


5 years, 1 month ago



Jairo works at the local fair/amusement park in the city, near where Kierce's office is located, in the downtown section. He helps work various rides and also works at night as a fire juggler, entertaining groups of late-night park-goers. He enjoys his job, even the dirty parts of them, knowing how happy the park makes people. He couldn't imagine the town without it, especially since it helped rescue some mistreated farm animals. Since Jairo grew up on a farm, he has a particular soft spot for the park's chickens, lovingly naming all 5 of them and treating them like his pets when he's able to visit them.

In his workplace one day, he met Osvaldo, whomst was visiting the park with some of his teammates from the local stylist shop, probably on a day trip to discuss a lot of information. Jairo found the lantern to be rather interesting, especially with the way he was dressed, and attempted to make conversation with the group. Osvaldo seemed uninterested at first, barely responding to the candle, and seeming to eye him and judge his clothing. The owner of the salon, Ora chirped up very excitedly and told Osvaldo that they should have Jairo come to their shop and have him get 'all fixed up'. The lantern perked up at this and agreed, questioning if Jairo would want to 'fix his mess'. He didn't want to at first, but was really interested in Osvaldo, and wanted to impress him, so he agreed.

The make over went well, or as well as it could've. Jairo was rather impressed in the get up and beautifying that was done for him, but had no real intention of keeping the look, so he kept mostly quiet about it. Luckily for him, this worked in his favor on wanting to spark up conversation with Osvaldo, who seemed to perk up and open up a little more since they got to the salon. They talked about their professions, though the lantern cringed a little anytime Jairo talked about a messy part of his job, but he also seemed charmed by the other details. They agreed to meet up again sometime, Ora poking fun at Osvaldo for 'actually socializing with people for once', which caused the candle to feel rather special.

After a few meetings the two are happily together as a couple, though Osvaldo is consistently trying to 'fix up' Jairo's wardrobe.