Xavier (The Emporer (sic) [AU])



3 months, 12 days ago


age: 32

Nth Emporer (sic) of Kansia, his divine right as bearer (after the cataclysmic wiping of the previous dynasty, that is) of the third-most potent blood of the Holy Frig(atebird). Only the third? Well you see the second is a woman, and the first is a bastard. Pity!

Xavier rules with icy benevolence and has done a great job convincing himself and his subjects that he is more God than man. Despite his somewhat embarrassing origins as a ramblin' bard, he's one of the most competent Emporers they've had in ages. It's a shame he can't seem to sire an heir, and that his sickly albino wife just keeps getting sicklier with each failed attempt.

Hmm actually it turns out there's a lot more to think about than just securing the future of his dynasty--how about securing the future of the literal ground beneath everyone's feet? Yeah, turns out that's a thing the Emporer has to worry about--every couple centuries or so the god-blooded have gotta go on an epic and perilous quest in order to placate the Land and keep it from sliding back into the arms of the jealous Ocean. Sure is awkward that nobody in the world thought to write much of it down. But it's okay, the Emporess has a sherlock megabrain and will surely figure it out once she stops selfishly dying of chronic bloodloss for a minute. We hope.

The thing Xavier hates most about going on an epic quest is not the saddlesores or the mortal peril or the mindbreaking wildmagic they encounter in the cursed mountainrange ominously named the Ribs of God--oh no, it's that when he's on the road, he doesn't have enough lorefriendly spreadsheets to keep his mind away from The Horrors as he usually does.

Also, his cherished mandolin gets turned into an adorable talking animal companion at some point along the way. Frig preserve us 😔

Why's it spelled like that?
That's just how they do it in Kansia 🤙

What's up with the Holy Frig?

That's just how they do it in Kansia 🤙 for real though have you ever looked at a frigatebird before they're like if a janky-but-majestic heraldic creature came to life

Why did you do him so dirty with the 16th century breeches?
Don't knock the threads bro!!!! Fear not, he gets more hoes than you can possibly imagine

How does his wife feel about that?
Correctly. Which is to say, that she feels her feelings are irrelevant. But it's chill, she gets to play with the Imporeal concubines too, as much as she wants, since xavie is sooo chill and generous. wouldn't wanna be a hypocrite now, would he.

Why is Imporeal Kansia so European but so many of the characters are asian looking
The in universe explanation for this is that it is a fantasy continent in the middle of the pacific ocean which was seeded with peoples of many places in the world and this bit just happens to have gotten a slice of european influences. The real explanation is that we wanted to put our pre-existing characters in a stupid arthurian AU for a bit of tropey nonsense funtimes and make them wear the stupidest pants ever 👍


  • Fucks like a billygoat with three testicles and even has a notorious and bewildering chair constructed especially for this.
  • Has various sets of regalia depending on the event. Black is for martial and judicial matters, Red is for general civil matters, and White is for diplomacy. Those are the feathers of an actual frigatebird you see in his cap. One for each province :)