Fachtna Todt



5 years, 3 months ago



Name Fachtna Todt
Age 58
Birthday 3 Cinders, 1062
Species Valish Elf
Gender Female
Orient. Heterosexual
Residence Peverley, Pavia
Occupation Battlemage
Hogwarts House Ravenclaw
Status Alive
Design Notes

  • Must have killer eyeshadow at all times

Fachtna is dreamy and laidback, and doesn't take her job very seriously. In practice, she behaves like an annoying receptionist, her signature catchphrases being 'I apologize for the inconvenience', 'Thank you, please hold', and 'Thank you, have a nice day!' Underneath that, she's intensely mischievious, and probably does this on purpose in order to get on people's nerves. She's very dreamy and enjoys doing her make-up.


  • Name is pronounced FAW-C-NAH

Fachtna was born in a large city in the homeland of the Valish Elf, and grew up in a high class environment where nothing was denied her. She was often bored, and since in her environment misbehaving and rudeness would be punished severely, she resorted to tricks and wit in order to rebel in her own way. Showing magical talent at an early age, Fachtna received a prestigious magical education.

As an adult, she joined the Knight Apostles, a religious militia army, and was valuable as a battlemage. She eventually came to Peverley with other Knight Apostles to help hold the peace when circumstances in the city threatened to cause widespread chaos. Thus far, Fachtna has been largely unhelpful in preventing that, preferring to focus on doing her killer make-up and enjoying the scenary.


  • Make-up and fashion
  • Being wealthy
  • Tricks
  • Socializing with her friends

  • Attention and too much prestige focused on her
  • Getting involved in things that don't concern her
  • People who interrupt her
  • Working

Judas Hallivand | Acquaintance

Fachtna has been working near Hallivand in the last few months. Like many, Fachtna doesn't like Hallivand partially due to his past, and partially due to his overall unlikeable nature. She enjoys pranking and getting on his nerves just to get him in trouble and try to get a reaction out of him.