


5 years, 1 month ago



Name Jacquelyn
Age 124
Nickname Pumpkin
Species Vampire
Gender Female
Height 5'6
Pronouns She/Her
Sexuality Pansexual
Creator IvyDino
Taken? No

  • "I'm gonna take a nap over there, okay?"

Despite her odd resurrection, Pumpkin continues to be her usual laid back self. She's a full on "forgive, but dont forget" type of character. Pumpkin can also be very affectionate to those she knows, willing to give hugs when needed.


  • Would rather float places than actually walk.
  • It's unknown why, but she would rather people call her by her nickname.
  • Doesn't drink from people without permission.
  • Holds no want to turn anyone into a vampire.
  • Was quite the bartender before turning.
  • Takes frequent naps with Jeza throughout the day.

Wake up, eat, work, go home, sleep, repeat. That was Jacquelyn's routine through life. While the day seemed boring and lifeless, the late night seemed to bring out all the more interesting people and events, and having late night jobs bartending just helped her pick up on odd stories for fun, some times drunken, people. However, she never expected to become the mark of someone's interest one day. A man who took maybe a bit too much interest in talking to the bartender.

Maybe it was his calm way of speaking, or perhaps his long gazes, but this man was so easy to talk to. So easy to respond to. Not enough to stop her work, as she would like to have kept her job, but just enough to keep her peeking from the corner of her eye. This man seemed to always, some how, meet her eyes at every peek. It was after work, Pumpkin would recall, when she had met him again. Standing there, looking rather mysterious, as always. Watching, as always. It was there his offer was made; an offer she couldn't refuse. "A more exciting life," he said. "A way to enjoy the night forever," he said. What an offer, she couldn't physically or vocally refuse.

Jacquelyn remembers waking up in her home. She remembers her new sire being there. She felt an unknown sense of anger, which then seemed to end as quickly as it started. She remembers being told what she is. Vampire. A creature not alive, but not dead either. How annoying. It had its merits, however. She soon adjusted to this life, with some help from her sire. She grew to learn from her sire, and tolorate him. Just tolorate. Then, just like that, he was gone. Gone for far too long. Pumpkin spent multiple days, weeks, months, to years roaming. Sleeping the mornings off where she could. Then one day, what she considers a rather odd day, a demon took pity on her. "What a weird demon," Pumpkin thought that day. She's been living with her ever since. Looking up to her, as she treats her better than any sire could.


  • Sleep
  • Bad horror movies
  • Witch's blood
  • Making drinks
  • Making other's taste test

  • Awakening too early
  • Tasting food
  • Demon's blood

Jeza | Roommate-"Sire"

The one who invited her to live within her apartment. She still doesn't fully understand why Jeza allowed her to stay, and she's a bit to scared to actually ask. While Pumpkin has the habit of calling her her "sire," Jeza and Pumpkin have a more sibling like relationship.

Iliya | Roommate-Friend

Met when Pumpkin decided to visit a club while the Dawn Sky pack were hanging out at. They seemed to enjoy each others company, and Pumpkin remains unfazed by her cuss filled mouth. It was Pumpkin's idea to invite her to stay over, and soon enough Ilia started to become a regular to the point Jeza got annoyed and asked if she wanted to stay for good.

Eira | Roommate-Friend

Pumpkin doesn't even fully remember when Eira started to live with her. Not that she minds, as she has already given Eira the title of "little sister," much to Eira's enjoyment. While Jeza is always a first, Eira is a close second to people Pumpkin would nap with on the regular.

Laine | Roommate-Friend

Pumpkin actively tends to talk to them the least. It's more cause she can smell the witch blood within her, making it somewhat difficult to fuction. She does find Laine's stand-offness funny, however.

Coriare | Close Friend

Whlie their schedules tend to not align due to Coriare's work, once together neither of them can be kept apart. Coriare has been assigned as Pumpkin's personal taste tester, seeing as how she personally can no longer eat food.