Anastasiya Glaskova



5 years, 4 months ago



Anastasiya Glaskova








5’8” ft




Book Store Owner



Anastasiya, otherwise known as Ana for short, is a young adult Nunuke woman who works as a book store owner across from the local mall within the underground Nunuke society beneath planet Xygoroth.


Ana is polite and soft-spoken, never daring to raise her voice, even when mad. She has a gentle and soft touch to her demeanor.

She can be quite reserved and introverted, and is usually not the type of gal to frequent noisy parties and concerts. Every now and then she might go out with her friends, but she usually prefers staying in to watch a movie instead.

She’s a great listener, really understanding, has a selfless nature, and usually won’t interrupt whenever someone is talking or consulting her about something.

Though she is usually nice, that doesn’t mean that she’s a pushover. She won’t give in just because someone wants her or demands that she do something for them.

When angered, and she’s rarely ever angry, Ana goes eerily quiet and will only give you a harsh cold shoulder.


Like most Nunukes, Ana was born with a stinger tail that can be used for self defense.

The shape at the end of her stinger tail, otherwise known as the pom pom material, is made out of sharp crystal shards.


Anastasiya Glaskova was born in a middle-class family with two other younger siblings. She was always taught to be more mature and shoulder more burdens as the oldest, which is how she grew to be less vocal about her feelings, often putting others first before her.

She was raised well and had a lot of expectations to excel in her grades and responsibilities as the oldest child, though every now and then the pressure to be the best would get to her.

Luckily, her best friend Stella would be there to help her deal with her feelings, as well as Vera.

Ana‘s known her wife Vera for years, since their toddler days, but they didn’t officially start dating until high school graduation. They’re like the childhood friends trope come true.

Now she and Vera currently live in a small, one-story house together and have been married for about a year now.


For all of her life, she’s had the same hair style. Ana finds it hard to style her crystal hair and doesn’t bother with it, and she doesn’t feel the need to go to a hairstylist either when she could just manage it herself.

She has two unattached eyeballs that just follow her everywhere she goes.

She’s sensitive to the cold, but at the same time she loves winter because it gives her a reason to drink more hot tea, stay inside, and get cozy by a fireplace.

She’s always had a tiny preference toward girls, like a 1% preference for girls over boys, even though she can feel attraction for both.

Glaskova has always been her original surname, she never had to change it when she got married because Vera was going to become a Glaskova just like her anyway after sealing their vows.

Ana was the one to ask first when it came to their marriage proposal, even though she had been really nervous at the time.

She’s a bit taller than the average female.

She doesn’t like coffee very much and prefers tea. Unsweetened, all natural tea.


ADC97532-2315-4112-A00-E-572-CACC35864.p Vera Glaskova

beloved wife

F0-C4-EA08-2-CF9-42-CD-809-E-FC3-F10415- Stella Sous

best friend

A8-F5-D476-17-C7-4-D8-D-BBEF-FD732120-C6 Charlotte Glaskova

younger sister

3775723?1566164132 Neo Glaskova

younger brother

AC956608-C1-D9-4692-BE6-A-8-F8-C48-ECDD7 Ethan Eater

ex-boyfriend, but still on surprisingly good platonic terms with him

227-F76-BB-95-D3-4-A25-95-DB-6-D944-C7-F Scorpius Sous

like an older brother to her

m8ZW6VQ.png Clarice Noir

a mutual she knows through Stella

L8iD3Ch.png Elise Moore

a mutual she knows through Scorpius

F0-C61684-BF4-F-4891-8766-99664-BD6-B495 Jacob Singh

a regular customer

p2lsUv2.jpg Azel Vermeil

potential brother-in-law

F8-B6-BB2-F-9197-492-B-8-F2-E-0831-CEB8- Iris Rice

a regular customer and one of her wife's cousins

Good morning.
