


5 years, 21 days ago



Devere the Sharpshooter

Centaur • Male • Pansexual • 7'3" (from hoof to top of head) • Smug demeanor


Devere hails from faraway, (supposedly) strange lands, though he has made his new home within Mhederali- the true name of the Expansive Woodlands- without much hassle on his end.
He likes to boast and brag about his survival skills and achievements from his birth home, but the fact of the matter is his life was quite dull, and compared to other Centaurs, he was unexceptional and not very motivated.
But now that he's in the Expansive Woodlands, he's actually lauded as a marvel with his hawk-eyes and steady arms. He's often relied upon in a few places about the Wood Elves treetop homes, as well as with various humanoids and creatures in the wood.

He likes being a teacher to those who beg and plead for his assistance, and is very smug now that he has been given another chance at being something of note. In a way, he is putting more effort into his life and his interests now that he has been shown the attention he craves, but he certainly doesn't try as hard as he acts, still a bit of a layabout when not being watched.

A harmless fellow overall, though his exterior can be painfully brash in that unwarranted confidence. He is known to get others to prostrate themselves before him just to ask for favors, or to watch him perform archery tricks (his specialty)-- his skill does indeed come with a price.


  • Loves to gossip, though he acts like he's above it depending on company
  • Muses on how 'dull' most humanoids/creatures look out in Mhederali, as if his coloration and patterning is the norm from his homelands
  • He is capable of piercing multiple objects with one arrow at galloping speeds; he does not mind letting others ride atop his back to do tandem archery tricks