly, he has a sense of humor, although very bitter and snarky. His sarcasm is strong.


  • Secretly enjoys horror like his brother, as much as he likes to claim otherwise to not be bothered.

  • Leadership skills
  • Good strategist
  • Physical strength above average
  • Quick thinking
  • Good at intimidating
  • Becomes stronger and faster when possessed by Arashi

  • silence
  • hanging out with his friends
  • training
  • reading
  • meditation

  • conversations and gossips
  • street gangs
  • talking about Arashi's death
  • crowds
  • threats to his friends

Born and raised in one of the shadiest parts of Chun Nan, street violence wasn’t uncommon in Ryoga’s childhood. While he tried to always steer clear of it or solve matters in a more pacific way, his brother Arashi was the complete opposite: rude and hot headed, he was the first to jump into a fight to help someone, even with how little a child could do to actually help in such a situation. All the attempts to hold Arashi back were for nothing, he always found a way to sneak out and bring justice in his own way.

When it was clear that nothing would hold back his twin, Ryoga decided to try and at least help him at the best of his abilities, keeping an eye on him, taking care of his injuries and occasionally dealing a blow or two in a fight. Even with his reluctance to get involved in that kind of mess, their improvised teamwork was working pretty well, despite the reputation it was starting to earn them- not like Arashi cared about being called a delinquent or a criminal.

Unfortunately, street justice doesn’t tend to end well, and Ryoga learned this the hard way. An unexpected ambush of a gang dead set on revenge led to a horribly one-sided fight; the only reason Ryoga even survived was his brother getting in the way to protect him from the worst of it, until the gang was satisfied with their work and left them alone to die. Skitter had been fast to call an ambulance, but there was little that could be done to save Arashi. When Ryoga woke up in the hospital, his brother had already passed away.

Filled with grief, he was completely at loss and unresponsive at first, until he physically recovered and was dismissed from the hospital. Going home and finding himself alone broke something inside of him.

Taking up the vigilante role of his dead brother, Ryoga decided to continue their work. In his eyes, it wasn’t revenge, it was justice.

Distancing himself from his only friend left, Ryoga started going out more and more often with his brother’s old equipment, his methods of dealing with the criminals slowly turning more and more brutal.

His recklessness was getting worse with each fight, and it was soon clear that he just stopped caring about himself, often even losing sleep or forgetting meals altogether. It didn’t take much longer for that to land him in trouble.

He had little to no recollection of the fight, only remembering being outnumbered and seeing red at the mention of his dead brother, to then find himself standing in the middle of the alley, surrounded by knocked out –possibly dead- gang members with nothing more than a few bruises and scratches and some slightly more worrisome, but thankfully not life threatening, injuries. For a moment, he simply stood there, blood soaked bat limp in his hand, just trying to figure what the hell just happened. When he heard a sigh, he immediately turned, bat in hand, to find himself face to face with a ghost. His brother’s ghost.

Needless to say, that was quite the night.

Partly panicking, partly to convince himself that he was –or wasn’t- hallucinating, Ryoga did the only thing his frazzled and incoherent mind could come up with at the time; he called Skitter, having the mind to profusely apologize for his terrible behavior before asking for help. Against all common sense, Skitter did listen to him, even accepting his apology before fussing over him and ultimately going to pick him up before he could find even more trouble.

Had it not been for his current situation, Skitter’s face upon seeing Arashi’s ghost would’ve been worth a pic and quite a few laughs. At least Ryoga now knew he wasn’t going crazy- not entirely at least.

A ride home and a few confused explanations and introductions later, they were all sitting –or floating, in Arashi’s case- in Skitter’s living room/improvised workshop, physically, mentally and emotionally drained. It didn’t take much for the two of the group that needed it to decide ‘screw everything’ and go to sleep to deal with the whole situation in the morning.

In the end, Skitter managed to convince Ryoga to stay, on the condition that Ryoga would help him with his new work at the workshop and whatever else might be necessary, both to repay his kindness and to make up for pushing him away for so long.

Now, he still continues with his vigilantism, although he has managed to somewhat calm down and be more rational, letting the others help whenever is needed and thinking before recklessly rushing in. He’s the power member of the team, not only in terms of strength but in intelligence too, a merciless strategist and a quick thinker with enough intimidation tactics to back him up.