


5 years, 5 days ago




"No pain no gain, right? Let's do it!"
Basic Info

Name Kaui
Age 23
Gender Male
BirthdayJuly 25th
Height 5'7" / 170 cm
Weight 152 lbs / 69 kg
Ear Type Monkey
Hoof Type Pony
Orientation Pansexual
Occupation Smoothie provider
S.O. Mako
Species Dainty
Dictionary # Guest 167
Value $10 USD
Design Notes

  • He is a Dainty, he has hooved deer legs and his stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • His visor and tool belt are optional! If I haven't mentioned which outfit to draw him in, feel free to pick either one!
  • He has little fangs! Just little nubs!
  • Please color-pick off his reference! It's okay if you change the hues and whatnot, but please go off these colors!

  • He runs a smoothie stand right on the beach! It's incredibly popular, and they're often heralded as having the best smoothies in town! Which, for a tourist destination, is pretty high praise!
  • Crossbreed traits include a banana smoothie filled glass leg and a banana flower tail!
  • He definitely participates in competitive sandcastle building. Yes he has won first place before and he intends to continue to do so! He has special tiny flags and umbrellas for them that are pink with banana print.

Kaui is a flirt and a fool. Often acting before his common sense can kick in, he finds himself in situations that are both unwise and completely avoidable. Considering that he's rather relaxed and fun loving, though, he often brushes his own actions off as the way things were always going to be. He's charming, friendly, and incredibly chatty - his regulars love all the personal attention they get from him! He makes himself very easy to like. Moderation isn't a word he knows or cares for the meaning of, as he lacks self-restraint. He's disorganized, but surprisingly manages to keep a sort of system in place while he works. Of course, any onlookers would be amazed he manages to make such a good smoothie considering the chaos that is his work station. He's impulsive, coordinated, and prefers to simply ride out whatever cards life deals him and makes the best of everything that comes his way.


  • Traveling! He loves to both see and hear about new places and things! Catch him asking his regulars about their recent vacations... wants to know all the fun stuff!
  • Bananas... obviously. He needs to eat enough of them to keep his glass leg well stocked!
  • Watching the waves! Honestly, being able to just look at the ocean during slow hours at the smoothie stand is so soothing for him!
  • Sunbathing! He's not much for swimming, but laying out on a towel on the beach sounds like a great way to spend a day!

  • Rainy days, since hardly anyone comes out to the beach, which makes working rather boring for him.
  • Commitment. He's all about fun and freedom! Commitment isn't totally out of reach, it just daunts him a bit.
  • Vegetables... Fruit is so much better!
  • Getting wet. His hair is enough of an unruly mess as is, no need to add water into the mix!

Kaui, despite looking and acting the part of a natural citizen of his island, actually moved there in his mid teens. He spent most of his childhood in a variety of dreary, dull cities full of people who weren't all that interesting to him. No matter how hard he tried to be interested and to sustain relationships, the drive to maintain them ultimately dissipated. Considering that he'd be moving within the year anyways, what was the point of trying so hard to maintain a connection? The cities he moved in and out of due to his parents' careers weren't all that entertaining, there was hardly anything to do and Kaui often found himself spending an inordinate amount of time scrolling through social media, following influencers and wishing he could have a life even half as exciting as theirs.

He'd always found himself infatuated with the beach and with the overall tropical *aesthetic* portrayed on social media. So, when the opportunity arose for his parents to take their jobs there, he was more than eager to pack his bags and go get settled! Moving suddenly seems a lot more exciting when you're actually wanting to go to the destination, doesn't it?

Not a moment after they'd gotten settled, Kaui was dragging his parents to each and every touristy and instagram worthy place he'd planned for them to visit, and by the time they'd lived there for a month? They'd essentially done everything on Kaui's list. In that time, Kaui had of course been padding his social media posts, and began to rake in a bunch of followers! Of course... a couple hundred is nothing to sneeze at, but it's nothing you can make a living off of, either. By the time Kaui graduated what was left of high school, his grades weren't particularly fantastic (partially due to his distraction with all the excursions offered on the island), and he didn't really have the drive to go to college anyways. He wanted to be a famous influencer on social media! If he just had a little more time, surely he'd have a million followers, and then brands would pay him to go out and have a fun life!

His parents weren't quite happy to hear his career plans, though. They kicked him out, hoping that maybe it would serve as a kind of wake-up call and push Kaui to pursue something more. However, it didn't quite go as they'd planned. Kaui ended up scoring a job at a smoothie stand on the beach, using what little money he earned to pay rent on a cheap, livable apartment, and using the remainder to keep up appearances on social media. He's still working on gaining a substantial following, but honestly? He's not doing too poorly for himself right now, and he's pretty content with how things are now.

World Info

Kaui lives on a tropical island with sandy beaches, lush jungles, and plenty of tourist traps. The island could be compared to our modern day Hawaii, though the island tries to have intentional tourist-y areas separate from the general population to try and divert some of the crowds. Kaui's smoothie stand is located in the heart of the touristy beach section, bringing him plenty of patrons anytime he's on shift. The nightlife attractions on the island is incredibly popular, and Kaui is quick to hop in on the fun. As such, Kaui lives on the more touristy side of the island, though he tends to move every now and then. On the island, dainties are rare and crossbreeds are even rarer, leading to crossbreeds generally receiving mixed reception - the softer, less intimidating crossbreeds are often fawned upon, while the "scarier" crossbreeds are scorned and treated as monsters.


Flamingo - 米津玄師
Just saying, the body is honest - 式浦。


Mako is incredibly important to Kaui. He's the only person who's ever managed to get Kaui to want to settle down with one person, and Kaui loves how patient and devoted Mako is with him. While he's had plenty of fun with others before meeting him, Mako is Kaui's favorite person and there's no one else he'd rather be with!
They met one evening when Adrian and Winter visited his smoothie bar, and have since bonded! Originally, it was due to the excitement of seeing other crossbreeds on their fairly regular little island, but they found a bond somewhere in there.
Kaipo is Kaui's youngest cousin, and while he likes Kaipo's spunky energetic attitude, sometimes he wonders if Kaipo's ever going to outgrow the jungle and make more connections with the people around him.