Maksimilian Vasiliev



5 years, 1 month ago



Name Maksimilian Vasiliev Alias Max
Age 18 D.o.B. December
Gender Cis Man Orientation Gay
Height 5'9" Race Novo
Origin Kryevot Class Lord
MBTI ISTP Alignment Neutral Good
Status Prince of Kryevot Theme idgaf -swelo


  • Playing music
  • Ice skating
  • Reading (especially horror)
  • Doing nothing


  • Music
  • His dumb competition with Azumi
  • Sleep
  • Gothic/Emo/Edgy aesthetics


  • Exercise
  • Mornings
  • Hot weather
  • Getting involved with other people's problems



Self-assured Snarky Calm Unmotivated Blunt Lazy

disjointed notes i will fix at some point

• Snarky deadpan prince grew up with basically only his socially inept dragon who was scared of actually reprimanding a Fragile Baby Novo so he was pretty spoiled and bratty. Max often got into trouble because of his impulsive nature since he gets bored by nearly everything and everyone. The main exception is music, which he is passionate about and spends most of his free time on, but he also enjoys Medieval snowboarding and ice skating the few times he bothers venturing out of the castle instead of lazing around or reading

• Sarcastic but self-assured and confident teen lacks a filter and won’t shut up, bad at reading social situations and is too blunt for his own good but is rarely ever (intentionally) malicious and is overall a happy guy even though he never looks it since his face and voice are perpetually deadpan unless he’s either performing music/singing or is feeling something really strongly

• Has a fatalistic world view and just accepts that that’s how things are instead of fighting them (i.e. isn’t really interested in ruling but That’s How Things Are + his sorry attempts at befriending Azumi that turned into a weird rivalry that he’s since given up on fixing and welp guess that’s just their relationship now. At least that one actually makes him care about improving), would much rather stay in his own lane anyway than get involved with other people’s problems, wishes he could muster up motivation for non-music or non-Azumi things but man everything is just Boring and reminds him about that inevitable looming King Thing that he’d rather not think about

• Max is terrible at sorting out his feelings and generally has to talk things through with Rievoa in order to really make sense out of his thoughts (otherwise they just sort of circle endlessly) but he also values Rievoa’s input above nearly anyone else’s anyway and filtered most of his views through him. One would’ve hoped that would’ve made him a little more polite but nah. He is generally really accepting though and just rolls with everything, making him pretty difficult to rattle or insult. He’s more likely to defend other people than himself since he is unshakably loyal to anyone he likes and doesn’t really feel like he has to prove himself to anyone (unless they’re calling him useless, he doesn’t like that and will argue that point instead of just ignoring the other person). He’s overall comfortable with who he is and doesn’t see what the big deal about his attitude is


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam bibendum molestie ipsum. Morbi sit amet libero velit. Maecenas ut metus molestie, malesuada erat ultrices, sagittis nisi. Donec hendrerit libero enim, eget venenatis sem accumsan sit amet. Vestibulum volutpat mollis sem eget feugiat. Pellentesque dapibus, quam a laoreet pulvinar, felis quam tincidunt odio, quis pellentesque felis urna id urna. In sed ipsum feugiat, pulvinar est eget, egestas libero. Aliquam interdum erat mauris, eget fermentum quam consectetur imperdiet.



Charisma 30
Kindness 55
Temper 10
Integrity 80
Courage 90
Humor 90


Attack 50
Defense 40
Magic 5
Resistance 20
Speed 20
Stamina 50


Discipline 10
Confidence 100
Intellect 70
Manners 30
Optimism 60
Trust 65



Bubble -Rabbit Junk

Sorry -Falling With Glory





  • His stats are awful because he's never so much as held a weapon before but he has good growths, I promise
  • He wants to play every instrument but medieval guitar & drums are his favorites. If he wasn't a prince, he would absolutely want to be a bard instead
  • He tried to grow out his hair once but it started annoying him so much he chopped it off and he's been styling his own hair ever since. No one has considered this a good thing but he loves it this way
  • His tolerance for sweets is Very Low and he does not understand the appeal. Loudly does he not understand the appeal





Max accidentally deeply insulted Azumi during their first meeting as children and was never able to stop digging that hole deeper. Eventually this became an incredibly stupid rivalry with Max constantly trying to impress show up Azumi, which is definitely the only reason he gravitates towards him constantly. Nothing whatsoever to do with admiring how driven and good at everything he is, nope.

Fake Uncle



The current guardian dragon of Kryevot who ended up practically raising Max since his parents were so busy. Max considers him family and both admires and respects him and his opinions above basically anything else. Unfortunately, this tends to result in Max using him like a walking diary anytime he's unsure about something but he means well, really.

a good guy



Alexei saved Max's life once when he was little and had gotten lost in a sudden blizzard while looking for Rievoa who had returned to the mountains for a brief respite. Alexei had found him passed out in the snow and brought him back to the castle so he's pretty great in Max's book. Good sense of aesthetics too.



Character Name

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