


4 years, 5 months ago



Name Kari
Age 21
Nickname N/A
Species Werewolf
Gender Female
Height 5'4"
Pronouns She/Her
Sexuality Bisexual
Creator IvyDino
Taken? No.

  • A werewolf stands straight and gives you a bright smile. She extends her hand out, waiting for you to shake it. "Well, it's nice to meet ya!"

Kari has a more jester personality, always seeming to take things lightly, and makes the time to crack jokes. Not that she downplays every problem, she knows when to dial it back and pay attention. Like a jester, Kari knows how to perform and hide her intentions and emotions though a mask, the few times she does get serious, it's one of the scariest situations to be in.


  • More likely to ask for more fun activities like karaoke and roller skating.
  • While she likes to do karaoke, her singing skills are terrible.
  • The most knowledge Kari maintained from home schooling is economics.

Kari comes from a wealthy family. She lead a rather sheltered childhood, her parents not allowing outside influences to possibly lead their daughter away from the path as the next owner of the business. This lead to her being homeschooled, and most of her social interaction coming from formal parties held to introduce and get use to future co-workers. While her parents were a constant in her life, she still strived to make friends outside of the usual bunch.

It wasn't until she met a particularly weird werewolf named Caine that she was able to get out and witness the world more. A royal party, a quiet area of the house. It was the perfect time to start a converstation with the son known to disappear from his family household for days. Caine told her about his many late night wanders, all the sights he has seen and the people he had met. This filled her with a want to explore the outside world more. and with it more questions. It wouldn't take long before Kari would start joining in his late night escapades, and soon after, the 2nd member of his pack.

Now, Kari spends her nights spending time with the Dawn Sky pack, and spending time at college during the day. While she still plans to hold true to her parent's want for her to take over the business, she refuses to continue on that path the way her family wants her to.


  • Videogames
  • Roller skating
  • Karaoke
  • Silly pranks

  • Spicy food
  • Mayonnaise
  • Harmful pranks

Iliya | Packmate - Friend

Kari finds Iliya the best to mess with, as she finds her reactions hilarious