Neo Glaskova



5 years, 3 months ago



Neo Glaskova








5’9” ft







Neo is a mortician, basically a funeral director, within the underground Nunuke society beneath planet Xygoroth. Now that he’s finally done with his apprenticeship, he's a bit nervous with being a full-time mortician, but he's learning how to handle the business well so far.


Neo is an eccentric young man who loves to joke around (at least whenever he’s not at a funeral anyway). He loves getting an amusing reaction out of someone, though nowadays he does this more with friends and family rather than acquaintances or with people he’s just met. He tends to tone his playful energy down whenever he’s near strangers.

Because of the way that he dresses and his fondness for pinks and pastels as his fashion choice, Neo often gets underestimated, or at least people who don’t know him seem to think of him as this cute softie, when in reality he’s got pretty thick skin and nerves of steel. He can be very blunt and insensitive at times too (or at least whenever he's not at work, he's learned how to keep that side of him sealed away whenever he's at work), and can be super aggressive (verbally at least) when angered. He used to get physical and get into fights back in his teen days as well, but that's something that he doesn't really do anymore, mostly because he doesn't think a lot of things are worth raising your fists for anymore.

Pretty much nothing fazes Neo. He’s honestly used to hearing about horrible accidents and deaths anyway ever since he finished his associate’s degree and underwent training as a mortician’s apprentice. He's seen a lot of crazy shit back when he was still studying.


Like most Nunukes, Neo was born with a stinger tail that can be used for self defense.


Neo Glaskova was born in a middle-class family with two other older siblings. As the youngest in his family, Neo was often left with little responsibility and a lot of freedom. Nobody expected much out of him, and so he proceeded to just do and act however he wanted.

Since he had always gotten a lot of attention back home, he expected just as much spotlight in school as well. In a way, he felt self-entitled at that time. However, nobody would pay attention to him unless he either did something wrong or something weird. Because of that, Neo ended up becoming the class clown in his grade for years. He’d play around too much, annoy some of his peers with minor yet vexing pranks, and he was just an irritable guy overall in the eyes of most of his classmates.

Over time, once middle school had ended and high school was starting for Neo, his classmates began to avoid him in the halls. No longer did the spotlight shine on him, it was hard continuing to be the class clown when no one found you funny anymore.

Annoyed by the treatment change, Neo then started to act out and slowly gave less of a shit about the rules or doing good in school. He started growing lonely, started growing aggressive because of said loneliness, and then he ended up taking it out on others, even if they’d done no wrong. He was the type of person to bring everyone down to burn in hell with him, not the type to just silently self-destruct all by himself.

One day, while cutting class, he met this other Nunuke male teen by the name of Azel. Based off the scowl that Azel directed at him at the time, Neo could tell that Azel didn't like him and found him annoying, just like everyone else. For some reason, however, that only prompted Neo to begin bothering Azel even more. Neo figured that this was the closest that he was going to get to socializing anyhow, and so began their rocky relationship.

From that point on, Neo made it his mission to try to bother Azel and make his life as frustrating as possible. He'd pick fights with Azel, and sometimes they'd even get into some scuffles if the argument was heated enough.

Then, one day, Azel had snapped and demanded from him, “What the hell’s your damage, Neo? What did I ever do to make you such an infuriating asshole?”

And in that moment, there was just something about the way that Azel had said that that made Neo break and cry. Neo almost never cried, but at the time he did anyway, much to both his own shock as well as Azel's. Perhaps Neo was finally tired of being lonely.

After that, things had started to change between them, much to Neo’s surprise. Azel started treating Neo nicer for some reason, and maybe it was out of pity, but whatever it was, Neo didn’t care, so long as he wasn’t eating lunch by himself anymore. Eventually, their relationship developed into a more fond love-hate one and Neo started harboring romantic feelings for Azel. At first, Neo was just going to keep the existence of his feelings a secret and just take it to the grave (no pun intended, even though he currently works as a mortician to this day).

However, somehow, by some miracle, they ended up getting together anyway. Azel was the first to make the move, and Neo just can't believe that he'd want to date him after all they've been through. Now they're (miraculously enough) boyfriends who live together. Neo is slowly learning to accept that their relationship status isn't a dream and that this is reality.


Though Neo has a somewhat playful personality, he knows how to hold it back whenever he’s on the job. It’d be unprofessional of him if he were to be seen cracking jokes during a funeral.

Neo also lives with not just Azel, but Azel’s younger brother Aiden as well in their shared apartment. They get along fairly well.

Even though he had a difficult time finding friends in school and struggled with the lonliness that came with being isolated by his peers, he at least had his sisters to talk to on occasion at home. He never got to be with them often since they were older than him and all in different grades. Plus, his second oldest sister Charlotte can be an uptight ass at times. But even so, and though he may not admit it out loud because it's too sappy, he loves his sisters and had an easier time connecting with family more than anything.

Like his sisters, he actually does like reading too, but he mostly just reads for fun on arbitrary occasions and he likes to get invested in fiction, not any nonfictional works.

He does curse quite a bit in his speech. However, he keeps that part of himself sealed away whenever he's at work as well.

He's very desensitized to hearing about people dying since he works with dead people everyday anyway.


p2lsUv2.jpg Azel Vermeil

beloved boyfriend

3775756?1594890779 Aiden Vermeil

like a younger brother

165570-A1-9775-4-E15-8-AF6-91-ACE68649-C Anastasiya Glaskova

older sister

A8-F5-D476-17-C7-4-D8-D-BBEF-FD732120-C6 Charlotte Glaskova

second older sister

grzZVJ4.png Izaya Schmit

co-worker and friend

ADC97532-2315-4112-A00-E-572-CACC35864.p Vera Glaskova


If you're going through something, try to move past it. Life's too short to be worrying about that shit anyway.
