


5 years, 1 month ago


  • AGE ???/??
  • GENDER Non-Binary
  • PRONOUNS They/Them, She/Her
  • RACE Demon
  • HEIGHT 7'10
  • BIRTHDAY Oct. 13th
  • ALIGNMENT Neutral
  • SEXUALITY Pansexual
  • ROLE Domain watcher


A demon with a usually calm demeanor. While they barely smile, she always seem to have a small mischievous glint in her eyes.


  • Mint tea
  • Absolute silence


  • Coffee
  • Chaotic noises

Layout by carebear | Code by AviCode


To other unknown demons and "co-workers", Jeza's stoic and straight to the point. If you asked those who are always around her, they'll tell you that she's well spoken and rather sarcastic. She holds an aura of importance. which seems to lower around those she cares for. Going from a "serious business woman" to a more "tired mom friend" personality once her day is done.


  • Does not need to eat or sleep, but takes part of it just for the fun of it.
  • Holds some sort of interest with card and board games, mostly Uno.
  • Rarely smiles, and when she does, it's a good chance that it's because they're angry with someone and trying to keep cool.
  • It's not known is Jeza actually speaks any known language. She speaks and understands every language.
  • Jeza gives everyone they barely knows a fake name, randomized each time. You'll never learn her real name until they trust you.



If you asked Jeza where she was born at, they'd refuse to give you a proper answer. Demons are either born from other demons, given life through rituals, or created by nothing. Jeza is the third, awakening within a "lake" in the demon world with only the knowledge of her name and what purpose she would serve.


Jeza spent a good portion of her time granting wishes and taking souls, working her way up in importance. Though, she had to slowly get use to meeting with angels to figure out if a soul was meant to be hers or not. A mistake regarding that had cost her one of her horns, a sign of growth and power.


Their hard work paid off. Jeza was assigned a city as their "domain." They look over and keep the city and those within from turning into anarchy. Anything and anyone that appears within the city is notified to her, and she takes the role of protecting this city very seriously.


The first to end up living in Jeza's apartment, Jeza took pity on her, as she seemed to be a lost vampire without a sire. However, they've slowly started to hold some sort of familiar bond, much to Jeza's slight annoyance, as Jacquelyn is the "hands on" to Jeza's "hands off" appearance. Both can be fine taking short naps together in the morning and early afternoons when Jeza has nothing to do.

Came in some time after Jacquelyn, as they both became friends after meeting each other one night. Jeza doesn't mind her, but doesn't like her way of speaking, and actively gives her some sort of candy (mostly lollipops) to keep her mouth in check.

Laine was allowed to stay at Jeza's apartment due to Laine asking for a place to stay, and Jeza's overall curiousity on her assignment. Jeza doesn't get to speak to witches often, and ponders the reason they'd need to give witches such an assignment in the first place.

Jeza considers Eira to be the baby of the group, and with it seems a bit more protective over them. Though, this may also be because she's well aware that Eira could cause some serious harm if provoked.