Gin Chrysos



5 years, 24 days ago



Gin Chrysos








4’6” ft








Chef & Sushi Man


Theta Clan



Gin is a Lambda Floss that’s currently living in the Theta Clan as a sushi chef and the owner of a seafood restaurant. Even if he does miss his friends back in the Lambda Clan on occasion, his new life and business here in the Theta region is growing more than ever nowadays, and he’s really proud of that so far.

He currently lives in a small and cozy house with his wife Ursula and their nine-year-old son Brett.


Gin actually has an anxiety disorder that’s plagued his life for the longest time, so he’s not exactly the most chill person out there. He does tend to fidget and move around often, there’s never been a moment in his life where he’s just stayed completely still and in one place.

Aside from the fact that he’s a big worry wort, Gin can also be timid and bashful. He’s a shy yet paranoid guy. A lot of people have gotten annoyed with his nervous tics and habits before, so he usually tries to stay calm whenever he’s out in public, but that only makes him feel even more anxious than usual.

Other than that, Gin’s just a sweet and empathetic guy overall. He doesn’t get to know that many people on a personal level, so he’s really nice and friendly to you if you’ve stuck around long enough to still be talking to him. Sometimes he might be too nice to the point of being a pushover. (He already has a problem with saying no to his acquaintances.) He’s also pretty warm and open once you get to befriend him and if you don’t mind his nervous tics and habits just kicking in sometimes.


As a Lambda, Gin has the ability to sense and control the emotions of others. Though he’s average at best with his powers, Gin can only sense another person’s anxiety.

Basically, if he’s using his Lambda abilities, he can’t tell whether someone is truly happy or sad or angry. He can only sense if they’re feeling nervous or not. He can only sense fear, excitation, anticipation, and anything of the like - nothing else.

Ironically enough, once he senses that someone is feeling anxious, he’s excellent at extinguishing their worries with his powers. Unfortunately for him though, Gin can’t use his calming powers on himself, hence his life story. He’s a Lambda Floss that has the ability to calm people down, but he’s not able to calm himself down.


Gin was raised in a modest beach house near the coast in the Lambda region. He grew up being the son of a successful fisherman.

Though he liked learning about fish through his dad, Gin actually sucked at fishing in general. He just had bad luck with catching a big one, and he felt like he was disappointing his dad because of that. So even though it wasn’t obvious at first, Gin was already dealing with some problems as a kid.

It didn’t help that his agender childhood friend Maleko would always fish better than him either. That wasn’t Maleko’s fault at all, of course. Maleko was a cool friend, and Gin was always proud whenever they caught something good, but it also made him feel inferior in comparison.

So, even though his home life was relatively peaceful and his parents were sweet and kind to him, Gin grew to develop low self-esteem issues anyway.

Throughout time, Maleko would prove to be more and more better at not just fishing, but socializing and fitting in as well. Maleko was a chill Floss, so interacting with some of their classmates in school was no problem for them.

Meanwhile, even though Gin was a few years older than them, he would struggle to talk to people and he just felt like a social outcast and loner at school overall. Other than Maleko and maybe having been acquainted with their friend Summer, he literally had no one else he could feel comfortable hanging out with.

He remained that way throughout his teen years. As he grew older, his anxiety also grew as well, and it eventually became so invasive that it was now considered a mood disorder. He had trouble learning from and listening to his teachers, he couldn’t stay in one place for more than one second, and even attempting to socialize with his peers usually ended in an awkward disaster. He’d sometimes cry himself to sleep because he also began developing panic attacks during this time too. His parents were incredibly worried and tried to sign him up for therapy.

Gin would often wish that he was two years younger, to match Maleko’s year and grade at the time. That way, perhaps he wouldn’t be feeling as shitty. He never really told Maleko about any of his problems at first for fear of becoming a burden in their life. Maleko had only found out that Gin had anxiety after finding some papers about his therapist one day while visiting his house.

From the ages twelve and up, Gin went through many therapists. However, none of them helped, but at the moment there wasn’t much he could do. It was the only thing that helped slightly.

When Gin had first enrolled in high school, one of his therapists had encouraged him to come out of his shell and just start talking to people more. Just making acquaintances was a good goal to reach. His therapist had urged that he couldn’t live the rest of his life like this, or else it could seriously affect him in the long run.

Easier said than done, was what Gin had wanted to say at the time, but like usual, he had his mouth clamped shut and all he could do was nod along to that piece of advice and try anyway. He knew his therapist had a point, but he didn’t see how talking to any of his classmates would do anything for him. It wasn’t like they would care about what kind of person he was. If even he couldn’t bring himself to care about his own well-being, then what was the point?

And so, even though he didn’t want to, Gin forced himself to start attending any big social gatherings that were happening at his school anyway, just so he could get used to being around big crowds and people. If he had a panic attack during an event, his therapist advised that he find the nearest restroom and practice some breathing techniques. Then, from there, he could call his parents and go home. But so long as Gin didn’t have an attack, he had to try and stay for as long as he possibly could.

This was a big challenge for Gin, but he knew it would benefit him in the long-run once he had to graduate and start finding work. Talking to people would always be unavoidable, and he had to own up to that.

One night, while he was getting a cup of fruit punch from the refreshments table during a homecoming dance, he accidentally knocked into a Lambda girl named Ursula.

Ursula was someone that Gin briefly recognized, he remembered having math class with her. Not much was known about her except for the fact that she was really good at playing the violin and was a promising music prodigy.

As Gin had accidentally spilled his drink onto her glittery dress, Urusla threw him the nastiest look he had ever felt in his entire life. He could feel the heat of her glare scorching him. Before he could stutter out an apology and flee the scene, she yanked him by the wrist and pulled him outside.

Once the flashy disco lights from the dance were gone and the crisp night air hit their faces, she took one good look at him, ready to chew him out, only to freeze upon registering his face.

She just stared at his face for a while, much to Gin’s confusion, before saying, “You ruined my dress. What are you gonna do about it?”

Gin was surprised. He really thought that she was going to scream at him or something, he had been anticipating for the worse. Instead, he just rubbed the back of his neck before forcing a reply out.

”I-I don’t know. Um, how can I make it up to you?”

”Take me out for dinner tomorrow.”

He almost couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Before he could even question her request, she slapped a piece of paper in his hands before leaving for the night.

It was her phone number.

Unsure of what else to do, Gin had just pocketed it before also making his leave.

He wasn’t going to lie, she was cute, and even if this was just a dinner to make up for his accident, Gin would take what he could get.

The next day, when he had met up with Ursula once more, they had dinner at a seafood restaurant. There weren’t many words exchanged between them as they ate their food. Gin tried to make some small talk, but for some reason, even though Ursula was the one to initiate their hangout session, she wasn’t speaking much. She would shoot back bored, one-worded replies, much to his dismay. She seemed bored of his attempts at making conversation.

Right after the bill had been paid, just when Gin had thought that this whole thing was a disaster after all, Ursula just grabbed him by the shirt collar before smashing their lips together.

”Let’s go to my place,” she said, her voice echoing with a seductive purr.

Well, if she was insisting, then who was Gin to say no?

And so, Gin lost his v-card that night.

After they had finished, as Gin lied there on her bed covers, panting and trying to catch his breath, Ursula just tossed him a dry towel before curtly telling him, “Get out. My parents are gonna be home soon.”

Then, she just turned to him before adding, “I’ll call if I feel like doing this again.”

With a numb nod, Gin just did was he was told before leaving. As he left, he couldn’t help but feel empty inside.

So he had just been used for sex.

That was it. There was nothing else that she had wanted out of him. Of course. He was just a cute face for her to hook up with. What they did just now wasn’t a date, it was like a one-night stand. Something like that shouldn’t have surprised him, but Gin couldn’t help but cry himself to sleep that night.

He didn’t stop seeing Ursula just because of that though. Though he had felt miserable in the aftermath of sex, he had still felt amazing during sex, and he didn’t want to give up that feeling of warmth - even if it would never be permanent. A temporary and fleeting sensation of pleasure was better than nothing at all, or at least that’s what he told himself the next time he had accepted a call from her.

By the time he was sixteen, Gin had at least one friend. Ursula was only a friend with benefits, and the only times they would ever meet was for sex (which they’ve been doing pretty often now), but that probably still counted, right?

”We’re not dating,” she had once told him, after another one of their sessions. “I don’t have time for a relationship. What we do is just quick and easy, no strings attached.”

Not that that mattered though. Gin was used to all of that by now. Plus, Maleko was going to start high school soon and Gin couldn’t wait to finally see them after what felt like forever.

Things were finally starting to look up again. Gin didn’t have to feel as lonely as he used to anymore now that Maleko was around.

He was getting more used to being around people too, even if it was small, and once he was done with high school, he would just cut ties with Ursula (since she had insisted on doing the same anyway) and just pretend that what they had never happened. She had big plans to move into the Theta Clan for her eventual music career, so he wasn’t going to see her ever again anyways.

Or so he thought.

Then, one day, just before graduation week, Ursula had some terrible news to spill.

She was pregnant.

Gin couldn’t believe it.

Quietly, Ursula consulted him about possibly aborting the kid over the phone. She had big plans for the future after high school and she didn’t want to be chained down by a child.

However, Gin wasn’t absolutely against that idea. Something about the idea of abortion, especially when the kid in her stomach was going to be like a part of him, was horrifying. He pleaded for her to reconsider. He was desperate and was telling her all these things about her she didn’t even need to raise the kid once they were born, that he was fine with being a single father if it really came down to that.

After begging with her for hours over the phone and actually approaching her after school to convince her, Ursula gave in and decided to do what he wanted for once. And so, after they graduated from high school, she shortly gave birth to the child.

She gave birth to their baby boy a few months earlier than expected, so it was a premature baby, but it was still a baby nonetheless.

It was Gin’s baby.

And that’s all that mattered. He was able to see him - and he would name the kid Brett - after Ursula had given birth to him at the hospital. He figured that truly, after all of this, he wouldn’t really see Ursula again. She did say that she was going to terminate all parental rights in court, and they were never dating to begin with, so perhaps they could put all of this behind them once and for all.

So for a while, they went their separate ways. While Gin was struggling to be a single father in the Lambda region and learning how to be a better parent, Ursula was in the Theta Clan practicing her violin and steadily gaining musical fame.

That only lasted for a couple of months.

Ursula came back one day without warning on Gin’s doorstep. Long story short, she was no longer doing music anymore. Her dominant hand that she would usually use to play had suffered through extremely bad musician’s cramp one day at a concert, and it became so bad that she couldn’t play the violin anymore for the next several months.

The humiliation of failing to move her hand right in front of an audience with thousands of people crushed her so much that she had to put a pause or possibly quit her music career.

Although Gin was understanding of her situation and would gladly let her stay, he was still adamant about one thing.

”You’re not his mom,” he firmly told her. “It doesn’t matter if you were the one to give birth to him, you gave him up at court before going over to the Theta region and that’s final.” And then, almost like he was giving her a taste of her own medicine, he said, “No strings attached.”

For the first time since Gin had known her, Ursula looked hurt. He felt guilty, but he chose to ignore that guilt. He wasn’t in the wrong, he didn’t need to correct himself.

So Ursula went from being a friend with benefits to a… roommate. That was the best way to describe their relationship thus far. It wasn’t like she wanted to be his friend, she had probably only came to him because she had no other choice.

Gin knew that Ursula wasn’t the nicest person, he knew that real well, but as time trickled by and they were forced to see each other more since they lived together, he started learning things about her that he had never known before. For example, she actually loved sushi, something that he could make decently. She also loved to sew and make clothes, she was specifically interested in fashion native from the Theta Clan. She could sew with her non-dominant hand well enough, and ever since she had been advised to not play the violin anymore for a while, she had been making clothes whenever she could.

Her parents were often traveling across Caramella, they were using their retirement money to make the best of their lives, but even though they were away frequently, they would still send her enough money to suffice for a month or so. Her wealthy background helped with paying rent, so it wasn’t like Gin could complain about her staying as a freeloader.

She wasn’t acting problematic, but maybe he just didn’t want to like her. Maybe that was the real problem all along.

He didn’t want to be in love with her because he almost had been once, back when they were just starting their friends with benefits relationship as teens, but he knew that falling for her would only lead to pain again. He couldn’t trust her.

He tried to stop himself from feeling this way about her, just because she was nicer now doesn’t mean that he had to be into her, but he couldn’t help it. This was an issue that stressed him out a lot.

One day, he forgot to take his meds (he had stopped seeing therapists by then and was now seeing a psychiatrist) and he had a massive panic attack. He panicked so hard that he just blacked out. One of his neighbors had found him collapsed outside his apartment door before they could call for help. He had to be sent to the hospital and stay there for a few days before being discharged.

He was extremely worried for the well-being of his son Brett. Who was going to feed him and take care of him if Gin was in the hospital? He had to get home as soon as he could.

He had already called Ursula about his situation, he asked that she contact his friend Maleko to help take care of Brett in the meanwhile.

By the time he had finally gotten discharged, Gin rushed back to see his baby, only to be greeted with the sight of Brett in Ursula’s arms as she sang him to sleep.

At first, Gin was enraged. How dare she touch his child. After everything they had been through, after she tried to get rid of all parental rights over Brett in court before her hand had given out during that concert, after everything, how dare she try and act like she actually cared now.

Before he could have another panic attack or worse, Gin just stopped himself and went out for some fresh air for a while.

After cooling off, he then spoke to Ursula to confront her once and for all.

Ursula expressed a lot of regrets after he had talked to her, which was something Gin hadn’t been expecting. She confessed that she had no idea he even had an anxiety disorder, that she had panicked when she heard about his admission to the hospital, that she didn’t know what else to do when she couldn’t come in contact with Maleko because they were apparently on vacation with their girlfriend Summer at the time. There was so much more that she had to say, but Gin stopped her because it was all becoming too much.

She tried to apologize for a lot of things, but he could barely register most of what she was saying at that point. He just wanted to live a simple life in relative peace, he didn’t want to deal with the complications that came with her feelings or his own feelings or whatever.

Feeling remorseful about how everything had gone down between them so far, Ursula promised Gin that she was trying to be better.

”I’m sorry that I was an awful person,” Ursula had said. “But I think I want to be a mom. I know it might be insensitive of me to say this, but after taking care of Brett today, I think I want to at least try. Even if you don’t like me doing so, you can’t stop him if he wants to see me someday.”

He knew she was right, so Gin conceded for now. Ursula was really trying and he had to let her at least do that. As the days passed by, Gin couldn’t help but appreciate Ursula for her honesty. She was being way more honest with how she was feeling now and he felt like her understood her better. After losing her ability to play violin, the one thing that Ursula had dedicated her life to, she started seeing a lot of things in a different light. She eventually worked her way up to earning Gin's respect.

Gin gradually gave her a second chance to be Brett’s mom. After going to court and sorting all of the legal issues out, Ursula decided to confess to Gin.

She’d been having feelings for him - real romantic feelings - for a while, but she knew that she didn’t deserve him. Gin became teary after hearing her say this, but he couldn’t answer her quite yet. He needed more time to process things.

It took a few more years before he was able to come around and say that he felt the same way back. Now Ursula was given another chance to start over, but this time their relationship would be taken much more seriously now.

There were some bumps along the way, and Gin having trust issues didn’t help at first, but they were able to overcome them together. They eventually got married on Brett’s 5th birthday, and they had celebrated with a big and festive ceremony in the Lambda Clan.

Now Gin’s currently living the life that he had only ever dreamed of having with Ursula when he was younger in the Theta Clan. He’s happy that they’re doing well so far, and he hopes it’ll only remain like this for as long as they’re together.


Gin’s been diagnosed with anxiety ever since his early adolescence and is currently taking medication for it right now. He used to have panic attacks on top of general anxiety, but that’s (thankfully) been happening less and less with age. The medicine that helps him live out his life more calmly is prescribed by his Epsilon psychiatrist Dr. Jiao, who he’ll see about once a month or so on his days off. He’ll basically just see Dr. Jiao whenever he can in the Mu Clan - which is where Jiao is located - and whenever he needs a refill on his prescription.

When it comes to looking after Brett, Gin is literally the embarrassing overprotective parent. He doesn’t care so long as his son is safe.

He will typically wear yukatas or work clothes made specifically by Ursula whenever he goes out. He doesn’t really go shopping as much as he used to ever since Ursula had stepped up her sewing game. There’s really no need to anymore.


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his precious waifu

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his precious son

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best childhood friend

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a friend he met through Maleko

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Brett’s friend/future boyfriend

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a regular customer

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a swordsman he’ll hire for performances

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another regular customer

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a violinist he’ll hire for performances

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his psychiatrist

W-wait! Be careful please!
