Elise Moore



5 years, 1 month ago



Elise Moore






Aromantic Asexual


5’2” ft




Hair Stylist



Elise is a hair stylist who lives underground within the planet Xygoroth. She lives to cut and style the hair of other Nunukes (and sometimes even Xynthii residents).

She currently shares an apartment with her best friend Scorpius, who’s a semi-famous archer that does professional competitions.


Elise is a fun gal to be around. She’s a bit eccentric and quirky, and she’s just a great conversationalist overall. She has a lot to say and tends to be pretty talkative, maybe a little much sometimes, but she means well.

She may be outgoing and friendly, but by the end of the day, when she’s feeling all tired out, she likes to just rest and will only speak to people who are close to her during this time. You can say she’s a bit of an introvert in this aspect.

Otherwise, she’ll come off a little grumpy and pouty if you’re not close to her and you try to talk to her at nighttime. Though she’s quick to make acquaintances and get on good terms with almost everyone she meets, she only has a handful of people that she’d consider precious to her.


Like most Nunukes, Elise was born with a stinger tail that can be used for self defense. She's never really had to use it in life and death situations though.

She's also pretty clumsy overall when it comes to moving her legs and predicts that she might just accidentally stab herself with her own tail if it comes down to it.


Growing up, though Elise had a fairly average and ordinary childhood, and she was raised by two middle-class Nunuke parents, she did have one thing that none of her friends and peers from school had: a NunuShark (part Nunuke and part Booze Shark) brother.

Eleven years ago, before meeting her father and conceiving her, her mother had Damien (her half-brother) in the planet Mnars. She was a journalist whose job (at the time) was to write up articles reporting what it was like to live in the planet Mnars and live alongside Booze Sharks, and along the way she had fallen in love with a Booze Shark man. After Damien’s father had died one day from a swimming accident, however, Elise’s mother moved back to the planet Xygoroth in the underground Nunuke society. She remarried eleven years later and had Elise.

At first, Elise had a strained and awkward relationship with Damien. They didn’t really have that much in common, especially considering their eleven year age gap, and so they never really interacted much as a result. By the time Elise was enrolled in elementary school, Damien was already in community college.

After finding out that community college wasn’t for him, Damien had moved out when Elise was nine and decided to travel back to the planet Mnars, where he could reconnect with his Booze Shark roots. He did get along fairly well with Elise’s father and their mother, there were no problems within the household, he just needed to leave the nest and find himself.

So for a while, Elise and Damien led very different lives, and in different planets too. During her time in high school, once she had hit her teen years, Elise managed to befriend a whole group of friends and make one best friend in particular. She and Scorpius (the aforementioned best friend) were able to bond over their shared asexuality, once they had both realized that they were asexual.

One day, when she was nineteen and had just finished settling down in an apartment that she'll be sharing with Scorpius, her brother Damien came over to visit. This was a couple of weeks after their mother's funeral. She had sadly passed away from a heart attack.

At first, their reunion was pretty stiff and awkward, and Elise was internally panicking over what to do and what to say the entire time. Even though they had grown up together and lived underneath the same roof before, Damien was practically like a stranger to her, and it had been quite some years since she had last seen him.

After making some clumsy small talk, Damien finally confessed that he also felt awkward about their whole relationship and that he thinks that they should just try to get to know each other better, now that their mother is gone and Elise isn't a kid anymore. Relieved that he felt the same way, Elise agreed, and they've been visiting each other and trying to get to know each other more ever since.


After reconnecting with Damien, Elise was surprised to find out that he was already married and had a kid. She was really taken aback by how much she didn't know about him and was even more determined to get to know him better after that.


VIfjjw7.png Scorpius Sous

best friend and roommate

iS6DLDV.png Rhett Wu

close long-distance friend

2-F8-AE007-8-F07-47-D9-8728-7-EA49-D44-A Jaq Deuce

friend and co-worker

m8ZW6VQ.png Clarice Noir

a mutual she knows through Rhett

GiM1wWS.png Stella Sous

like a younger sister to her

hKEhj0H.png Anastasiya Glaskova

a mutual she knows through Stella

flF95aK.png Vera Glaskova

another mutual she knows through Stella

9g36s1g.png Damien Creed


HG9sxIJ.png Ray Creed


Thanks for stopping by, I’ll talk to you again real soon!
