Fatima Fern



5 years, 1 month ago



Fatima Fern








4'3” ft








Heart Surgeon


Mu Clan



Fatima is a Zeta Floss that works as a cardiovascular surgeon. In short, she will literally help fix hearts on the operating table, so you know she's gone through a lot of medical school for this.

Ironically enough, she also might be single forever and is terrible with keeping committed relationships. She'll mostly just rely on friends with benefits nowadays if she really needs to.


Fatima is a walking firecracker. She won't hesitate to give you fire if you dare to damage her pride or wrong her in any way, shape, or form.


As a Zeta, Fatima has the ability to freeze inanimate objects and people. She can do so with touch for about a couple of hours before her powers completely thaw out by then. In terms of strength, she's pretty average as a Zeta and will mostly use her ice-related abilities to freeze any groceries and/or foods she has at home.


Fatima's mother had a busy social life. It was a miracle that she only ended up with two kids instead of twelve, but she did use birth control, so maybe that helped. Though she was supposed to be a more responsible parent after having Gundam (Fatima's older half-brother), she ended up kind of neglecting her kid in favor of parties and hang outs instead. She was a young college dropout who often hung out with the wrong crowd. She did drugs for a living, so that was how she got money, and would sometimes even do the drugs that she was selling.

In the meanwhile, Fatima and Gundam had mostly been raised by a babysitter that was more like a mom to her than her actual mother. Though there was only so much that the babysitter could do, she tried her best to raise Fatima and she appreciated that.

One day, when she was seven, her babysitter died from a butchered buglary attempt that ended with the loss of her life. She had just been relaxing at home when the assailant broke down the locks to her front door and attacked her.

Fatima was absolutely crushed by her demise.

Later on, during the funeral, she overheard her babysitter's parents talking. They were discussing about how it was a tragedy that she had to die since she was able to get admitted to a hospital during that time, but she didn't make it out alive because the doctor that had been performing surgery on her butchered their job.

Fatima had been angry to hear about that.

From there, everything started to change after that point.

While her brother Gundam grew to be more of a reckless delinquent that didn't follow any rules and often got into fights, Fatima walked the complete opposite direction and started studying more. She strove to be an A+ student and mostly tried working really hard. She would often get upset whenever Gundam came home with bruises and black eyes that she would have to take care of, but it did at least help her learn how to tend to wounds at an early age.

By the time she had graduated high school, Fatima had already earned half of her collge credits through dual credit courses and was able to get into college at an early age. She took more classes than required in college to really amp her knowledge in medicine and eventually landed herself in a good medical school.

Throughout this point in her life, Melanie would start dating guys, only to flop out of those relationships each and every time. She just had really bad luck with romance and couldn't commit for shit.

Now she's currently accomplished all of her life-long goals by being able to climb her way up into being a heart surgeon. Though she literally helps fix people's hearts for a living, she can't seem to fix her own heartbreak over all of her failed past relationships. She's gradually learned to move on from her romantic mishaps and just focuses on work in the meanwhile.


She’s single. She can’t keep a relationship for long and has been through many failed relationships in the past, all of which haven’t worked out because she was so dedicated to her work. She spent so much of her time working and being busy with herself that she was never able to devote her time to others, or at least not in a romantic sense. She supposes that having a romantic relationship just doesn’t suit her life style anyway, nor does she want to be tied down, which is why the occasional hook up works better for her.

She finds it funny that she used to date both Jiao and Samir (not at the same time of course) in college, but now they’re together with each other and married.


3915620?1569537078 Jiao Fang

best friend and co-worker

3816429?1571283407 Samir Fang

best friend and co-worker

4008268?1559452250 River Telos

friend and co-worker

4105963?1580558411 Gundam Fern

older half-brother

4106030?1570019353 Melanie Fern


4106389?1559452255 Aspen Fern


4929979?1568334812 Brynn Floss

annoying ass co-worker

Probably not a good idea to annoy me if I'm gonna be holding a scapel to your heart later.
