Ivy Keller



5 years, 6 days ago



Name: Ivy Keller

Birthday: August 21

Age: 20

Height: 5'4"

Visual Notes: 

  • Her skin is naturally tan
  • B cup chest, over all average build
  • Has a scar on her right leg (she fell from a tree as a kid)
  • Wears two lockets, one shaped like a heart, the other a circle

Official Ref: [Click here!]

Personality & BioAfter the recent passing of her aunt, Ivy was asked by her uncle to help out a bit around his farm. Wanting to take a semester off of college, Ivy saw it as a great opportunity to pick up some useful life skills, she also couldn't help but worry for her uncle and cousin. Her warm and carrying personality has been a big help around the broken household. It's obvious though that Ivy is a city kid through and through, and has little to no clue what to do around a farm. It doesn't help that she's not the brightest girl around, for example she had no idea weeds weren't a type of crop. She can be a bit stubborn to ask for help when she's obviously struggling with something, wanting to show she can figure things out on her own. Despite this she has a great desire to learn and try new things, having a very open mind set.

An outgoing social butterfly, despite being an outsider, Ivy has no problem talking to the various people in the town. Her passion in all things fantasy gives her an even brighter spark, when the topic comes up (usually she's the one to bring this up). She also takes her dream goal of becoming a writer very seriously, and takes notes all the time on things she would love to write in her story. Thanks to her interest in writing, Ivy has also became an expert at observing and reading people. As much as she can't ignore someone that looks like they need help, she also knows when maybe she's coming on too strongly for someone, and when to give space. Her strengths come from her bonds with others, where she lacks in conventional smarts, she makes up for by being a more emotionally smart girl.

Hobbies and Notes:

  • The fantasy genre is her favorite thing in life! From fantasy novels to fantasy RPG's, she's dabbled in it all. Her absolute favorite fantasy race being Elves.
  • Part of a DnD group at her college. She and another girl take turns being the DM to their games. Ivy has many characters she's created from the game (all of them being Elves)
  • Picked up learning the guitar in high school, inspired from a bard character she had in one of her games. She has an acoustic guitar, that she still practices daily.
  • Has many novel ideas, and is always happy to hear peoples thoughts and opinions on her story plots and characters!

Notable Relationships:

  • Ross Alvarez: Her older cousin. Admittedly isn't as close with him as she would like to be, usually having only getting to see him during family reunions. She now sees this situation as a great reason to try and get to know him better now! Ivy can tell that Ross isn't taking the death of his mom the best, and tries her hardest to try and help him in anyway she can. Together the two of them have a single brain cell, leading to hilarious situations. It's clear the two of them are related. Ivy really respects what a dedicated and hardworker Ross is, and only wants the best for her cousin.