Taiga Kurosawa




Name: Taiga Kurosawa
Called: Casanova, Tiger
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Height: 5’11”
Build: Slim, slight muscle definition
Species: Oni/Incubus
Orientation: This boy all over the damn place
Theme: 熱帯夜

The Flame That Lures The Moth


Taiga is one of the numerous demonic residents that reside within the Academy, although his enrollment in the school is a rather unique one. Unlike other demons, Taiga has the pleasure of being one of the Academy's numerous demonic informants, while also attending the school for lessons himself. He's a special student because of this, and his curriculum is tailored to fit the skill sets required for him to effectively perform his often-dangerous job. And he's very good at his job.

Being half incubus, he gets into a hell of a lot of trouble in the school...even more so than Yu, who's always picking fights. Taiga loves ROMANCE and SENSUALITY and will seduce any cute guys or girls he finds, often spending his nights with one or numerous lovers. While his incubus side brings out the casanova in him, Taiga’s oni roots are a force to be reckoned with. Taiga has his own penchant for violence under control, but he still has an insatiable bloodlust that often swells until he’s wreaking havoc on any enemy demons he may see. This lust for violence often benefits from his incubi side, as there are many and more lovers of his who aren’t afraid to come to blows with others to vy for his attention...and if there’s one thing he loves seeing, it’s pain being inflicted upon others.

He’s not entirely a terrible person, however; those that know Taiga would most definitely call him a cheery and playful individual. He has no qualms with striking up conversation with others- even bigots like Yu- and hates to see people who are lonely, often inviting them into the groups that seem to amass around him (although some would say that’s simply his way of attempting to add one more admirer to the pot).




  • Jazz
  • People who play hard to get
  • Anything romantic tbh


  • Getting his clothes dirty
  • Bitter foods
  • Stormy weather


  • Taiga has tiger tattoos that span the entire length of his arms. His feet are clawed and black as pitch; unlike the tiger tattoos, the black on his feet is natural.
  • Really really likes spicy food or anything that’s considered ‘torturous’ to eat.
  • Tends to like people who are more inclined to violence than others.
  • He’s really good at ballroom dancing. Any couple dancing in general tbh
Sasha tumblr_pp3agspzQs1sho6rdo1_250.png

Taiga and Sasha met at what Sasha would call a very inopportune time, and Taiga would call a very perfect time. Their personal feelings with one another is rather weird, but they can at least say they’re friends with one another.

Masato 3984760?

If Taiga and Sasha's relationship was weird, his relationship with Masato has to be downright bizarre. While Taiga is prone to claiming many in bed, none have the 'privilege' of being called his outright. None before Masato that is, but Taiga isn't exactly faithful to him...being new to the school, Masato is none the wiser to the amount of hearts the oni has broken. Or so Taiga thought; recently, those he's slept with have been turning up gravely injured or dead all throughout the school, especially in front of his dorm....Taiga hasn't quite connected the dots yet though. It'll take some time, he's an idiot lmao

Yu tumblr_pp3agspzQs1sho6rdo2_250.png

Yu really hates demons, including Taiga. Yu really wants to beat up every demon he sees, including Taiga. Taiga thinks it’s the hottest thing, and so, Yu steers clear of him.



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