Luag Ruadhain



5 years, 2 months ago



Name Luag Ruadhain
Age 96
Birthday 3 Hedgethorn, 1024
Species Valish Elf
Gender Male
Orient. Heterosexual
Residence Aberdeen, Peden
Occupation Slave trader
Hogwarts House Slytherin
Status Alive
Design Notes

  • Consists of mostly hair
  • Very angry, all the time

Luag has had a hard life that has led him to be a brute, a thug, and a cantankerous jerk. He's extremely selfish and cares more about his bottom line than the lives of the people around him, so he has no sympathy for the lives he makes a living out of trading. He doesn't care about morals or ethics or politics. All he cares about are things that directly effect him. However, he pays his hirelings well and doesn't allow them to be mistreated by customers. While a hard sell, there might be some fragment of good well-buried inside of him.


  • Name is pronounced LOO-ak

Luag is a career criminal who has spent his entire life skirting the edge of the law, though thanks to the wealth he's accumulated, he's never spent a day in jail. He's been trading slaves for the last decade ever since the Peden War drove his former business to bankrupcy. Recently, Luag has made the mistake of employing Saoirse and Bramble after the two borrowed money for him. They now have to work to pay it off, much to his chagrin.


  • Money

  • Everything

Bramble Boz | Employee

Bramble is Luag's employee. He has a little more tolerance for him than he does for Saoirse, but that tolerance is still very, very low. Luag thinks he would be a better worker if he stopped sleeping all the time.

Saoirse Ó Mathúna | Employee

Saoirse is also Luag's employee, much to his chagrin. He would much rather have Bramble than Saoirse and will find the smallest things to chew her out over. He wishes she would focus more on the job than on her own escapdes.