
5 years, 1 month ago


- Wannabe supervillain with the power of mind control 

- A cocky little shit who abuses his powers because he can

- In his day-to-day life, he enjoys provoking anyone brave enough to approach him with scathing humor and outright insults, as well as pulling mean-spirited pranks on those that have truly earned his ire

- Once you get past the asshole-ish front he puts up you realize most of it is just false bravado, and deep down he's just an insecure kid who's afraid that if he doesn't lash out first, others will 

- He's only a wannabe supervillain because his only crimes as of now are minor property damage, theft, grand larceny, abuse of superpowers, power-enhanced coercive persuasion, and assault on superhero(es)

-Which sounds like a Big Problem but in a world filled with superpowered criminals who usually resort to outright terrorism and mass murder, he really isn't as big of a shot as he thinks he is

- Deliberately pisses off superheroes in hopes of gaining an "archnemesis" (because he's still like 11 and most of his knowledge comes from comic books) but is incredibly disappointed when he realizes that big shots don't actually care about him and have the nerve to usually send their sidekicks after him

-He's a good kid, I swear... it's just buried very, very, very, very deep down

- Rarely shows up in person to his "heists", instead usually has some random mind-controlled victim wear his signature mask and outfit, making it look like it's the same person turning up every time and watches using drones and hacked security cameras

- Comes from a low-income family, so more money-conscientious than most. Going to rich kid prep school on top of that hammered in that money can get you almost anything, and commits crime with the main intention of giving to his family and those in need

- A modern-day Robin Hood if you will, except he's kinda tsundere about it and has the critical thinking skills of an 11-year-old

- Desire for large amounts of money + his natural penchant for mischief is what drove Matt to the "dark side" almost immediately after getting his powers

-His desire to become a supervillain has nothing to do with his almost religious infatuation as a kid with comic book supervillains like Catwoman. Not at all. No relation whatsoever

-He sees planning and carrying out heists as a sort of game, as he's too young to really understand the consequences of his actions

- As he grows up, he realizes Villainy isn't as cartoonishly fun as comics seem to depict it and becomes more of an anti-hero

- Despite self-proclaimed "evilness", he's kind of a softy and tries not to abuse his powers outside of theft and superhero encounters (he has a surprisingly strict personal code he abides by)

- Current "archnemesis" is a telekinetic sidekick working under one of the top heroes in the country ("The Firestarter")

- Sidekicks legally cannot be given code names, so Matt just calls him "Goggles"

- Oh, did I mention they're both currently in the same 5th-grade class?

- And they're currently best friends

- Yeah go read Eddie's profile for more on that