Tobias Matthews



5 years, 1 month ago



Tobias Matthews








4’11” ft










Gamma Clan



Tobias is a Gamma Floss that’s working as an accountant in the Gamma region. He works at an office in an accounting firm.

Though he’s excellent at his job, he likes to seek out some fun and adventure in his free time and vacation days. He loves traveling and rock climbing, and will indulge in such physical activities whenever he can.


Tobias is a hard-working Floss. He’s always worked hard to achieve what he desires, whether it comes to school, sports, or work. Because of this, he’s followed a strict set of disciplines throughout his life and has always tried to obey them. However, at one point in his life, his way of thinking led him to an unhealthy obsession with constant self-improvement. Now he's currently trying to pull away from that mindset.

He's also a bit crude and has a short fuse. He will curse you out or fight you if he thinks you deserve it. He's also fiercely loyal to his loved ones too.

When he's not pissed off at you, aside from his super big work ethic, he's also quite adventurous and outgoing. He's able to strike conversations with ease and is extremely bold in social settings.


As a Gamma, Tobias possesses the power of super strength. He’s a pro at utilizing his abilities and can fluently activate it at any given moment. Even though he’s actually average when it comes to his strength, he has extremely accurate and precise control over his power, hence why he would usually be considered a pretty strong and tough Floss overall.

For example, he’s capable of using 100% of his super strength all into one throw for one second, and then he’s able to effortlessly switch and transfer that 100% over to his legs if he wants to kick off with a run.


For the first seven years of his life, Tobias Matthews was raised in foster care. He had a single biological mother when he was two, but she had passed away in a severe car accident one day while driving home from the grocery store. It was a huge collision that involved four other cars and a massive truck on a messy highway.

After his mother’s death, he was eventually tossed back and forth from one foster home to the next, until finally he landed himself in an average home run by an average family consisting of a mother, a father, and a daughter that was one year younger than him. He would eventually get adopted by them.

When Tobias had first met Destiny, his soon-to-be adoptive sister, he felt this need to protect her from the world. She was a small and weak Sugar, with a frail figure and a unique fur pattern that made her seem ‘ugly’ to her peers. She also served as an easy target for older kids from her school.

One day, Destiny had to be rushed to the hospital because a bully had broken her ankle. After hearing about such awful news, Tobias couldn’t take it anymore. His resolve hardened and he swore to protect Destiny with his life from now on. He was going to fight for her, and in order to do that, he had to get stronger - not just in strength, but in mind as well.

He started focusing more on growing stronger and getting smarter. He would train everyday, and in Destiny’s eyes, all of his hard work and efforts were seen as something admirable. He was motivated to be the best big brother he could be, so that Destiny wouldn’t ever have to feel so much pain ever again.

His obsession with constant self-improvement and with protecting his younger sister eventually reached to an unhealthy extent. He became so overprotective of Destiny that he would try to monitor where she was and what she was doing at almost all times. He was so blinded by his determination that he couldn’t see how constricting all of his actions were or how uncomfortable Destiny started to become. He just didn’t want to see his sister hurt again, but by doing so, he prevented her from going out and socializing with others.

Then, in his first year of high school, Tobias met a Gamma dude by the name of Kris Mazda, who would soon become his new rival.

His nemesis. Archenemy. Opponent.

Kris would soon be his new ‘obsession’. Not really in a romantic way either, more like the complete opposite. Although he didn’t seem to try at anything he did, Kris was able to outbeat Tobias when it came to academics and somehow outpower him in sports as well. Even though he didn’t seem to work hard, Kris still got superior results, much to Tobias’ dismay and flaming jealousy.

So, annoyed by Kris’ existence as a whole, Tobias would challenge Kris in a bunch of contests and competitions. He wanted to prove that someone as hard-working as him could truly defeat someone who was just born with natural talent like Kris. It became an ongoing fuel between them, and somehow Kris would always manage to take the lead at the last minute, much to Tobias’ irritation.

Tobias ended up being so immersed in his rivalry with Kris that he ended up loosening his protective hold on Destiny. He never really noticed the fact that Destiny knew who Kris was, even though he had never told her himself. Nor did he ever notice all those times that they would share knowing glances with each other behind his back or interact with each other more and more after school. Tobias was constantly trying to improve himself more and more, just so he could be on even ground with Kris in their next competition/contest.

He was always studying, eating healthy, working out, staying late for school organizations like the debate team or the weightlifting team, and more. He was desperately trying to be the best of the best, because if he wasn’t the best of the best, then what was the point of living his life?

Then, one day, Tobias discovered that Kris and Destiny were secretly dating after catching them having… intercourse.

To say that he was angry was an understatement. He was absolutely livid, and he stayed furious a while toward both Destiny and Kris. He was, of course, pissed at Kris for having the audacity to even interact with his younger sister. For a while, he thought that Kris must have manipulated and tricked Destiny into dating him, or why else would she want to be with him?

Once Tobias had come to the realization that Destiny had actually wanted to date Kris of her own free will, he had to sit on the topic for a while. It had dawned on him how unfair it was for him to selfishly take away the person that Destiny loved, and so instead of trying something, Tobias decided to do nothing about their relationship. He reluctantly let it run its course, since he couldn’t do anything about it, and just hoped that they would break up before high school graduation, like most high school couples would.

They didn’t break up after high school.

They didn’t break up even after Tobias had finished college and had gotten settled in a job.

Instead of breaking up, they actually got engaged.

They were going to marry each other.

Tobias’ precious younger sister was going to spend the rest of her life with Kris fucking Mazda.

At that point, Tobias knew he couldn’t ignore the situation any longer. It wasn’t just something that would go away anytime soon. If Kris was going to be his brother-in-law, then he might as well try to settle for a truce.

Kris, for the sake of his marriage with Destiny, also agreed. So they - begrudgingly - made up.

Currently, though he is only twenty-nine, Tobias is going through a midlife crisis stage in his life where he doesn’t know what to do anymore. He’s got a job, he’s got a house, and he’s already accomplished a lot of things in his youth. He’s trying to look for a more meaningful purpose in his life, but he’s afraid that he might not get one in the end.


Tobias currently suffers from a lack of satisfaction when it comes to life. Though he was able to achieve so much, in the end, nothing that he does ever seems good enough. He’s trying to learn how to accept himself better as a person though. There are already moments where he’s starting to appreciate what he can do more, so that’s a start.

Although he would never admit it out loud, he does enjoy rock climbing and hiking with Kris a lot. Kris is the only one who can match his stamina and determination in those activities.

He fucking loathes his boss, but he also would never want to harm her since she’s never done any (physical) harm on him. But at the same time she’s so obnoxious and naggy, yet he appreciates the fact that she does rely on him so much? Maybe she also kinda sees him like a son, since she doesn’t have kids? Who knows? It’s a complicated work relationship.


5471137?1606824608 Faye

love interest

ri6Z6Qi.jpg Destiny Mazda

younger adoptive sister

5Bqf4zU.jpg Kris Mazda

former rival, frenemy, and brother-in-law

5VKhY5L.jpg Iggy Belladonna

best friend and co-worker

IuHaRaF.jpg Ashley Bao

annoying ex-girlfriend and co-worker

nKqB9fc.jpg Neri Ione

friendly co-worker

JkjuV4u.jpg Bismon Shu

bitchy fucking boss

6148207?1582680442 Barren Weblor

sugar daddy client

XfIIJkN.jpg Rose Belladonna

ew, she’s like the annoying younger sister that he’s glad he never had

2OZ7jPo.png Zorra Schneider

one of Iggy's girlfriends

bbI5az1.jpg Janet Plane

one of Iggy's girlfriends

eTufiXs.jpg Khalisha Viernes

chill cousin

7799305?1598269650 Yuri Cirrus

annoying ass cousin

81W6BtC.jpg Friday Viernes

an in-law?

Hey, it’s fine, I fucking got this!
