


5 years, 3 months ago



Name Calpurnica Trosterud
Age 115
Gender Cisfemale
Occupation Governess
Race Satyr
Employer Rafferty Family

A matronly satyr who could never have her own children, yet delighted in caring for the children of others. She works for whichever family can keep her on and found herself with the Rafferty family for quite some time. She very easily falls in love with the children she's tasked with caring for and is fiercely protective over them.


  • children
  • baking
  • shadow puppets
  • the ocean


  • loud noises
  • seeing children unhappy
  • the cold
  • radishes


Calpurnica comes from a large family and had to work from a young age to help support it. She never had time for a relationship but nevertheless wanted to be a mother, and thus she chose work as a governess. She was very good with children and was eventually drafted to work for the Rafferty family, a wealthy and influential family in the technological hub that is Noachis.


Callie came under the employment of the Rafferty family while Edmund Rafferty was a young teenager, so his son Cetus was the first Rafferty she raised from infancy. Edmund was a rather distant father and kept Cetus busy with his studies and lessons, forbidding him from bothering his ailing mother. Madame Rafferty and Callie often conspired to sneak Cetus into her room anyway. Callie understood it was important for the both of them in order to keep their spirits up. After Madame Rafferty died, Edmund threw his son fully into his studies in order to prepare him for his eventual succession as the head of the Rafferty family. When Edmund passed unexpectedly several years later, Callie was removed from caring for Cetus by Selah, the advisor to the family. She often would find ways to work in the same wing as him so she could check up on him, as much for herself as for Cetus' friend Sophronia, who was unable to visit him any longer. When Cetus took over the University at age eighteen he laid off Callie, expressing his desire for her to go out into the world and live the life she wanted.


With the severance that Cetus paid her Callie was set to retire, but still wanted to care for children. She invested it in an orphanage and foster care home in the nearby town of Highmoon, where she worked for many years before retiring to the outskirts of town. Her knowledge of potions and tonics, as well as her experience with children made her something of a local celebrity. Many years after she had retired Cetus came to her on recommendation when his son fell ill, and the two were delighted to reconnect. She makes an effort to visit him at his home as often as she can.



Cetus  [ ward ]

Callie found Cetus to be a delightful, polite young man with many talents and an eagerness to learn. At the same time she recognized his need for positive contact with his family, and would often sneak him in to see his ailing mother despite his father's wishes. After his father passed away she did her best to care for his emotional needs, but was often delegated to tutoring by Selah. When she finds him again and learns of his past actions she is quick to forgive him, sensing that he truly regrets it.


Leonel  [ godson ]

Callie met Leonel when he was young and ailing from an intense respiratory infection. She stayed with the Milners for a time to help Cetus care for him. She sees many of the same qualities in Leonel as she saw in his father, but with the freedom to grow up as any other child would. Whenever she is in Archwood she makes a point of stopping by and spending time with him.


Sophronia  [ friend ]

Sophronia and Callie were acquaintances for the most part, as they were both long-lived beings. After Cetus' father passed and Selah tightened her hold on him, Sophronia depended on Callie to make sure Cetus was alright and relay information to her. After leaving Noachis Callie did not have much contact with her at all, but does interact with her son if he's in Archwood with Leonel.

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