Summer Blake



5 years, 2 months ago


Tiger | Female | She/her | Pan | 7 feets tall

The star met Summer at a gym, The star cant do excerising at all due to health issues but went in there to try to anyway, after almost fainting the star caught the attention of a tall tiger girl who happend to be trainning nearby, Summer took the star back to her guardians, Cosmos was the one to pick her up, they were surprised about the star making a friend at the gym, and even more surprised that Summer looked like a pretty nice girl, they thanked her and exchanged phone numbers, Summer and the star occationally meet up to do some light excersicing, the star uses all her forms (Cat, taur cat, lucario, etc) to do different excersices, Summer enjoys training her new friend and Cosmos is always around to keep an eye on the star and spend time with Summer.

Misc information:
-Summer is 7 feets tall (2,16 meters) and is super strong, loves going to the gym very often, she balances all the excersising she does with the tons of food she eats, loves junk food but often you'll see her eating something more light due to her diet.
-Summer cares a lot about her own appearance, her hair is dyed on the tips but often changes the color for fun, she also does her nails but only on her feet, since her hands are retractable claws, the nail polish on her feet matches the color of her hair dye.
-Summer flesh is yellow on the inside, and somehow her blood is actually honey! She is the only one in her family to have this trait, it doesnt seem to be of any harm to her so its okay!