
5 years, 2 months ago



Esther Umi








5” ft








Manga Artist


Lambda Clan



Esther is a Kappa Floss who works as a manga artist. She spends most of her time working at home, though she does like to go out and take leisure strolls near the shorelines of the Lambda Clan (where she currently resides in) or run errands for the household (like visiting the local markets) every now and then.

She specializes in drawing action and horror and had just recently finished a bestseller. For the sake of her privacy, she goes by the pen name Taidana Esuteru.


Esther is a typically sarcastic person. She dabbles in dry, dark humor and also has a fondness for all things related to thriller and horror. A lot of people usually don’t expect that of her when they first meet her.

She tends to tease the people that she cares for and doesn’t like to be super cliche and sappy about her love for them. She also likes to mess with people for fun and gets amusement from playing small little pranks and/or seeing people get freaked out over something.

Whenever Ester has to do something she’s only obligated to do, she will go out of her way to do whatever needs to be done at the last minute. She has a bad habit of putting things that she doesn’t want to do off, and sometimes that can include her job, even though she loves drawing. In short, she’s lazy, but she’ll come through with the things that she cares about.


As a Kappa, Esther can move all four of her hands and her feet at lightning speed during urgent cases, such as if she’s got a work deadline by tomorrow or an event to prep for within a few hours.

She can‘t use her super speed for very long periods of time and often does everything at the last minute as a result. She can only handle going forward and doing something quickly for a day at most before needing a long break. Because of this, she‘ll usually only use her powers five times a week, sometimes six or seven times if it’s a deadline week at work.


For a good portion of her life, Esther was born and raised in a small and crowded apartment within the Kappa Clan. She lived out most of her childhood through art and learned how to express herself with drawing. She - much to the surprise of her peers and family - mostly specialized in drawing boy characters, the Candyfloss anatomy, and different poses. That would only be the beginning of how she came to be an action/thriller/horror mangaka.

One day, Esther got accepted to enroll in a prestigious arts academy in the Beta Clan at the age of ten. From there, she had moved to Beta territory for her overseas studies and met a Beta gal named Celine Lumine, who became her childhood friend that she’s still in contact with to this day. Esther and Celine would talk and hang out pretty often during their school days and after their classes would let out. Celine excelled at calligraphy and was often competing against this Epsilon girl named Athena, her ultimate rival.

These calligraphy contests would be held four times a year, so once every season, and Esther would always attend without fail. Like Celine, Athena also apparently had a childhood friend that would show up to these calligraphy contests without fail as well, and he was a Lambda boy named Uriel.

Much to her own surprise, Esther gradually started to fall for Uriel over time, or at least with every time that she’d see him. She didn’t want to feel the way that she did, but it’s not like she control her own romantic feelings. She couldn’t help feeling her heart rate spike up every time they so much as accidentally locked eye contact with each other for more than two seconds.

She and Uriel were often having to see each other and cross paths during these calligraphy contests too, so she figured that it wouldn’t hurt to get his contact info and at least be mutuals. She didn’t expect to be anything else other than friends at best.

They started talking a lot, first through text and then through call, and eventually Esther and Uriel kept meeting and eventually dating (the feelings were reciprocated!) in secret, without Celine or Athena’s knowledge. Esther didn’t know how Celine would react if she knew that she was basically in love with her rival’s friend.

Celine and Athena did find out eventually one day, when one of them had caught Esther and Uriel together, but the both of them decided to put their differences aside and just be happy for their friends.

Several years of long-distance dating later, Uriel had asked Esther to move in with him one day, to which she had agreed. A few years later, he proposed and she had accepted.

Now she and Uriel are currently married and they share a house together in the Lambda Clan. Esther mostly works at home as a manga artist while Uriel is often out during the day as a tourist guide.


Esther had always wanted to be a manga artist due to her preference for the art style. It had always been her long-term goal since she was a kid.

Considering the amount of attention that her most recent action and horror manga series has gotten and with its explosive success in sales, Esther could technically consider herself semi-famous, but she still hides behind a pen name and doesn’t like to think of herself as such, simply because she’s too lazy to want to acknowledge the responsibility that comes with all that fame.

After Celine and Athena started to (surprisingly) date each other, Esther eventually came to embrace Athena as a friend too.

Esther actually has a Zeta mother. Her father is a Kappa, but her mother is from the Zeta Clan and decided to settle down in Kappa territory after they got married.

She also has a Delta cousin named Hades from her mom’s side. While her mother is a Zeta Floss, her mother’s Zeta sister (who is Hades’ mother) had married a male Delta.


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precious hubby

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childhood friend

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a friend she knows through Celine

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a friend she knew through Uriel

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her favorite sushi chef

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her co-owned Nenero

I’ll only try if it matters to me.
