
5 years, 1 month ago



Dante Bode








5’6” ft




High School Student



Dante is a Nunuke transfer student who’s attending a high school that mostly consist of Xynthii peers up on the surface of the planet Xygoroth.

He’s currently part of a Xynthii-Nunuke school program that helps fund the education of Nunuke kids who are from low-income backgrounds like him, hence why he’s attending school so far away. Currently, he lives in an apartment complex that basically serves as a Nunuke transfer student dormitory near a skating park that’s not too far from school.


Dante is surprisingly humble and chill. He’s not as stuck up and bratty as many of his peers believe him to be. They mostly base those assumptions off his looks, but in reality he just likes to dress like a punk, not actually be a punk. Plus, it doesn’t help that he has resting bitch face syndrome.

He’s got a down to earth personality and is known for being super honest, which can come off as insensitive sometimes, and that really doesn’t help his spooky reputation all that much, but he just can’t force himself to lie or sugarcoat things he doesn’t believe in. He’s terrible at acting and wouldn’t know how to do it.


Like most Nunukes, Dante was born with a stinger tail that can be used for self defense, though he’s never had to use it before in a serious life-or-death fight.


Growing up, Dante was raised in a low-income household with two busy parents and three other siblings. Food was sometimes scarce and finances were almost always low, so he learned to appreciate what he had.

One day, Dante’s parents encouraged him to enroll in a Xynthii-Nunuke school program that helps low-income Nunuke kids by transferring over and having them attend high schools up on the surface of Xygoroth. Seeing as though this would benefit his family, Dante decided to say yes to the offer, even if he was reluctant to move away at first because that would mean having to move away from his childhood best friend Leah.

Basically, after registering for this program, all of Dante’s school supplies, lunches, and the expenses for his living situation are going to be covered for as long as he stays enrolled in high school.

So, as long as he stays in school, passes his classes, and doesn’t get expelled, Dante can have an education without any financial problems.

After moving to the surface of Xygoroth for school, Dante was greeted with some cool news: his childhood best friend Leah would also attending with him. Now they currently share some of the same classes and eat lunch together.


Dante only dresses like a rebel and it’s only his looks that scream teenage angst. He just likes the fashion style. His actual personality and the way that he behaves is a completely different story.

His older sister Wendy also attends the same school as him and Leah, and they even share the same apartment complex.

Out of all his siblings, Dante considers himself the most average. He’s not as bossy as Wendy, not as chill as Jack, and not as smart as Darwin. Aside from his edgy appearance, he’s just kinda there, but he doesn’t really mind all that much.


svahSHQ.png Leah Giles

best friend

6022072?1581371954 Teagan Ikari

best friend

3-BCDA5-A1-01-DD-4291-AD6-C-1-A485084184 Jack Bode

older brother

3738456?1578903628 Darwin Bode

second older brother

4-A73541-E-B2-DC-41-C5-9-FD0-3652-CFB214 Wendy Wei Bode

older sister

I2pLN92.jpg Farrah Mehira

his sister’s girlfriend

E423-AFAB-8224-4-BC5-861-A-04-AC3-B6-E44 Charlie Giles

Leah’s older brother

hOdioqQ.png Lars Mars

one of Wendy's old friends

A66-EC349-4-DE0-4085-887-B-116-C6-C0507- Gina Giles

Leah's older sister

D3-C7-B298-68-D6-44-D8-8-C10-775-BA3-E24 Rhett Wu


I really don't mind.
