Haru (4 years later)



11 months, 12 days ago


  • Name 永瀬春
  • Age 15
  • Height 5 ft (152 cm)
  • Gender Male
  • Species Lucerne Gold Collar
  • Birthday April 10, 2172
  • Theme My Heart is Broken

Haru Nagase

Haru is a test subject undergoing experiments conducted by the Hawk Party, with the intention of turning him into a brainwashed soldier. In order to achieve that, he is subject to various methods of mental torture and brainwashing to get him to hate humans as much as he possibly can. Doing so would ensure that he could be useful in the anticipated future of exterminating them all.

When he attends St. Pigeonation, he's seen as extremely serious and intimidating. Despite his coldness, he is also extremely curious about others around him, and the outside world, given the only "outside" he's experienced is gym class being outside. He learns to enjoy watching people from afar and analyzing every detail he can, and also stares out windows a lot. Teachers and students alike just assume he isn't paying attention.

He also excels in gym class, and only gym class, and is terrible in all of the other subjects. In his free time, he's part of the infirmary staff, and can almost always be found in there.



  • Anything sweet
  • Sushi
  • Dogs


  • Humans
  • Thunderstorms
  • His collar

Before he was a test subject, Haru had a very happy life with his mother, father and his twin sister Maki. They were all close and loved each other a lot, and he was especially close with Maki. He loved coloring, drawing and playing with her. The two of them would also save up on their allowance money and go spend it on miscellaneous trinkets at a nearby store right around the corner. Their elementary school was also relatively close, so they would walk there with each other as well.

When they were both 10 years old, Maki had to stay home sick with a cold, so Haru would end up walking to school by himself that day. Before leaving, he promised Maki to get her something from the store they always went to. Maki had lost a majority of her own hairclips including the two red ones she always wore, and he was planning to get her some new ones by the end of the day. However, he never did manage to give her those pins, and that's why he wears them himself.

Haru went to school and went on with his day normally. However, when his school day was coming to an end, back home human extremists had broken into their house and wound up killing both his parents and Maki. Shortly after, that's when the Hawk Party intervened upon being made aware of what was going on by killing them too.

By the time Haru arrived home with Maki's gift, he returned to multiple ambulances, police, and disguised hawks alongside the undisguised Hawks. The fact that humans were responsible for killing his family would be the basis to the experiments being done on him.

Assuming that the hawks have enough political influence to adopt children into their program, that is exactly what they did with Haru. Since he had no other family to go to, the Hawks adopted him instead, seeing research potential in him. Originally, he was not intended to be experimented on as heavily as he was. Nothing was being done to him about half a year or so into him being with the Hawks, but eventually there was open research about the effectiveness and relation of brainwashing to certain torture methods.

Haru was seen as a possible test subject to prove if this would end up an effective way to brainwash people, and the end goal would be, again, to brainwash him to have an extreme hatred towards humans. They did this by using his family, saying things like: Humans think they can go around and hurt us birds because they only care about their own well being. They don't care about us, or our families. Yours must've been terrified, right? If humans didn't exist then they would've still been alive. Without humans, there would be much less suffering in the world. Don't you want revenge? You don't want their deaths to be for nothing,right?

Including this, he would also be subject to various torture, especially mental torture. To keep him in line, they kept a gold collar around his neck that would detect intentional use of his vocal chords, and give him a rather strong shock whenever he spoke. Presently, he has wore this collar for about 4 years.

The brainwashing and torture proved to be successful, and Haru now carries intense hatred towards humans. With that success, the Hawks saw that as the potential of creating brainwashed soldiers, which would include children like Haru. Haru was then still undergoing the experiments, but around fourteen he began being trained excessively, for about as long as four or five hours a day. In order to keep up with the intense training, he would also be drugged to spike his energy and strength.

With his brainwashing and physical training proven to be successful, the Hawks would then "enroll" him as a student in St. Pigeonation right above the lab. He was enrolled when Hiyoko, the Human Representive, would also be enrolled. Doing this was supposed to be somewhat of a test run, as they wanted to monitor how Haru behaved around Hiyoko.

  • Haru is in classroom 2-2, the same class as Anghel.
  • Haru would later find out he has a massive sweet tooth. His favorites include macarons and mochi. He also likes anything with cookies n' cream.
  • As the headmaster is most likely aware of Operation Hurtful, he might as well be aware of Haru's situation too. Since Haru obviously can't be too well when it comes to school, his grades are fixed and he gets high marks regardless if he should've failed.
  • Haru earned himself a reputation of being quite strange. When someone in particular catches his interest, he either stares for too long or follows them. When he loses interest, he walks off without warning.
  • Going back to the above, the students joke about him after seeing he's relatively harmless and say that if Haru follows you, you should consider it good luck.
  • Haru has astraphobia (fear of thunderstorms). It's gotten worse over the years.
  • The only class Haru gets his true passing grade for is gym, since he's already really strong and athletic. He also knows the combat side stroke swimming method.
  • He has poor fine motor skills at the same time, though.
  • His voice claim would be the beginning of Terai Saori's voice sample.


[ Sister ]

Maki and Haru were very close when they were younger. They often played and colored together, and were often getting into mischief (you know, typical young sibling things). Presently, Maki is still...around in a way, but Haru has created something similar to the shadow Nageki, and a distorted view of Maki exists within himself due to his survivor's guilt. He feels guilty for not being with his family when they died, and also guilty for still living while the three of them (especially Maki) didn't get a chance to live. Even if Maki is really around him, he will be unable to see or feel her due to not being pure of heart anymore (in the words of Okosan).



[ Questionable ]

Shuu is responsible for supervising Haru - and "supervising" is a VERY loose term. Haru doesn't necessarily like Shuu (which is the majority opinion), but he has to do what he tells him to, since the Hawks are still monitoring and watching. Shuu doesn't seem to care enough about Haru to really enforce any rules, and he himself is just following orders when even bothering to give Haru something to do. Overall, they both don't particularly care about the other, and are just mutually following rules.



[ Friend ]

Anghel...is Anghel, and started talking to Haru right from the first day he went to St. Pigeonations. Haru became captivated by the way Anghel talked passionately about his fantasies, and also became quite curious as to why he kept calling everyone (including himself) different names. Essentially, he was both fascinated by and curious about Anghel, and as a result he ended up being near him more, and eventually they developed a sort of friendship.



[ Acquaintance ]

Yuuya and Haru never become close, but they are apart of the infirmary staff together. Yuuya, however, is aware of Haru's situation, but is unable to do anything about it given that there are cameras everywhere and they both work closely with Shuu. Haru's own opinion of Yuuya doesn't really go further than thinking his playboy-ish attitude is both annoying yet interesting at the same time.



[ Friend ]

Haru meets Nero in a post-BBL setting. After he is placed into a different class that would meet his needs better (sort of like a resource class), Nero is the one who takes interest in Haru first. (needs expansion)

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