
5 years, 1 month ago



Jiao Fang








5'1” ft








Psychologist & Psychiatrist


Mu Clan



Jiao is an Epsilon Floss that works as both a professional psychologist and psychiatrist in the Mu Clan. In short, he'll help diagnose mood disorders and prescribe antidepressants for anyone who seems to be struggling with their mental health.

Whenever he's not at work, he's usually found relaxing at home with his husband Samir. He likes watching movies and cooking in his spare time.


Jiao is open-minded, patient, and understanding of people's problems. He's got a lot of tolerance, literally almost nothing fazes him, and he's very easy to talk to. He may not be the most outgoing person, but he's certainly comfortable to be around. He's also very loyal about confidentiality and isn't one to spread gossip or rumors. He will take secrets down to the grave.

Even though he's extremely good at helping console other people through their problems, Jiao takes a while to acknowledge and deal with any problems and/or flaws that he has in his life. He's also an introvert, even if he may not seem like it, and doesn't go out to that many parties/social gatherings. He kind of prefers chilling at home instead.

He also presents himself to be more mature than he actually is. In reality, he'll definitely laugh at dumb and inappropriate jokes. He might feel embarrassed right after letting some laughter slip out, but he can't help it. Sometimes it's best to just enjoy the little moments in life.


As an Epsilon, Jiao has the ability to read minds and speak via telepathy, so there's no hiding the truth from him if he's your psychologist. He's been in so many minds throughout his lifetime, so much so that any violent or gory thoughts you might try summoning to ward him away won't even surprise him.

He's above average as an Epsilon Floss and has precise control over his abilities.

Despite all of this, he'll only use his powers sparingly, or at least enough to not give away how powerful he is. He doesn't want to appear intrusive and will only enter someone's mind without their consent if their life is on the line - like with helping prevent a suicide attempt or a panic attack. Other than that, he's either very respectful about holding back from reading people's minds (since he can just choose to listen in on what someone is thinking or not) or just does it so subtly that the person doesn't notice.


Jiao was raised to look at the world without judgement.

His parents were both therapists and taught him to never discriminate at a young age. Everyone has problems and sometimes they'll act out or spiral into misery because of that. People are the way that they are because they're products of their environment (and possibly because of genetics since some people are born to be more prone to anxiety and depression compared to others, for example).

It's because of this that Jiao had always taken a deep interest in how the mind works. That's why he took his education a step further by the time he graduated high school and decided to step up and study for a PhD and a doctorate's in psychology and psychiatry. He kind of just focused on his academic goals and studies in the meanwhile. While attending medical school, he befriended and met his future husband Samir. He also made a friend named Fatima along the way, and he'd soon find out that they would be working at the same hospital by the time they had graduated with their doctorate degrees.

He got married to Samir by the time they were in their mid-twenties, so they've been together for quite some time now. They're perfectly content with each other to this day, especially since Jiao is so understanding and encouraging of any problems Samir might have.


Jiao and Fatima actually used to date back in college, but it didn’t work out, so now they’re friends instead.

His husband Samir also (ironically) used to date Fatima in college too. But obviously, that didn’t work out either.

He used to have short hair all the way up until university. From there, he got too lazy to see a barber shop and just let it grow out. He didn't mind having it be long and has just rolled with long hair ever since.

Jiao's taller than the average Sugarfloss. Usually Sugarfloss are somewhere in the four feet range, but he's just a bit taller than that.


3816429?1571283407 Samir Fang

beloved husband

6038516?1581613638 Athena Fang

adoptive daughter

3915581?1614706765 Fatima Fern

best friend and co-worker

4008268?1559452250 River Telos

friend and co-worker

4929979?1568334812 Brynn Floss

a slightly annoying co-worker

t3CbpbO.png Gin Chrysos

one of his clients

4117454?1563036397 Omaru Omen

one of his clients

All feelings are valid, even the negative ones.
