Suvi Lynn Feldt



5 years, 1 month ago



curious ✦ flower child ✦ open-minded

  • Basics

  • ✧ Name: Suvi Lynn Feldt
  • ✧ Nickname: -
  • ✧ Age: 9 (845); 14 (850); 18 (854)
  • ✧ Birthday: 2nd April (Aries)
  • ✧ Gender: female
  • ✧ Sexuality: heterosexual
  • ✧ Species: Human, Eldian
  • ✧ Ethnicity: Scandinavian & German
  • ✧ Affiliation: Training Corps, Scouts
  • ✧ Status: alive

  • Statistics

  • ✧ Knowledge: 06/10
  • ✧ Motivation: 09/10
  • ✧ Will To Act: 07/10
  • ✧ Agility: 09/10
  • ✧ 3DM Gear: 06/10
  • ✧ Swordsmanship: 05/10
  • ✧ Hand-To-Hand Combat: 03/10
  • ✧ Long Range Accuracy: 04/10
  • ✧ Strategy: 03/10
  • ✧ Teamwork: 09/10
  • ✧ Offense: 06/10
  • ✧ Defense: 05/10
  • ✧ Social Skills: 09/10

  • Appearance

  • ✧ tall & skinny, yet muscular
  • ✧ l o t s of freckles
  • ✧ small breasts & not very curvy
  • ✧ light blonde, short straight hair
  • ✧ light green eyes
  • ✧ sloppy posture
  • ✧ comfortable > pretty clothes
  • ✧ jug ears

  • ✧ Height: 165cm (850); 175cm (854)
  • ✧ Weight: 56kg (850); 63kg (854)


"... she was made of sunlight."

  • flowers; nature in general
  • baking
  • long walks
  • animals
  • social interaction
  • music
  • crocheting
  • discussing
  • rudeness
  • traditions
  • pressure
  • lateness
  • being told what to do
  • losing
  • not getting what she wants
  • wearing jewelry

✦ Personality

"I have happiness. And that's all I need."

Suvi is quite talkactive and loves to socialize with people. She often finds herself among people older than herself, because she loves to learn and listen to other people‘s experiences, while she has the feeling that she can’t learn too much from people her age. She’s a very open-minded and very VERY curious kind of person. That’s why she doesn’t get to understand that not everyone is interested in everyone’s lifestory, like she is, and can become a bit annoying for some people at times. But she usually has the feel for it when she should stop talking and let the other person speak for a while.
As her whole family, she indeed is a total realist, but she tries to avoid negative emotions, so she rather seems optimistic to people, and she tries to really be it, too.
Suvi always tries to be helpful and listens to people’s problems, even though she’s not the best at keeping things to herself. And although she always tries to be friendly, she has the urge to be honest with people, so you shouldn’t ask her opinion if you don’t want to hear the truth. But other than her sister Ronja, she wouldn’t state her opinion if it isn’t asked. Nontheless she tries to encourage and motivate people if they need it.
She’s not very good in self-reflection and is quite self-confident, that’s why she likes to overhear criticism. She even behaves arrogantly from time to time. A huge example for that is, that she refuses to wear a ponytail, no matter what, because she has kind of jug ears and doesn’t want to show them so openly. Even in the military she doesn’t wear her hair up, but at least Ronja could convince her to cut it to the minimum point it most likely won’t be in the way.
Nontheless, all in all Suvi is a very simple girl, it's easy to make her happy and she doesn't judge people, but tries to see something good in everyone.

[ ... ]

  • Trivia

  • ✧ easily influenced by others
  • ✧ Suvi hates to lose. She even can get mean if she does. Emma often asks her to play card games with her, but Suvi usually denies since she knows that Emma will most likely win
  • ✧ Suvi and Ronja look very much alike, they both have the brightest hair color of all the siblings, both have button noses and they are also the only ones who have freckles; Suvi loves it.

✦ Story

Suvi grew up in Trost, Wall Rose, together with her five siblings. Their parents owned a saddlery, were they made and sell a diversity of leather goods just like saddles, headgear, collars, but also bags and belts. Additionally their mother knitted and crocheted blankets. With all this, the family earned enough money to live a good life. The father tought his first-born, his only son Noah, in leatherworking when he turned 10. This became a tradition for the family. Everytime one of their children turned 10, the next oldest sibling would teach them in leatherworking. So, Suvi was tought by Emma, and Suvi showed it to her sister Freya.
Ever since Ronja started to help their parents in the saddlery, Suvi was excited to learn how to do it, too. Ronja always was her idol as her biggest sister, so she wanted to be able to do the same things her sister could. Their mother wasn’t too happy to see her girls working with the leather and would have wanted them to just learn how to knit and crochet, but she knew that, since the saddlery was well-attended, they would need all the help they could get.
When Suvi turned 10, she couldn’t wait to be tought by Emma, but to Suvi’s disappointment, Emma wasn’t too motivated to do so, since the work didn’t bring her as much joy as for the other siblings. But Emma knew that Suvi waited very long for it, so she did her best to teach her as good as she could. Suvi was absolutely taken up in the work. She was proud to be helpful, but more importantly, she was proud to be more like her older sisters now, and that she didn’t belong to the little ones anymore. Suvi could not have been happier.
But then Ronja suddenly told their family she was going to join the military. Suvi didn’t understand her decision at all, since in Suvi’s eyes, everything was perfectly fine as it was. They were a great family which worked together so well, and every day was just as great as the other. But not for Ronja. She told them she wanted to be individual and something special, and wouldn’t want to be one of many.
When Ronja left the house, Suvi was not as happy as before, or at least, she was very confused. While the work still brought her joy, she just couldn’t understand why Ronja „didn’t want to be like her sisters“(<- that’s how Suvi understood Ronja’s words). It made her sad and she questioned herself if she wasn’t good enough. Suvi even thought of following Ronja’s example and join the military, too, to make her proud and to be near her again. But Suvi knew that she would be needed in the saddlery, especially after the fall of Wall Maria.
One day there’s a huge fire which destroyed their house and the saddlery, and also took almost all family members. The only survivors are Noah, Emma and Suvi. While Emma is under total shock for a quite long time, Suvi knows quite well what she wants and needs to do now, especially after talking with Ronja. While Ronja plans to leave the military to support her family as good as possible, Suvi knows how happy Ronja is in the military. Besides, Suvi doesn’t want to stay with her brother as the authoritative, since they doesn’t come along too good, especially since he and Ronja had their huge fight.
So Suvi decides to join the military to avoid being a burden to anyone and to take responsibility for herself. All this by following Ronja’s example once again. She wants to be taken serious, doesn't want to stay behind her siblings and also secretly hopes to have more time with Ronja again. For some reason, Emma decides to follow Suvi’s example. Not sure why she does that, Suvi is still happy to have her by her side. For the time shortly after the fire, the three siblings stay with their mother’s friends. Noah helps in the household and additionally works in a bar to make up the costs they bring the family. When he gets to know that Emma und Suvi will join the military too, he’s about to burst. Nontheless Emma and Suvi stick with their plan and both join the 105th Training Corps.
While Suvi doesn't plan to join a certain regiment, she later just follows Ronja’s example once again and joins the Survey Corps. Emma chooses to join the Garrison.

After Ronja gets seriously injured during the mission to retrieve Wall Maria/Shiganshina ("Return to Shiganshina" Arc), Ronja and Noah finally get in touch again ever since their fight. They make up and all four siblings decide to support each other from now on, no matter what. Actually Noah tries to convince his sisters to leave the military to open a new saddlery and to live in peace (as long as possible) together as family, but after finding out the truth about the titans, Ronja and Suvi can’t let go. Emma decides to leave the military and support Noah from now on. She starts to work as a waitress in the bar Noah works at too, and together they try to save up for building up a new saddlery. However, Noah can’t stand the risk of his sisters getting hurt again or even worse, but he decides to support them as good as possible from now on, and is really thankful that at least Emma returned to him and will stay.

[ … ]

✦ Family


Ronja is Suvi's oldest sister. They come along quite well, even though Suvi can be clingy sometimes. The reason for that is simple: Suvi is absolutely amazed by Ronja and idolizes her; Ronja becomes her rolemodel. Ronja isn't aware of that, so that she sometimes feels a bit "copied" by Suvi, which makes her uncomfortable. All that goes as far as to Suvi following Ronja's example and joining the military. Suvi's idolizing of Ronja even comes to the point of being unhealthy, before Suvi finally realizes that she has her own personality and doesn't need to try to be someone else. After that Ronja and Suvi's relationship gets even better.


Noah is Suvi's big brother. Their relationship is difficult, they don't come along very well because their personalities and views on the world are just too different. They do care for each other, but if they're together they just annoy each other and don't even really try to come along. Their conversations most likely end up in teasing and making jokes about each other.


Emma is Suvi's older sister. You could say they both are and act like normal sisters do. Sometimes they annoy each other, but they're there for the other if needed ... most of the time. Sometimes Suvi can't stand Emma's depressing attitude and pessimistic view on things. Vice versa, Emma's annoyed by Suvi's too many little "so-called problems". However, they do care a lot for each other.

✦ Relationships


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.

Canon Characters (Summary)

Suvi is very talkactive and loves to socialize. She admires people who are just as talkactive as herself because she loves to listen, too. While she has some good friends in the 105th Training Corps, she tries to spend as much time as she can with her sister Ronja. Therefore she also has friends in the 104th Training Corps, also because, as mentioned before, she likes to be among people older than herself. Naturally, she comes along quite well with her sister’s friends, especially with Connie.
But Suvi also comes along with some other people from the 104th, which makes Ronja quite uncomfortable, to know that her sister is friends with more people than her, especially since she knows how bad Suvi is at keeping secrets. To Ronja’s annoyance, Suvi also comes along with Christa and Marco. But actually, this and the fact that Suvi indeed isn’t good at keeping things to herself, is the reason for Marco helping Ronja to be friends with Jean.

✦ Love Interest

Connie Springer

Since Suvi spends much of her time with the 104th cadets, and most likely with Ronja and her friends, she gets to know and be friends with Connie quite fast. Actually, Suvi always was this kind of girl who has little crushes on boys very easily, and that‘s how it started with Connie, too. But the difference here was, that Suvi actually spend very much time with him, instead of just staring and dreaming from far away. So this crush became actually serious. Suvi admired his humour and how he always stayed quite positive/optimistic towards things. She also adored him being a little goofy sometimes, since it always brought a smile on her lips. Eventually Connie realized Suvi’s „excitement“ about him and enjoyed having her full attention. After some time, they eventually forgot a little about the rest of their company while sinking in deep talks, and it even felt like they would be alone.
When the 105th came to the point of training hand-to-hand combat regularly, Suvi recognized that she wasn’t very good at it. She was sad and very disappointed in herself, so that, instead of spending her time with the 104th , she used her time to train for some weeks. Connie, of course, noticed that, but wasn't brave enough to ask Ronja for her. However, one day he does ask her and Ronja admits that she doesn't know either (because Suvi didn't told her since she didn't want to disappoint Ronja). So Connie decides to try talking with her, because he starts to worry about her. When Connie finds her training once again, Suvi is surprised to see him and asks why he would be there. Jokingly Connie says "Because I missed you". However, Suvi doesn't understand that it actually was meant as a joke, so she smiles brightly and tells him that she missed him, too. Suvi also excuses to him and explains her situation. While Connie is a bit overwhelmed by her misunderstanding, he takes the chance and offers to train with her. Suvi hadn’t expected something like that, but she happily agrees and is really thankful that he wants to help her.
However, it turns out that Connie isn’t the best teacher, or better, Suvi just really got small talent for hand-to-hand combat. Nontheless, Connie feels bad that he couldn’t help her, although Suvi assured him that it wasn’t his fault. After some silence between them, they eventually came to talk about their reasons to join the military, and Suvi felt sorry for Connie, that, in his eyes, the military seemed to be the only opportunity to prove himself. She told him that he wouldn’t have to prove something to anyone, since it wouldn’t matter what others thought of him. After Connie managed to smile because of these words, he asked her: „Well, I still wonder … what do you think about me?“ As this question came so surprisingly, Suvi couldn’t hold back to blush. Quite flustered she looked away and told him: „Well, I guess I think you’re really cute …“. Connie laughed quietly and told her that this would relieve him. After some time of seeing each other from time to time, also without the other cadets, they eventually became very close with each other.

[ … ]

( I'm still working on their relationship, but at this moment I just think that they both are quite simple, so that it also could just be as simple for them to fall in love with each other. Nontheless, as mentioned, I'm definetely working on it.)

profile html by Hukiolukio