Liam Derbyshire



5 years, 1 month ago


Name Liam "Lockheart" Derbyshire
Age 23
Height 5'7" ft
Build Androgynous
Species Nunuke
Gender Male
Pronouns He/Him
Orientation Bisexual
Residence Under Xygoroth's Surface
Occupation Performer
Worth $15
Designer ink-palette



Liam's generally a chill guy. He's not exactly the most interesting person to be acquainted with, but he's not one to pick fights. He's a pessimist and he has very little self-worth as is. He does make plenty of self-deprecating and dark jokes, which is basically his humor. He's pretty lazy and would love to just curl up in bed all day if he could.


  • Skin Markings
  • Long Ears
  • Mixed Pearl Shapes
  • Bigger Pearl Sizes
  • Extra Eye (4)
  • Unattached Eye (1)
  • Different Horn-Eye Amount (4 Horn-6 Eye)
  • Mixed Eye Colors
  • Missing Stinger
  • PomPom Material: Weapon Type (2)

Total: 14 Traits


  • Liam loves anime. All he does in his free time is watch new and old shows a lot.
  • He also spends time just talking to other people about anime, whether it be online or in real life.
  • He can play the guitar pretty well too! He's played the instrument for as long as he can remember.
  • He has a really good singing voice with a really wide range too. He can sound like a convincing lady.
  • During nighttime, he'll crossdress and performs as his alter ego Lockheart. He honestly finds the job to be humiliating.
  • He used to work at a funeral home for a short period of time before his performer job.



Long story short, his entire family was a literal freak show.

Growing up, Liam’s parents were the ringleaders of a traveling circus while most of his siblings were acrobats, jugglers, animal tamers, or just performers overall.

As the middle child out of five siblings, Liam (ironically enough) didn’t get much attention in the spotlight.

And that was fine by him, for he would prefer to lurk in the shadows. He didn’t agree with his family’s catchphrase, which was something along the lines of ‘show biz runs in our blood’.

He’d much rather live a normal and uneventful life, away from his family’s hectic shenanigans.

After finishing high school, he got the fuck out of that literal circus and tried to pursue college as a computer science engineer.

He couldn’t handle the workload and had to drop out after the first semester.

With nowhere else to go and no Plan B to rely on, Liam did the only thing he knew how to do: seek out the entertainment industry.

As much as he grew to dislike show biz, he knew all too well how much people would spend to watch him prance and sing around on a stage.

And that’s what he’s currently doing right now to get by. Over time, after gaining a group of accepting friends and an understanding girlfriend, Liam gradually grew to tolerate his job. He still finds it humiliating, but it’s not as bad as it used to be. His makeup artist and manager were okay every now and then, and they weren’t complete asses 100% of the time.

Life’s fine, maybe even more than okay at times.


Venus | girlfriend
Venus is Liam's girlfriend. He loves and cares for her a lot, maybe even the most. He's very comfortable around her and he trusts her with his life.
Neo | friend
Liam used to work with Neo in the funeral director business up until Liam quit because the job wasn't for him. They're still pretty good friends. They hang out, sometimes with Xavior. They talk about anime mostly, even if Neo isn't as big of a fan as Liam is.
Xavior | friend
Xavior was a mutual of Liam's which he met through Neo. They eventually got closer after finding out their shared in playing the guitar. They often hang out to jam out, sometimes with Neo, too.
Mason | manager
Mason is Liam's manager when it comes to his night job. He helps Liam pick out his outfits, coaches him in singing and even exclusively nitpicks ever single small thing about what Liam does incorrectly! Liam sort of thinks all of this is a bit of a drag, but his job does very well so he puts up with it.
Hydi | stylist
Hydi is a mythical bitch, but she’s damn good at making Liam shine, so he just tries to deal with her. Every time he tries to poke fun at her for shits and giggles, she’ll threaten to shank him with one of her high heels.
Azel | mutual friend
They're mutuals that met through Neo. Liam doesn't really have much of an opinion on Azel.
Niall | future savior
They meet in the future once Liam and Venus settle down and adopt their daughters. Niall is practically Liam's savior when it comes to taking care of the twins, considering he himself can't seem to handle how to take care of such accident-prone children, but he tries his best.