
5 years, 1 month ago



Bismon Shu








5'5" ft








Accounting Supervisor


Gamma Clan



Bismon Shu is a Nu Floss who works at an office for an accounting firm. She currently lives in the Gamma Clan, which is where her work place is located.

She’s also a widow who lives by herself with a few Petpets. Her husband, who was a Mu Floss, had passed away about a decade ago due to health issues relating to a weak heart. Even though he’s gone now, she will always remember him and even still has her Mu-shaped marriage gem on her forehead.


Bismon is a typically cranky and uptight ass who doesn't know when to chill, or at least she never seems to be chill whenever she steps into the office (being outside of work or at home is a different story). She likes to nitpick the little details and get on everyone’s case if they’re not doing their job right. She can be very intimidating and strict because of this. A lot of people usually wouldn't talk back to her in front of her face or oppose any of her ideas, for fear of having to face her wrath.

The way that she shows that she cares for someone (and yes, she still is capable of caring for someone, even after all the grief she’s been through after her husband’s demise) is a little odd, but not that uncommon. Like an overbearing parent, she’ll push the person (for example, a co-worker) she cares about even harder to do their best and give their all.

She's a super overachiever and will do whatever it takes to prove herself worthy in her work. She's also stubborn as hell and a bit self-entitled, though she has been swayed by others before. It's rare, but it's possible to change her mind about something if you present to her a good argument and enough evidence as to why she should change her mind about something in the first place.


As a Nu, Bismon can generate forcefields and manipulate energy. In short, she can create platforms and walls, stop things in motion, and lift things that she normally wouldn’t be able to. She used to be quite the athlete back in her younger days too, though nowadays she just sticks to stretching and jogging every morning for exercise.

All she needs to do in order to activate her power is to just think about the purpose she wants a force field to carry out and it will comply. She specializes more in lifting and stopping objects in motion, especially since she does that everyday with any paperwork, briefcases, laptops, folders, etc.


Bismon Shu was raised in the Nu Clan, but from her elementary days all the way to her high school ones, she went to schools that had a mixture of both Nu Floss and Mu Floss students. Since the Mu Clan and Nu Clan were closely tied together, it wasn’t uncommon to see Mu Floss around.

She had a fairly average life and was just average overall, with the exception of math and sports. As an adolescent, she used to be quite athletic and active.

Bismon joined the track team in high school and did everything she could to get faster, especially since she was (and sometimes still is) high key competitive back then and striving to be the next track star.

One day, while training for a marathon, Bismon accidentally sprained her ankle and had to go to the school’s infirmary. During her trip there, while nursing an ice pack for her sprained ankle, she met a cute and funny Mu boy by the name of Freddy.

Freddy was often visiting the school infirmary to take his medicine. He was born premature and had some health issues, ranging from asthma to a weak heart. Not that Bismon minded, she still found him pleasant to be around, regardless of his physical shortcomings.

Bismon and Freddy gradually became best friends throughout high school, then eventually lovers once they hit college and decided to become roommates.

They married shortly after finishing college together. By then, Bismon had obtained her accounting degree. Accounting was something that she figured she could do since she was good at math, and she didn’t expect to gain a career from running either.

A few years after starting her job, she and Freddie married and tried to start a life together by having kittens (the technical term to describe Floss children). Unfortunately, tragedy struck, and though she was able to get pregnant, she ended up having a miscarriage in the end. Shame burned hot inside of her on the day that she had received the news from her doctor.

Freddie, being the compassionate and gentle guy that he was, was always there for Bismon during her most vulnerable moments. He was there to help comfort her through the grief of losing a litter and assured her that no matter what, he would always love her.

Several years later, just when life was finally looking up for them again, Bismon got a phone call at work one day.

It turns out Freddie had died from cardiac arrest.

Bismon was… she was not okay after that.

For the longest time, she just spent her months working… and working… sometimes she’d even think about sleeping and never waking up again. These toxic thoughts hindered her work productivity for a while, and so, in order to keep her job, she had to start attending therapy and getting prescriptions for her depression. After some more time had passed, and with professional help, Bismon was eventually able to start anew and get her life back together.

Now she currently works as an accounting supervisor at an office in the Gamma Clan. She’s had to struggle her way up to the top for management, but she’s doing just fine in life now. The fact that she’s getting paid more, with how far she’s risen, is an extra perk that keeps her going.


Bismon still doesn’t have any kids of her own. She especially didn’t feel like having any after her husband had passed. Every time she notices or looks at a kid nowadays, she gets a little sad because then she starts to think about how she and Freddie would have raised their own kittens together if things had gone differently, like if she hadn’t had that miscarriage or if Freddie was still alive. It’s because of this that she has a (surprising) soft spot for children.

A lot of people in the office know her for her iron fist leadership. She's a scary force to be dealt with and the ultimate boss.


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co-worker and subordinate

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co-worker and subordinate

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co-worker and subordinate

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co-worker and subordinate

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her beloved Petpet

Wrong again! Start over!
